And of course now that they've waited to mention this in a public way, the ship has sailed on people believing it instead of thinking its just dems saying what's been said about them. Thanks Biden!
(Love how the dems keep that powder dry. So dry for so long that it just never gets used.)
That man is dying. Of course it should be handled sensitively, but we can admit that having a dying old man in control of the oversight committee during a time where unprecedented resistance is required is a bad idea.
It can also affect your mental health and require a lot of time off work for treatment. The side effects from treatment can also affect cognitive functioning.
Correction: the press saw it but soft-pedaled it since they were invested in going after Biden's glitches and occasional Parkinsonism freezes, rather than presenting his impressive achievements. That was their narrative. No NYT white-space "must quit" OpEd headline for T. Why? They fear retaliation.
Look, I wish Pelosi would retire and I am angry they stabbed AOC in the back, but the old guard has control. Either way, why are you shooting the messenger when he is right on target? Connolly may be 74, but he’s cogent and sharp on the issues. So do you take issue with what he said?
I mean, I am not used to defending Trump a lot, but I am pretty this was about Trump vamping at his event where someone was having a medical crisis at that was being attended to. It was odd to attack him over the one human thing he has done in a long time.
Whenever your government doesn't represent most of the people in your country, it's going to be a miserable place for everyone except those with money. Even the elders in this country are being tortured to death in homes under their government.
Here is the makeup of congressional democrats by age. Each age group represents 25% of the adult population. After 2/6/25 (Brendan Boyles 48th birthday) democrats will have no one from the younger half of the population as ranking member of a committee. Representation matters…
We take issue with the fact that these people have actively fought against and continue to do all they can to prevent from the next Generations being able to get into politics. Not only economically, but in a "it's who you know, not what you know" kind of way.
You are a white noise nobody who emulates the form you think effective social media communication consists of. You might as well be a cricket trying to play a violin.
Many people work through cancer treatments & handle it just fine. It's not the same as dementia. If you want to have issues with age, that is a different issue altogether, but dementia & cancer aren't the same and have varying effects. Cancer itself can have so vastly different degrees and severity.
Many people aren’t 74 years old dealing with cancer treatments.
NO one is saying cancer is the same as dementia or even the point. That is a narrative braindead libs who cannot handle seeing any criticism of their favorite walking corpses have made up to hide from the fact that they (and
He's just been diagnosed. There's no evidence that the congressman has dementia or has issues doing the duties of his job. There's plenty of evidence that there's something wrong with Trump, just as there was with Biden. Calling people names doesn't change the facts.
the Dems they mindlessly worship) do not actually have any valid objections, in this case the matter of whether or not Trump can actually function in his role, given they repeatedly show evidence of the same issues
I’m not sure why people are missing this isn’t about dementia or cancer, it’s about a gerontocracy unwilling to step aside and hiding their health ailments to boot, which is depriving ALL of us (on both sides) of our next generation of leaders.
As the law of nature expresses, “who’s going to stop me?”. These people aren’t ever going to hand over their power and access to extreme wealth. Why would they?
I’m Gen X and I’ve given up on anyone of my generation ever being in the Oval Office. (I’d love to claim Obama but I’ve been told he’s a little too old.)
The unrelenting ageism is the least insightful thing about your reporting.
Yes, the old guard should definitely consider moving on, and should even more so encourage and promote younger pols instead of undercutting them. But don't be shooting those who at least say the right stuff.
Ageism is the discrimination against an individual strictly on the basis of their age. Since most age qualifications such as drinking age, voting age, sexual consent age are used as a shortcut for "a certain degree of maturity, experience", they're not strictly ageist, but have a whiff of it IMO.
Age restrictions should be based on our understanding of probability and neuroscience. If our rules cared about science, the limits would be younger on both ends of the spectrum. Bernie is an outlier for his age and there's no biological change between 30 and 35 to support the younger limit.
Consider, yes. It's likely a tough choice for somebody committed to the job. He only found out days before the election, when it was too late to do anything about it. Should he retire? Yes. Should he have run against AOC? No. But he's not senile.
I would these people clinging on to power are ageist. He basically said AOC couldn’t do the job because of her age. A lot of Congress said they were concerned by her short tenure. That’s ageism.
Also, people from the oldest 1/4 of the population are well represented. Young people are not at all.
It really is just boomers dunking on other boomers for being old… it’s all projection, they’re afraid of their own fragility so they attack it in others.
Not a power move at all, it shows their weakness.
Next election cycle watch as republicans out maneuver the Dems octogenarian leadership again
Hey, I appreciate that he's still in the fight, but man, some younger blood is needed to carry the water on this. But for what it's worth, good on ya Gerry. Keep swinging until ya drop
I’ve never been a huge fan of term limits, in Missouri it’s just led to more insane republicans in office. But maybe we need to seriously consider an age cap at like 65-70.
There are plenty of 70 year olds who are senile and plenty of 70 year olds who are still sharp as a tack, just a slightly slower tack. It's impossible to have a good rule here.
Billionaires are going to “weekend at Bernie’s“ carry his skeleton around as long as they can, making themselves richer because they are viciously addicted. 400 billion? That’s addiction.
This isn’t even believable coming from him. Just kinda cringey when someone almost a decade past retirement age, struggling with his own health issues, is trying to shame Trump… who is only four years older than this dude to begin with.
It’s pretty insane to keep clinging to power while extremely ill and past retirement age, doing anything they can to keep the young members down. That’s the firing squad man, we’re just pointing out the obvious
just like anything else. Multiple words get hyphanated when they're combined as an adjective but not as a predicate nominative. "Six-foot-tall man" vs "the man was six feet tall"
Sociopathy is not the only condition that should disqualify you. What we need is mandatory psych and physical examinations once a year for all members of congress, performed by independent clinicians.
I'm pissed that AOC lost but Connelly still has his facilities while Trump doesn't and is going to have his hand on the nuke surrounded by sycophants and religious zealots. And really stupid evil people.
Connelly is literally dying from cancer. That is not retaining your facilities. It doesn't matter how coherent one comes across, a legislator who is dying is basically in a completely different psychological reality than the people their work affects
Nah, I'm pretty sure he does have dementia. He's been incoherent since he ran for his first term and he's only gotten more incoherent since then. He's an asshole for sure, but he's obviously in severe mental decline as well.
They will “Weekend @ Bernies” Trump before they relinquish the presidency. Shit, with all the McDonald’s in that man’s body, they won’t even have embalm him.
Not a Connolly fan, but he has cancer, not dementia. These are two totally different ailments in case you didn’t know. Also, most 74 year olds don’t have dementia. You’re just an ageist and an ageist is a bigot. Go back to posting about insignificant things like a mentally ill person’s manifesto.
Are we really going to do this? Trump is a dangerous, sick individual, while Biden is a good man who has done a damn good job as president. However, talking about Trump having dementia is just plain hypocritical when we can all see what's going on with Joe. We're better than this.
Nope. Dems are sucky but that doesn't change the fact Trump and Reps are evil and a danger to the entire world. The "both sides are the same" will always be total bullshit even though everyone should be pissed at the Democrats right now for being so weak and hard headed.
I don't think the issue here is about Connelly somehow ruining the entire country. It's about having a proper opposition to the BS that's been happening, and is about to get so much worse.
The majority of the gerontocracy cannot properly advocate for future generations, even if they intend to. 1/2
I'm only in my mid 30s and spend a lot of time trying to understand and advocate for what future generations want and need, and I'm often behind the curve. Someone twice my age is woefully unequipped for understanding the internet itself, let alone the political will of new and upcoming voters.
Biden was in bad shape in 2019. It took serious effort from an entire team to hide how bad. Then 4 years of the press saying rumors of his decline were nonsense.
Never a peep about the Feinstein debacle.
So, to send THIS guy with THAT message, is insulting.
Trump is about to do a fascism and the best this guy can conjure is, "He's old!" Dude... you just spent the last 4 years covering up Biden's mental issues.
Biden is slowly down mentality. Trump is a crazy fucking idiot surrounded by incompetence, sycophants, and crazy people. They are not the same even though I'm pissed Joe even tried to rerun in the first place.
Dems are like a banana that while edible is mushy and seen better days. Trumpism is pure poison. But America needs to lose because America = Trumpism whether people want to believe it or not.
Half the country won't care. They are still busy fighting the culture wars. Evangelical Christians believe the end of times = the magic carpet ride with Jesus. They won't change no matter what just like whites won't who voted Rep in every prez election since 1968. Every. Single. One.
As much as I hate to admit it, it’s true. Trump is not an aberration or a fluke, he is a reflection of America, both of those that voted for him and those that didn’t consider it important enough to vote against him. We can’t fix this by tweaking around the edges, it all needs to be burned down.
I didn't mean to imply that they were the same. I just think it's a lame argument given the covering up of Biden's condition. Did you see the WSJ article which talked about Biden having issues back in 2020?
This country is cooked because people like him think they know what they are doing.
Again, Trump is literally about to do a fascism. We are fucked because of idiots like Connolly who think getting seniority by being reelected in a safe Democratic district is some sort of major accomplishment makes you the best person for the job. You are 74 with throat cancer! Retire to a beach!
Good example of why the Dems are losing. You said our guy has dementia, your guy is the one with dementia!! Meanwhile they continue to fight the “existential threat” to democracy with ineffective compromised people whose only stand out characteristic is seniority or place in line.
I didn’t appreciate how egotistical and smarmy he was when in an interview he laid out why it needed to be him and not AOC. He sounded like another oddball, clueless old white politician.
He's absolutely correct about trump.i
I hope his cancer was found early & he give 10 more yrs of service to his country.
He brings the wisdom we need more of, to the chaos of the naive
We get it, you can’t handle normal people realize the guy who routinely demonstrates he has little clue where he is/what’s going on is clearly exhibiting signs of mental decline
Biden spent 4 years laundering the reputation of his "friends in the GOP," that did long-term damage. He hasn't mentioned the 14 Amendment once and is patting himself on the back for handing over power to a fascist who the media has decided will have God-like powers once he takes office.
The same media expect trump to abuse his power and can't wait. Every mention of the Supreme Court granting immunity to official presidential acts has been framed around what trump will do.
But maybe the guy with cancer is the problem, what do I know.
People are really missing the point here. Yes, some cancer patients do not have mental impairment. Others do. Congress members have an ethical obligation to disclose any medical issues that could impair their performance...including foreseen absences for radiation or chemo. Transparency matters.
I think so, too. Asking every elected official to take independent medical evaluations sounds reasonable to me. Our assessment of competency should be based on independent, medical experts' opinions, not our emotions.
I wouldn't be surprised if Trump has dementia, but Biden was displaying clear signs of dementia all the way back in 2019, when he announced the start of his presidential campaign. We have far too many politicians in America who are clearly unfit for office due to age-related health issues.
Look at what Biden got done. Had he run and won, rather than the woefully dreadful candidate HRC in 2016, he'd have been able to have done so much more at four years younger.
No. She couldn't have negotiated across the aisle, she had significant, though largely undeserved, hatred in Congress, and was average as a senator. She's a hawk. Obama killed her with "She's likable enough." She's a wonk: you hire people like her. She doesn't have the touch to have been like Biden.
This was in fact the worst. The whole idea it was “her turn” and she didn’t actually have to worry about actually running a winning campaign was a massive mistake.
She simply used the totality of her political capital to buy DNC fealty and didn’t bother worrying about winning the general
(Love how the dems keep that powder dry. So dry for so long that it just never gets used.)
Ds threw that leftie gift out, to teach for Rs.
Repeated with Liz Cheney this round.
Let the party be R, if they prefer. But expecting left votes to follow, is folly.
His revoluushun is now complete
the 74 year old cancer patient needs to sit the fuck down and let someone else say that for chrissake
NO one is saying cancer is the same as dementia or even the point. That is a narrative braindead libs who cannot handle seeing any criticism of their favorite walking corpses have made up to hide from the fact that they (and
It’s not that you can’t be old and contribute. But there is a point where you need to stop being selfish and let others step up.
But Boomers can’t fathom not being selfish.
Yes, the old guard should definitely consider moving on, and should even more so encourage and promote younger pols instead of undercutting them. But don't be shooting those who at least say the right stuff.
they are seeniiiiile
Talk about defending the indefensible
Being against ageism is indefensible? :snrk: 🙄
Also, people from the oldest 1/4 of the population are well represented. Young people are not at all.
Not a power move at all, it shows their weakness.
Next election cycle watch as republicans out maneuver the Dems octogenarian leadership again
I think we can draw a line on the other end just fine.
None of its acceptable
Same as ordering a long list of adjectives before the noun, without it sounding odd. We all know how to do it, without actually knowing the rule
And if tRUMP is an authoritarian threat (he is), how is Oversight the place for someone with his medical demands?
It cannot be justified, rationally.
It's his turn.
They seated him because it was his turn.
Not to govern.
It’s not a flex at all, it’s just pathetic old man banter exposing his greatest fear is his imminent decline
The majority of the gerontocracy cannot properly advocate for future generations, even if they intend to. 1/2
Whether due to corruption or incompetence doesn't matter. It does not change their results.
Never a peep about the Feinstein debacle.
So, to send THIS guy with THAT message, is insulting.
That'll do it, Gerry.
This is NOT democracy.
Saying tfg was worse is accurate, but it is little solace, knowing we aren't ALLOWED better choices.
A subset of Americans have an iq under 85. Akin to 15%, if I recall.
Goebbels was right, a lie repeated often enough becomes truth.
Most Americans will be horrified at what's coming.
Too late to do a damn thing.
This country is cooked because people like him think they know what they are doing.
Perhaps he should have disclosed before the election. He’s very safe in his district. He has always been a model of integrity.
He's absolutely correct about trump.i
I hope his cancer was found early & he give 10 more yrs of service to his country.
He brings the wisdom we need more of, to the chaos of the naive
It is 2019, a future campaign strategist for Harris says that Trump will not survive to make it to the 2020 election.
The year is 2021, a twitter rando with 30k followers replies…
It’s been a long time since he has been well, but he’s a very dedicated entertainer.
But maybe the guy with cancer is the problem, what do I know.
There’s nothing wrong with asking that question. It’s a lot of work that requires a ton of time
We deserve to know certain things about them. Things like if he can even do the job ate important insights.
I don’t know exactly what the fix is but they hide hide hide like cockroaches and we take the hit
B/c it has everything to do with having the understanding of how govt works and knowing which levers can be pulled
That’s always the republicans problem, they don’t actually know how to accomplish things, only break stuff
She simply used the totality of her political capital to buy DNC fealty and didn’t bother worrying about winning the general
They actually field legislation that does stuff, not just takeaways
In any event they’re all better than any Republican. Let’s not circle firing squad