is the "mainstream media" ever going to look into :
1) who has access to the 'porn monitoring' software he has on his digital devices? massive national security issue to have the Speaker give functionally complete access to his phone and computer to ...???.
"the deep state" was originally a word in conspiracy theory. when did they start using the word as if such a thing really existed ? this is false claim that they are fighting against something evil. it's nothing more than improving government's efficiency which has been done for long.
Mike Johnson’s "dismantling the deep state" is code for gutting the agencies that protect us, while handing power to billionaires and cronies. It’s not efficiency, it’s a smash-and-grab on America, flooding the swamp with yachts and tax-free accounts. Stop the scam
Oh, come on now. . .
You can't see that he's an evil little man parading himself as a "reserved Christian"? He's nothing of that.
If we could just get a peek in that closet, I'd be willing to be that there's ALL KINDS of nasty skeletons. He was picked for that "B" flick facade, nothing else.
No one knew him, not even Chuck Schumer. That’s why he was chosen-obscurity and, he avoided all political battles. Switzerland in a way. Evangelical preacher, idealist. He knows how to play the game and apparently is known for impressions he does of coworkers, so he’s probably fun and silly. Idk
And hello. . .
Have you ever seen someone try so hard to look like he's got absolutely "nothing" going on? Just your normal "christian" married guy with a coupla kids.
Yeah, I'm not buying it. That boy's got secrets. And bad ones. He just tries to hard to look like he's not hiding anything.
People like Johnson have no problem in creating myths in order to justify their behavior.
I submit the Bible.
Johnson claims that his position in Government was God's will.
And that he felt like Moses.
So to stay on that theme, he's just carrying out orders from God's emissary . . TRUMP.
And yeah, why the hell do they talk in "code"?? We know what it all means. You're exactly right---it's disgusting. They're getting ready to swindle the shit out of us.
Here's a question: Where do all those "salaries" go when they fire everyone?
If anyone is the Deep State, it's this little worm. No bank accounts, owns an island in the Gulf and doesn't say how he gets his income. How deep is that?
This little fucker is so full of shit! Why did this POS run for office when he wants to dismantle the government of the country he was elected to serve ⁉️
Please STFU
In the name of journalism, can someone please ask him to describe, in detail, who and what the "deep state" is/are? In detail. With names. And an explanation of what nefarious plots they/it have executed?
Where is the main street press telling Americans the truth?? They have created Deep State as a fictional enemy….what they are dismantling is our DEMOCRACY!
By deep state he means Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, VA Health Insurance, Food stamps… basically slash anything that helps normal people so they can justify massive tax cuts for billionaires AGAIN!
This is the trouble with ignorance. We never know which side we're on. Does it put a different spin on it if we think of "deep state" as a euphamism for "rule of law"?
I am insisting that DOGE be pronounced as “dog-e” or “doggy”.
That is, after all, how each of the letters would be pronounced when the full name is enunciated.
More of the same from him and his cohorts, throw out shiny objects for everyone to look at all the while they continue their own personal agendas to completely enrich themselves.
People like him absolutely believe that what they are saying is 100% true. No doubt in their mind. Anticipatory Obedience to Trump is in full display here.
They most certainly can. The vagueness is deliberate. They are actually referring to "rule of law". It's anything and anyone who opposes Trump's will. It's got nothing to do with government efficiency.
Is he going to have the votes in the House to create the Department of DOGE since none exists? Is Elon working for free? Will the office be in the White House? What will the budget be for this new department? Johnson is a frat dude boasting about acing a test he hasn’t taken yet.
So frustrating that people aren't realizing what is going on. This is a purge of any officials who still puts the country above MAGA. We need to stop underestimating and laughing at the fascists.
So over this country & the idiocy that lives/works here especially in government. We all know what’s going to happen, everything is going to be somewhat normal for the next year or so & then bam, all of the orange & his minions policies will wreck havoc on the USA economy along with 100% corruption!
If this fucking bunch of idiots that watch this shit start saying those words, I’m fucking done! If I can’t leave the country I’ll fucking lock myself away for the fucking duration of this rediculous bullshit of a country we will be living in
Oh, they can. They just don't want to. Because dismantling the "rule of law" wouldn't poll as well. Have to dress it up as a bogeyman, which is how the fascists see it.
Yeah, they must be total fools right. Or.. maybe.. are we the fools because we don't understand what they're actually referring to?
We need to stop underestimating fascists. The whimsical baffoonery is an act. It's part of the con.
What they're dismantling is rule of law. They call it "deep state" when beaurocrats dare to oppose illegal orders. This type of purge can be effective and very dangerous. Lots of folks on here seemingly amused by the silliness of it all, but it's no joke.
We need to push back on “deep state” as a term. Not by fact-checking it but by using other descriptors for govt services and govt workers.. Repeat terms like public service, civil servants, servant leaders, middle-class jobs, etc. and then attack these folks for undermining hard working Americans.
MAGA MIke Johnson should be in jail.
Jefferies helping him get that gavel was a huge mistake.
Jefferies like Biden wanting to work accross the asile was and is absurd.
Genius, since the Deep State doesn’t actually exist they can just say they got rid of it and their fanbase has always said things are true if you can’t disprove them regardless of the inability to actually prove them.
"Dismantling the deep state" = dismantling every part of our goverment that works for the people so that its sole purpose is to funnel money to corporations and the ultra rich.
It's pathetic that Republicans have convinced the ignorant US populace that Dems are the deep state party, when anyone with 1/2 a brain can see through that BS, and knows it's been Republicans all along, starting with Nixon, and especially Reagan... 😡
I think it's beyond pathetic that once people point out the shitty dad Elon is he hijacks one of his kids as his mascot. Who would take seriously anyone who brought their kid into an important meeting?!
X-AE-12 is going to be sheltered due to his stupid name given to him by his embarassing father. This is a family that's been homeschooled by their entire lives and the fac we have a child that's been given A SERIAL NUMBER shows how little the musks care for humanity.
A woman is smarter than that. She doesn’t need a prop to validate her worth.
It’s embarrassing & incredibly unfortunate that we’re acting like this is normal behavior of a grown ass man. What reputable CEO does this? Who would take him seriously?
This is following the playbook mapped out by the Russian oligarchs during the Yeltsin era. Dismantle the state and pocket the assets. Johnson has no doubt been promised his cut.
Will they also be dismantling the Illuminati, Area 51, Bigfoot, the Men in Black, and those who faked the moon landing and forged Barack Obama's birth certificate?
Moses Mike's "deep state" is the 2024 version of "elitists, humanists, socialists, atheists, integrationists, feminists" that I heard repeatedly in 1960s white Baptist churches. Same BS; different year.
F**k the Christian Nationalists.
Little petite weasel nerd mikey johnson. 🥸🤓. The little boy playing dress up. He’s a fraud, a liar, criminal & scared little coward. He’s trumps whipping boy & loyal servant. He follows him around everywhere. His boss owns him. Whatever trump tells him to do he obeys. History will not be kind to him
Elon Musk is the deep state. Threatening republican members of congress to what they are told “or else”. So our new terms are:
SINO = senate in name only.
CINO = congress in name only.
I don’t know what JD Vance is…
They're going to be dismantling any regulations and agencies that could possibly stand in the way of the billionaires. That's the entire plan, and everyone in the GOP and Fox "News" is in on it.
These dishonest PR set pieces are intended purely to distract the rubes and keep the MSM occupied.
And anyway, wtf is the “deep state” other than that some generic BS term used to con the layman snowflake Republican into thinking the state is out to get him and take all his money.
1) who has access to the 'porn monitoring' software he has on his digital devices? massive national security issue to have the Speaker give functionally complete access to his phone and computer to ...???.
2) why doesn't he have a bank account?
Where is the safeguards that allow the Governments inner working to be kept secret so no outside forces can gain access to how our government is run ?
You can't see that he's an evil little man parading himself as a "reserved Christian"? He's nothing of that.
If we could just get a peek in that closet, I'd be willing to be that there's ALL KINDS of nasty skeletons. He was picked for that "B" flick facade, nothing else.
Okay, maybe. But his entire character is so despicable and shady. I guess he could make "them" laugh, but I wouldn't find anything amusing about him.
I'd be too tempted to ask the whereabouts of his "adopted son", in front of everyone.
Have you ever seen someone try so hard to look like he's got absolutely "nothing" going on? Just your normal "christian" married guy with a coupla kids.
Yeah, I'm not buying it. That boy's got secrets. And bad ones. He just tries to hard to look like he's not hiding anything.
I submit the Bible.
Johnson claims that his position in Government was God's will.
And that he felt like Moses.
So to stay on that theme, he's just carrying out orders from God's emissary . . TRUMP.
And yeah, why the hell do they talk in "code"?? We know what it all means. You're exactly right---it's disgusting. They're getting ready to swindle the shit out of us.
Here's a question: Where do all those "salaries" go when they fire everyone?
Please STFU
“What is the deep state?”
P.S Cute cat. 😍
How “deep” is the deep state? Can we swim in it? Will it get our shoes wet?
That is, after all, how each of the letters would be pronounced when the full name is enunciated.
Don't give an inch!
Dismantling nonexistent places may seem stupid at first, but if it keeps them too busy to get into other trouble, I say have at it!
|They will not give you a strait answer because thy do not know. It's made up like the tooth fairy.
When you're a little dick.
Thats it.
Thats simply it.
That’s it.
We need to stop underestimating fascists. The whimsical baffoonery is an act. It's part of the con.
What, exactly, IS THAT, EH.
Jefferies helping him get that gavel was a huge mistake.
Jefferies like Biden wanting to work accross the asile was and is absurd.
They mean the USA.
They’re trying to dismantle the USA in order to rebuild it in their image.
That’s it, in simplicity. Thats what they mean.
- M Johnson
Doesn't make sense.
But what if we think of it as a way of orchestrating a purge to consolidate power?
2) I don’t understand what happens the day after they do it when all the things the state does don’t get done.
Feckless sycophants.
Such stupid asshats.
This is an alternate reality. It really is
It’s embarrassing & incredibly unfortunate that we’re acting like this is normal behavior of a grown ass man. What reputable CEO does this? Who would take him seriously?
No one would. It’s sad
The phrase refers to "rule of law".
God help us all.
They are talking about rule of law.
Enter Mike Johnson. Mike freakin’ Johnson. He sounds so “benign,” and plain. What a horrible evil puppet of a “man.”*gqyeo1*amp_id*dktxY3ZpSEZ0SzFYczBqTFNLTFdMMnh2QVE1eVJCNjNVU3M1YTgyVVJKazlUcFA2UzlrbWZROGFlMDVQZ3JKbw..
F**k the Christian Nationalists.
SINO = senate in name only.
CINO = congress in name only.
I don’t know what JD Vance is…
These dishonest PR set pieces are intended purely to distract the rubes and keep the MSM occupied.