Sorry Liz, we need a modern day Clement Attlee to revive British Industry, increase investment in infrastructure and the NHS instead of a Trump figure who would slash government spending and cut taxes for the rich.
Don’t sleep on this - my fellow citizens watched 🍊’s show and read the rags that features him and laughed when he joked about politics. They still thought it was a joke when he ran. People like Roger S Paul M, and then masses of Christian Zs said “we can work with that”, and now here we are.
I think the more disturbing news here is this quote implies she's still getting speaking gigs. Who on earth thinks she's informative, interesting or relevant?
I'm sure she has someone in mind. She never gives up, does she? She's starting to remind me of the Black Knight in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
I can't engage much atm with those who had power, misused it and caused great damage to us all, lost just won't go away. It's clickbait froth which has the unique power to corrode our democracy. You're one of my favourite journalists...can you take a break from Tories for a bit? :)
The question is....who is funding her trips around the world? How do you find out now she is not an MP? And shouldn't we just forget about her now and not give her any publicity?
I’m fascinated as to whether Johnson has a go at that. Thing is I don’t think he’s actually that unhinged politically. But he might be narcissistic enough
A lying, narcissistic criminal who'll weaponise anger, resentment and ignorance to win an election so they can place themselves above the law and avoid justice? Why would any country need that?
Trump is half British anyway and the Americans can keep him, we don’t need anyone like that here. Donald Trump's mother: From a Scottish island to New York's elite
We already had one. Not her, much as she wishes it was.
I'd put money on him attempting a comeback, possibly deal making with Farage like he did on 2019.
Who is paying for all her trips? Who is actually paying to hear her speak? The worrying thing is that it’s happening, just because it’s the Truss we know and love, haha, this far right lunatic movement is gaining traction.
Not sure she ever had 'it'. Remember her pork and cheese rant of 2014!? Shows how low the threshold was and how full of incompetents the pool was that she managed to claw to the top
I had a very British trump in bed this morning, essence of Roast Beef with a hint of Timothy Taylor's Landlord. Probably smelt better than himself too.
Well we've got incoherent narcissists, bigots, imbeciles, liars, and sex offenders aplenty (some even tick multiple boxes) but I'm not sure we've got someone who ticks *all* of those boxes at once, and is simultaneously hell bent on destroying every democratic norm. Maybe that's what she meant? 🤔
Now where will we find a right wing , self serving , grifting , freeloading arsehole who has no qualms about pronouncing fake conspiracies no matter the damage to society, to further his own interests??
If the Labour government suddenly started doing everything that Trump is doing, would she support them 100% in every vote and even join the party? No, thought not.
So electing rapist, fraudster, criminal white supremacists is a global aspirational goal now? I truly hope other countries want more and better for their people.
Much as I didn't like Theresa may, she has been working on good things like domestic abuse laws and charities. Truss and Johnson have just been on grifts
Really, Lewis, is it worth your time and reputation reporting the mitherings of someone no longer an MP, who was a disaster as PM and who now veers towards bizarreishness on a scale not know from any former holder of the highest office?
I’m afraid i have no time for Liz Truss - she had her chance and loved to the nation she was absolutely under qualified for the role and her behaviours unsuitable for public office - for that reason i do not rate her opinions and am astounded anyone with any sense gives her airtime.
Intervention needed; it’s gone beyond being just funny. I guess all of these Truss speaking engagements are funded by those who see her as a useful idiot but surely there must be someone close to her who could step in.
We had one, he broke his own rules, lied to the Queen, lied to Parliament, lied to the British people. Liz Truss seems to have the memory, and charisma, of a fucking goldfish.
Is she on holiday there or something? She's no longer a public servant so has no say (or sway!) on anything in the public sphere so it's odd anyone asked for her opinion. She's now a grifter, attempting to shoehorn her way into right wing US politics, as her grift.
You can’t
Yes. We should absolutely, definitely do that. 👍🏼
But I see what Dizzy Lizzie is implying; she wants Farage to lead the Tories.
Though I’m not convinced they’re entirely sold on the idea.
I'd put money on him attempting a comeback, possibly deal making with Farage like he did on 2019.
expense of normal folks ??
I’m blowed if I can think of anyone…
After all she cost this nation 90 billion.
It didn’t work out so well for him, or in fact anybody for that matter… if I remember correctly 🤨
Frankly, I think perhaps we don’t need a British Trump after all.
How annoyed would she be.
Meanwhile , here’s a little cartoon for some fun
She was utterly rejected by her own constituency.
Her party have rejected her. They think she is utterly unfit for office.
What she has to say is of no relevance to anyone.
Much as I didn't like Theresa may, she has been working on good things like domestic abuse laws and charities. Truss and Johnson have just been on grifts
Why are you reporting this as news?
Why are you even interested?
Do you go into mental asylums and ask the patients their political opinions?
No of course not.
Yet you quote Truss.
She could say the moon is made of cheese and our journalists would report it for balance.
She isn't worthy of coverage. She's lucky she's not in prison.
She's never going to fuck off is she?
Or this turd.
Strong contender.
Mickey Mouse bounty hunter Gobby Jenrick.