It's just a fact that if a Dem president nominated a guy with this background to be Sec Def it would be a major scandal and controversy. But because GOP immorality is completely normalized at this point I would be shocked if it makes any difference. (The article is from 2018.)
......and that's what makes him qualified to be SecOfDef...???
More like.....he's been licking Trumps butthole for the last 8 years is what made him qualified.
Whooooooo boy are we ever in for some shit with this one.
The answer is to stop the game entirely and establish new rules.
52% of the Popular Vote
365 in the Electoral College
House (+21)
Senate (+8)
And there’s no way he could get away with some of these nominations 🤷🏿♂️
Not leading the nation’s national defense after being a talk show host.
Bit of a difference there.
When does hypocrisy enter the dialogue?
They're moving with reckless abandon because they know they can.
They're going to have to start breaking shit before people who can step in, do.
At this rate, they'll start breaking shit quickly.
It could be a sensational clusterfuck.
Republicans in Congress will only let that go so far. They’ll get booted from office if all of their voters go broke.
I think when it comes to the economy he’ll be monitored.
Fox HR must be a busy place.
By doing that and electing THAT, the door has been opened
for ALL CRIMINALS to our elected offices.
I am not saying you aren't right. I am saying is not that easy
There were tanks rolling down main street in liberal cities.
Feds in unmarked vans snatching people.
How do we fix that?
That tracks.
Timothy Snyder has some wise advice, but we are where we are because, in my opinion, people have been lazy.
Such malfeasance barely even registers.
You get what you pay for.
If Trump could somehow clone Heinrich Himmler, I have no doubt he would be in Trump's cabinet.
So we are alone, no allies, committing human atrocities, and completely vulnerable. 😳