I'm going to lie and minimize serious oversight issues and you are going to shut the fuck up and just believe me. Robert Eggers, Nosteraftu is answering government policy questions. #comegetyourmonster
This is an absurdist skit. He does perfectly illustrate tho how the Nazi mind works - if it doesn’t directly effect me, it doesn’t matter and if it does effect me, throw a tantrum and threaten violence and i’ll get what I want. These MAGAts can’t be part of a functioning society
Gaslighting with “you don’t think it’s a crisis” when she clearly said “it’s not my personal crisis.”
And the fucker knows exactly what he’s doing.
Jesus, I can’t wait until all these assholes get Rosenberged for selling out our nation and making us ALL less safe and secure.
And the Americans are believing and believing and believing. They voted for the lies, cause no one cared for being angry to them for believing the lies, 8 years you let them believe the lies and no one did anything. Americans are all in for this.
You watch your FILTHY mouth, MUSK AND TRUMP FUCKING CHEATED! Most Americans HATE the Nazi and his little toadies. We take offense to being lumped in with the stupidest people to ever walk the earth! MAGA is a smooth brained cult.
Ah so classic American, unbelievable, you really have a problem accepting reality or even considering it. Hilarious. You are not even remotely ready to fix your situation. Yes, you are not responsible for what happens in your country ;) HAHAHAHAHA ;) Pathetic cowards.
I love the poorly educated!” Trump at a victory speech after the 2016 Nevada caucuses.
And why wouldn’t he? The poorly educated are a dream demographic for a politician who thrives on emotional appeal, misinformation, and the kind of unwavering loyalty that can only come from not knowing better...
So he missed the part when she said its a concern "for example military..." at which point he cut her off. Typical Steve. The same dope from Santa Monica that would sound stupid and had no other way but to make crap up to keep from sounding stupid.
the yahoos will believe him. They will latch onto anything as gospel truth as long as at that moment it supports their Orange God and their fragile egos.
I'll bet Russia's stockpile is in just as good shape as the material they sent into Ukraine in the early days. The equipment had not been maintained and lots of it had been looted for parts.
He doesn't want to let her get her question out, he just wants to insult her.
The guy has nothing to add to the national conversation. Just cut him off and spend the rest of the "interview" explaining how Trump is going to get us all killed with his incompetence.
It’s such an amazing lack of empathy when you step back and remember what they’re talking about.
Peoples lives.
You know how much it sucks to get laid off? The anxiety that comes with job instability. ESPECIALLY for people who took civil service because of the promise of stability.
He’s got “special” vibes. Marooned in middle school, emotionally speaking? The way he tried to argue “if it’s not a crisis for you … etc”. Dems need to give him a wedgie and shove him into a locker.
O.M.G. I seriously had a similar conversation with a family member who did this same kind of "don't you want to be healthy? Don't you want to stop the corruption? Don't you want to lower the debt?"
It's meant to be infuriating and she did a better job than I did.
CNN just keeps on being the definition of insanity! When you get tired of wash, rinse, repeat, maybe you’ll be taken seriously again as a news worthy company! Until then, no thanks!
Whenever they're pushed, these kind of people always run out of road & make out the interviewer is the problem: because they have nothing else (& can never accept that they make mistakes).
Wow, that lack of empathy. It’s not a crisis for Miller nor the reporter. Therefore it’s not a problem AT ALL. How Miller say “hang on!” like he had arrived at some amazing “gotcha”
The "it doesn't concern me or you, why does it matter?" line of thinking plainly said out loud. I remember when fools like him used to at least try to pretend that wasn't their ideology
These *holes' can't answer a f'n question without trying to talk above the interviewer. They know that if they wait to give an answer, it would come across as BS - at least to those of us who have any reasoning skills.
Trump is pretty stupid to keep allowing this creature to speak for Trump’s regime! Stephen Miller is loathed by pretty much everybody! He thinks he is so much more important than he actually is!
It's a fucking crisis for ALL Americans & the world. These are nuclear weapons, federal employees & radiation clean up people, etc.. IT'S A GOD DAMN CRISIS.
IMO his wife working w doge explains how they’ve gotten away w so much so far. Legally we’ll see how it all unravels. Trump will throw anyone under the bus so let’s see how he treats the millers. No regerts Stephen??
He is such a flaming shitbag. They aren't strategically firing anyone. Fucking liar. There is no order to any of this. In some cases they are just using key words like "transition" and if that word applies to your position, for ANY reason, you're gone.🤮🤬
As long as she or Tapper or any other anchor who will push back is doing the interview, they should book him every week. Keep him in front of the camera.
@atrupar.com please find and post the clip of Stephen miller flipping out on a journalist asking about Venezuelan crime numbers. It was unhinged and quintessential Stephen miller.
Miller is evil,it is a crisis. Firing the experts watching over the nuclear stock pile. There is no rhyme or reason to the cuts. They are just chopping jobs to save money. Without respect to what employees actually do.
Gotta save money for billionaire tax cuts and Musks billions in fed contracts
This is what happens when you let unrepentant nationalists get close to power - they become intolerable assholes.
I guess if a 🍄 cloud pops up one day he'll blame the shit on DEI.
I think steven miller should no longer appear on news shows. His comments should be read by either a cartoon voice or by the anchor [AFTER] the anchor inhales helium.🎈🎈🎈🎈
Don't lies become truth when you say them louder and more forcefully? That's what my 13-year old son thought, too. 30 years ago. Took him another 10 years and 10 jobs to find out it doesn't really work like that.
Unfortunately, the person interviewing him was about as powerful as milk toast encountering his points. You could barely hear her. It was like she was just mumbling or whispering. We need somebody who can orate to counter these Nazis! The time for being nice and soft spoken as long since gone!
RepuliCONS CAN'T handle it when confronted with the TRUTH and their BS LIES are exposed! 😁They only like to to talk to DUMB people who believe whatever they say!
Part 6 in the works. Get informed, folks, before it’s too late. Can’t form a counter message and agenda unless we understand theirs, and it’s all out in the open.
Why does CNN keep inviting this clown on and let him just scream his propaganda and hate over the host? Why do people keep turning on CNN to watch this crap?
Careful. That's a threat that can get you a reservation at one of the many empty jail cells from the January 6th patriots. Seriously, this Red Dawn will be digital.
There is not even talk of re-installing anything. This is NOT A DRILL. We will have to #FightInTheStreets
Everyone will have to #ManUp no luck required, just #Sacrifice #Revolution
I'm sorry but Kielar sucks. She has no idea how to handle Miller and she just gets rolled every time he's on. Stop bringing him on the show to embarrass you.
ALL Toxic People LIE- Miller Lies, Musk Lies, and Trump is the world champion of LIES- there is ZERO point questioning them because they will LIE & Gaslight, Project Blame , Distract, Deny- and just plain LIE🖤
Stephen Miller is a terrible human being! He is not qualified to govern the people of the United States. He is evil and cruel. He needs to be removed from government service immediately.
I wish they would stop interviewing these dickheads ‘Live’. Tape them, then when they start spewing, mute them. The press has to start being responsible.
We can clown him all we want the plans he and the rest of them have in store isn’t a laugh. I hope we are organizing as much as we are commenting. We all need an outlet but we can’t forget the seriousness. They are full blown nazis at this point. It’s not up for debate.
(ps. I consider the word "slave" as inheritly bad for any human condition, so treating them well does not offer any bonus points. It is merely an egoistic gesture.)
(Unfortunately, I can't pick up what they're saying today.)
I would love to hear what Brianna Keillor says to him. (sp?) Pretty sure she doesn't like him. I'd do pay per view if she could punch him in the neck.
If you hover over the bottom of the video a little box with CC in white appears and clicking on that brought up subtitles. I didn't check to see how accurate they were though.
Brianna Keilar did what every journalist should be doing—these people keep parroting the same tired talking points about stopping corruption and saving billions, but where’s the proof? If Miller and his crowd had anything real to show, they’d be waving it in our faces. Enough!
That’s the truth! I asked my Senator why they weren’t hauling these people in and asking for specifics regarding fraud, waste & abuse. In addition, I told him I assume you are in agreement with what is going on since I haven’t heard you uttering one word in protest. FYI he is a Democrat.
They would turn off the TV! #1 you have to have undeniable proof 2nd Harris didn't want to go through with the recounts for mths. & mths 3 how can these people get their voter's ID back & prove that it was removed with malous! 4 how can we prove that are own personal election was counted 5 have
Voting machines been confiscated? I don't think you thought this over the people who's voting area was questioned and they were told if we can prove you don't live in the district you'll be facing jail time a lot of them are elderly black and scared! They'll probably never vote again
that’s what they wanna do. They want to scare people from voting so that they can stay in power we have to stay strong these next four years and fight this crap that they’re doing to our country. We have to stand up to him. We don’t have a choice or they’ll destroy our country
yeah, well I think these Republican men all need to go back in diapers and suck their pacifiers because that’s what they act like no back bone no spine just go along with the rest of the sheep cause that’s what they are sheep.
Actually, BEFORE "down sizing staff" - workers are interviewed on their job skills vs duties. Determinations should have been made if duplicate cross over was identified, and evaluate job NECESSITY! That's how people who know what they are doing would do. But that is not the goal.
Why are they having these bastards on? Enough with giving the same air time to both sides. There is fascism or Democracy. Which side are you on CNN and all MSM? You don’t need them on your show to call them out!
Sorry, ladies, but this one’s a cunt.
Pansy white boy whining about not being understood until the worst people in the world hooked him up to maga fakery and lies, and the gloriously racist and malevolent P25, his wet dream come true.
He’s a disgusting little weevil coward with no detectable morals.
Had the gall to go on about accountability?
Like mini-me Trump/Musk firing all the IG's that oversee his activities.
This admin is so full of hypocrite's it's sickening 🤮
Its a bullies goto. If you can't win an argument with points, win it by being loud and aggressive. It's ok if you throw in some personal attacks. MAGA are the shit stains of the world. For reference see: Twitter.
For her and CNN? Who the huck is gonna take care of the nuclear arsenal? Are you really that stupid? Who are you going to get to replace these people? nobody wants to work for you because they don’t know how long they’ll last! You really are a POS.
Little weasel, must of known that this News person was smarter and more masculine than he was!
Go girl! 💙💙💙💙He will never be one of the nut jobs in Washington!Pendejo! 😂😂😂😂😂
When they come out with the probes, I won't even mind. I have, after all, been furiously demanding my leadership to do some probes themselves. It is also much more affordable than any procedure I've had done in my entire life. That's just affordable healthcare if you think about it.
They must continuously lie bc they know their actions are illegal at best and usually also unconstitutional. The bigger problem is that almost 40% of the country believes them.
One of the great fallacies according to Aristotle, is to attack the speaker, instead of his(her) argument. This tactic is obvious, but many idiots on the right will fall for it every time.
"Who needs to re-hired." Anyone who runs a business knows there is a cost associated with losing an employee and a cost associated with hiring a new employee. No business would ever fire employees then need to re-hire them without heads rolling.
And after the Twitter debacle, you would think Nazi Musk would have learned... however, he is incapable of a coherent thought that doesn't involve putting others down and enriching himself.
Costs of Recruiting, onboarding and training compared to retaining current associates, also experienced?
High school students can throw term papers to validate that theory — before Miller regains his inside voice.
Anyone in business who has ever had any management authority would know that (1) first you assess what you must do to achieve your operational objectives, (2) you assess personnel compliment you need and existing personnel that best fit those skill requirements, (3) then terminations.
Ah-ha! This is the Trump secret recipe for driving even casinos into the ground! So MAGA wants to run the government more like a (Trump) business? Don't worry, be happy! Elon's in charge. He's not from the government, he's not here to help you. There's madness to the methods.
"They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past."
I keep trying to imagine what kind of woman would marry one of these nauseating creatures… but then all I can think of is Melania. I guess there are plenty more—bunch o’whyte nazis. Makes me embarrassed to be a woman.
“ I understand that even a temporary cut in employment is a great catastrophe and a crisis for you and CNN” The topic is not her employment or CNN’s.
Is he threatening her?
In the next clip she says it’s not her crisis and he uses that to sow confusion. He thinks he has impunity. Is he right?
Thanks !!! I cut out alcohol, fast food and soda when I was about 45. And, heh, a little hair dye goes a long way. I also walk 2 miles almost every day. And, I just led a happy life. Keeping a good frame of mind helps loads.
Thanks ! I am a big fan of classic era horror. 40s/50s crime noir movies and classic era hollywood in general.
I have all kinds of cool shirts like that. I have a great one with the Bride of Frankenstein poster on it.
Miller is just Goebbels for the trump admin. He is all propaganda and vitriol. A man so full of hate for others that he will lie repeatedly in an attempt to inflict any kind of injury upon his “enemy”. He will deny he is lying and proclaim whatever comes from him is the truth. 1984 IRL
He's aware of Newton's 3rd Law and that they stumbled out of the gate and have moved a lot slower than they planned.
They envisioned their "shock and awe" bullshit in terms of days or a couple of weeks.
He is defensive because he is fearful.
This is a prime example of someone who is insecure and desperate to believe their own lies. High five to the secure and confident Brianna Keilar. This is the juxtaposition we need to showcase.
Scary frothing at the mouth zealot energy. They should keep him front of the white house doing interviews. It's a public service announcement about MAGA.
Ever time this guy shirks, twists his neck in attempting to answer
It’s like a vaudeville Act of mass deception
Steven looks disheveled for some reason,
Washed out
You have absolutely no faith, religion or entitlement to falsely advocate for Christianity at all. Your god is nonexistent and your faith is unfaithful. You are supporting a rapist, fascist dictator and you can STFU. I’m going to eradicate your GOD! Watch me!
Some are tolerable. This unholy NEW APOSTOLIC REFORMATION nonsense is not Christian. It’s a cult of evil. They are intolerant and they need therapy. Nobody needs to listen to their LIES anymore.
Has anyone heard about who Miller and his band of crooks is going to hire to fill these positions? Loyalists I’m sure. But I’d like to see the job application 💥
He's the type of guy that if inquisitions were to start again he would join the priesthood. Wouldn't want to be left out of the torturing and hypocrisy involved
Our nuclear weapon weapons have a shelf life of maybe 100,000 years with "upkeep".
And the fucker knows exactly what he’s doing.
Jesus, I can’t wait until all these assholes get Rosenberged for selling out our nation and making us ALL less safe and secure.
Why even give him a platform? He never has anything remotely relevant to say, let alone any information to share.
I guess the only point is to show how evil and annoying he is.
I can't even with this stupidity.
And why wouldn’t he? The poorly educated are a dream demographic for a politician who thrives on emotional appeal, misinformation, and the kind of unwavering loyalty that can only come from not knowing better...
The whole reason this is a crisis is that we had people doing that work *constantly* until Elon's Dogboys fired them all last week.
God he's bad at this.
Next headline:
USA is hit with nukes that the trump regime supplied to Russia as part of the deal to sell out Ukraine.
3 years later, Russia’s army still can’t win the fight.
Now, we hear that Russia is afraid of the USA and will only listen to the Felon.
Who is lying?
He doesn't want to let her get her question out, he just wants to insult her.
The guy has nothing to add to the national conversation. Just cut him off and spend the rest of the "interview" explaining how Trump is going to get us all killed with his incompetence.
Peoples lives.
You know how much it sucks to get laid off? The anxiety that comes with job instability. ESPECIALLY for people who took civil service because of the promise of stability.
People being laid off. Real people. Flesh and blood folks. People with families.
Being laid off.
That’s what they’re laughing at.
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll" ~Stephen Miller owning the libs
It's meant to be infuriating and she did a better job than I did.
Full on Nazi !
Normal people are wondering why he can't let it go when he's so obviously wrong.
Answer : he's boiling inside and can't self-regulate.
Miller needs to be gone.
A sniper's dream, they called him
(Around 2 minute mark)
The Trump administration needs to be ostracized, not put on a pedestal. Highlight the things they're doing and what they're saying, without promotion.
Where have I heard this before?
M O R O N!!!
I admire her patience....
LMFAO 🤣 These cunts really no idea what logic is?!?! He the quite logical fallacy out loud
A crisis can still exists even if 2 people are not experiencing the crisis?
He thinks he’s so brilliant and that he just outsmarted her.
Stop giving them a platform to spread their bullshit.
Every nuke is accounted for continuously... or at least it was.
Gotta save money for billionaire tax cuts and Musks billions in fed contracts
Goebbels II
I guess if a 🍄 cloud pops up one day he'll blame the shit on DEI.
Everyone will have to #ManUp no luck required, just #Sacrifice #Revolution
Looks like a dick and always acts worse. CNN’s Jake Tapper did not put up with the bullshit.
It's literally the baby with the bathwater situation.
I hope our defence & trade relationships can stand another 4.
If not, we're walking straight into Eurasia, Oceania and Eastasia from Orwell's 1984.
Oh, and The Handmaid's Tale was NOT an instruction manual, Stephen & Co.!
I'm not sure which one will get the upper hand: Well-treated (sex-)slaves or just a starving population...
Presumably they will go hand in hand, with -for now- all LGBTQI+ refugees fleeing to Canada, which has to arm its borders against an invasion...
I would love to hear what Brianna Keillor says to him. (sp?) Pretty sure she doesn't like him. I'd do pay per view if she could punch him in the neck.
That was always bullshit.
Wrong. They are spent in the economy(eg soldier's pay at Walmart), which creates jobs at...wait for it... Walmart
Isn't economics taught in high school anymore.
Asking them to change is pointless.
They know exactly what they are doing.
They are whores.
Pansy white boy whining about not being understood until the worst people in the world hooked him up to maga fakery and lies, and the gloriously racist and malevolent P25, his wet dream come true.
He’s a disgusting little weevil coward with no detectable morals.
Android phones are bitch.
Loud and I share. I’m not being quiet.
Like mini-me Trump/Musk firing all the IG's that oversee his activities.
This admin is so full of hypocrite's it's sickening 🤮
He is a cockroach and that’s not fair to cockroaches.
Go girl! 💙💙💙💙He will never be one of the nut jobs in Washington!Pendejo! 😂😂😂😂😂
"Oh really? You have a whole lot of experience downsizing governments, Captain Sprayhair?"
Who sacrificed their virgin daughter so the Milferatu could pontificate on TV?
High school students can throw term papers to validate that theory — before Miller regains his inside voice.
And there you have it, live on TV
Is he threatening her?
In the next clip she says it’s not her crisis and he uses that to sow confusion. He thinks he has impunity. Is he right?
👿 He’s so creepy
I have all kinds of cool shirts like that. I have a great one with the Bride of Frankenstein poster on it.
They envisioned their "shock and awe" bullshit in terms of days or a couple of weeks.
He is defensive because he is fearful.
Also Steven Miller: MOMMY!! I'm skeered!! Those people are gonna get me!!
It’s like a vaudeville Act of mass deception
Steven looks disheveled for some reason,
Washed out
Child with Toy Hand Grenade in Central Park, Diane Arbus, 1962
You have absolutely no faith, religion or entitlement to falsely advocate for Christianity at all. Your god is nonexistent and your faith is unfaithful. You are supporting a rapist, fascist dictator and you can STFU. I’m going to eradicate your GOD! Watch me!