Absolute shit show. He won't drink on the job but will drink from 5:01pm to 9:00am is that what he means? So he can never been relied upon. He ain't who you are calling after 5pm🙄
I'm pretty sure Putin picked him not Trump. He needs someone to invade our allies leaving the U.S. vulnerable to attacks. Watch. The United States will eventually fall. Eventually Russia will take over the United States at the end of the year. That should scare the fuck out of any American.
If that vets org guy writes a letter saying hegs ran such a tight financial ship, why’d they have to bring in forensic accountants to straighten it out after he left?
I would have loved to tell my boss that I was proud of my work as a manager blowing millions of dollars because I was young and didn't know what I was doing. Before getting fired my boss would have said you shouldn't have taken the position if you weren't ready for it.
Republicans should be ashamed with this man having a confirmation hearing. Their low has no bottom and this is only going to get worse the next 4 years. For all those that voted for and sat out as well as those senators that are even considering voting for him
Sure, our nation should trust him with nearly $1,000,000,000 and over 3 million military personnel, and the safety and security of our nation. Bet any country's operatives could blackmail him within the first 2 days
Hegseth repeatedly claimed he wants the U.S. military to be a “meritocracy”. Based on that assertion, exactly WHAT qualities does Hegseth have that would place him at the top of ANY meritocracy over other combat vets? The alcoholism? The lack of integrity? The jr. officer smirk? Where’s the merit?
But ... but ... he says he prays every morning, and asks for God's will - doesn't that absolve him of this, and all of his drunkenness, and his physical abuse of women, and ...
He was well trained on what to say. Democrats will vote him in. They will take his word that he is a changed man. Although he made these comments in Nov.
"We are not serious people our allies should trust with ANY level of intelligence sharing." Agreed! None of our allies should share a page of intel with us for the next 4 fucking years. We don't deserve it!
Ah, yes. The person who ran the failed charity that was mismanaged by Hegseth and probably got some kickbacks is a great character witness for Hegseth.
The FBI has no independent authority to fully investigate political nominees the same way it does for its own employees seeking a TS clearance. The issue lies with the investigative parameters given to them by the transition team/WH. They can’t go beyond what they asked to do! Stop blaming the FBI!
Did you notice those tiny sips of water from what looked like a high ball glass? Looked like he savoured every sip. He never finished the half glass of water that he started with 😳
I used to think the GQP Senators and Reps were selling their souls for Trump to cling on to power. I was wrong, their are full throated enthusiasts for an authoritarian regime.
Why do these jelly-spined folks accept non-answers? Absolute pussies when it comes down to it. They'll cry because he didn't meet with them, but only in a hearing? Why can't Dem's be honest and loud?
How is he being considered for anything? There are many smart women and men in America. This is the best option? I think we have to get serious here. America is not a banana republic.
Hegseth: "Yes, women will have access to ground combat roles -- *given* the standards remain high. And we'll have a review to ensure the standards have not been eroded in any one of those cases. That'll be part of one of the first things we do at the Pentagon."
Does that also apply to the "fitness" of male members of the military? Like, they'll have to undergo periodic fitness evaluations and get thrown out if they don't measure up?
Be very wary because I wouldn't put it past him to use women in uniform as meat shields and sacrifice pawns to move the rest of a deployment where they need to go.
So the first thing he's going to do is waste money on a study to determine whether he can remove or change the careers of women in the military. Good times.
So he claims, the cheating, drunken, SAer, that he's gonna investigate if the standards have been lowered bc ladies are serving in the military???? This dude is going to get people k*lled.
Republican Joni Ernst making it clear she's no friend of women, making it clear she's OK with Hegseth assaulting/raping women, making it clear she's OK with unqualified alcoholic Hegseth putting our nation - her own family - in peril.
#Iowa's Ernst is a pathetic coward.
Prolly just me, but "combating sexual assault" means putting assaults under the jail & teaching military how to respect women. It doesn't mean removing women from the military. Can you say "victim-blaming"?
I have no respect for Ernst. She’s a disgrace. But why would we expect different. If she can stand behind a guy who incited an insurrection, is a sexual predator & committed fraud then she can pretend that her own assault was no biggie & stand behind a guy w/credible allegations of sexual assault.
If you are a real US Veteran & US Military serving now and watch That Liar Racist Stolen Valor Alcoholic Punk Bitch of Pete Hegseth, you can see with your eyes that he does not qualify to be close to the US Military or to be a Soldiers, he is a liar, embarrass & no good as Human or Military person!
For someone who has often referred to the trauma of her rape during her campaigns, Jodi Ernst was finally able to put it behind her for a mere $500,000 bribe.
Donald Trump's Defense Secretary nominee Pete Hegseth horrifies Congress by refusing to say whether or not he would order American troops to shoot protestors if Trump told him to
The guy that likes three cocktails with breakfast says he was "falsely aclee-accused" of rape, despite paying the accuser off and silencing her with an NDA. He's choking on his lies.
So...we're going to have a rapist Commander in Chief and a rapist Secretary of Defense? It almost seems like Trump wants people he can blackmail working for him. And why is this guy slurring?
Wow -- Hegseth steamrolls Hirono as she tries to ask him about accusations of being drunk on the job. He then dodges a question about if he'll commit to resign as sec def if he drinks on the job
It is a legitimate concern to know if he will drink excessively even when not on duty. One never knows when an emergency will occur. I don’t want a drunk person in charge.
At this stage the Dems have proven themselves to be functionally useless in tackling Trump's piss-boy.
I hope things change later on.
But I don't hold much hope for the rest of the evening.
I think Trump would condone injuring and killing Americans on US soil because if people protested he would invoke the insurrection act and Republicans would go along.
I differ- I appreciated how she didnt get caught up in his monologues or really had one herself and just went from one question to another, cutting him often.
This not how a sober alcoholic would address this. Not even close! These are the words and behaviors of an active addict or a dry drunk. Neither of whom should be in a position of power.
Women's roles in combat will mainly be fighting off unwanted sexual contact after the drastic changes regarding harassment in SHARP and other military programs.
Misogynist; drunkard; rapist; white supremacist; Christian Nationalist; liar; adulterer; and
Grammatically illiterate.
I would worry about ideology for years. Never did I think basic competence would be the larger concern.
Mediocre to incompetent ideologues. Double whammy.
Hegseth is DEI for the bro culture.
HEGSETH: I'm not charge of FBI background checks
BLUMENTHAL: But you would submit to it and support it?
HEGSETH: I'm not charge of FBI background checks *takes a big gulp of water*
HELL NO… Cause I would
NEVER pass…🤣😂🤣💙🇺🇸💯
And there was not a drop to be had!!
Squirm you POS!!
make him answer the damn question
Such as “Pees standing up” and “Regularly wakes up with an erection”
The threat of being primaried rules these people.
#Iowa's Ernst is a pathetic coward.
HIRONO: I don't think 'completely cleared' is accurate
WOW, that's interesting
They should all have her chutzpah.
I hope things change later on.
But I don't hold much hope for the rest of the evening.
Serving drinks?
HEGSETH: *dodges question*
HIRONO: That sounds to me that you would comply with such an order. You still shoot protesters in the legs
HEGSETH: *silent*
This is all kabuki.
He wouldn't be on the Hill today if he didn't have the votes.
I'll be shocked if he doesn't get confirmed.
There aren't 4 Republicans who will oppose.
Our enemies are celebrating.
He is aggressive, indifferent and is so sure as if he had the post in his pocket.