Crockett: "Down in Alabama, who's broke. Down in Louisiana, who's broke. I can go through pretty much the entire south and tell you that they're broke and rely on a lot of welfare from the government. To be perfectly honest, it is tax dollars from these big blue states...we're in the find out phase"
Sure she is
Without the infrastructure of society paid for by taxes. Billionaires could not pile up obscene wealth.
Tesla paid no taxes last year. Tesla got a 465 million govt loan in 2010.
Musks wealth is built on our backs
Red States? They take.
Blue states educate.
Red states? They indoctrinate.
Blue states support choice.
Red states? Forced birth.
Sick of the red state welfare queens. Yeah, all y’all (even you, Texas).
Fuck off shitlib.
Even if you try to play this off as satire, fuck you.
Use your real name if you’re such a tough guy.
Liberals fucking suck
Incel Red Hats are the problem. Not us.
Go yell at them, you classist prick
(It can be a bit disorienting when you expect gratitude but are met with resentment. Human nature is what it is though...)
And don’t get me started on abortion rights.
But I’ve never understood why “Woke” is a negative.
What’s their ideal condition, “Asleep”?
Same with DEI. Would they prefer SUE (Same, Unequal, and Excluded)?
If one thing’s clear, it’s that the left sucks at messaging.
Of course there are good people in every state. But what he said is still true. Those are the states where preaching abstinence leads to higher teen pregnancy rates. We’re not blaming the teens. Those who work very hard for very little: we’re not blaming them for that
See where I’m going with this?
Choices exist.
We all have sympathy for non-red people who are dealing with this 💩storm…
For those who voted for it? Not so much….🤦🏻♀️
I come from a long line of people who read. My parents were the first ones to go to university from both their families (1960s).
Libraries and adult education programmes exist, including literacy programmes.. 🤦🏻♀️
Stop being a dk.
You don't get to say anything about indoctrination, asshole
Hope they see you and learn from the mistake
Jasmine Crockett is an excellent communicator with a moral compass.
They should not rely on others to do their jobs, every single House Rep and Senator should be drilling the hard case as hard as AOC and Crocket do!!
There's no way he could've been chosen to lead the house unless he's being set up as a fall guy for the restructuring going on backstage.
But of course, there's nothing happening backstage and the Dems really think he's the best they've got...
Please remember, the left has always known intelligence and compassion is the right path.
But when needed, we lead with tough intelligence. And like AOC like Crocket, we must take up that smart-arse intelligence now!!
We need to push this message HARD. To everyone. This sucks for everybody. SAY IT.
You get to choose who follows you.
most voters wouldn’t be able to register to vote with their driver's license alone.“Enhanced Drivers License”, which are only available in five states, or another less common form of documentation, like a U.S. passport or birth certificate
Fun twist on the quintessential free rider problem in econ.
The Americans are not ready for a woman.
in 100 percent of the cases, when a woman in the USA was up for election, a complete idiot won!
Getting around in the winter as a paraplegic is a daily struggle, but an enclosed mobility scooter would be life-changing—giving me the freedom and independence I desperately need. Please consider donating or sharing my GoFundMe🙏✨🔗
Maybe it’ll be one of his kids maybe it’ll be a politician maybe it’ll be some random that manages to get close but he’s not gonna live out his entire life and die surrounded by loved ones in a bed.
They’ve already murdered plenty of Americans since they took over.
I could give a fuck if Elon Musk’s kid gets shot.
I wouldn’t be surprised if he becomes persona non grata to most of Europe as well
Source please.
Thank you.
Yes, King Charles has one too shadowing him.
We need to have a National Protest. Bring the country to a standstill until POTUS has resigned or impeached. This is the UNITED STATES; NOT an Oligarchy.
There is a monetary value difference between the dem dollar and the rep dollar, then you have the trump dollar and musk dollar
I’m tired of carrying their water.
It's an old playbook.
She’s got a point.
Looks to me like the red states throw a lot of shit around… and your blue states just take it
Suppose the options are limited but… and you’ll hate the reference but even Atlas shrugged.
They love that book, don’t they
Double digit unemployment
The Mass General Brigham system here in bluest Boston’s laying off large numbers of employees because of projected loss of revenue.
All states will hurt.
You’re the economic engines and centers of learning in an otherwise dysfunctional, theocratic wasteland of regressive conservatism b
4-page list ⤵️(stats 2023)
Texas expenditures are greater than the receipts, this is in the millions
NOW does it sound like a good idea?
this was before phony stark took a torch to the entire federal apparatus.
now it's just, keep that money away from the billionaires.
red state politicians are already starting to whine at phony stark. won't do any good. that 4T has to come from somewhere!
I don’t even know how we can even pay taxes when there’s no government!
This is a very difficult situation.
Keep the interest though.
Use what we would normally get (grants, FEMA, Medicaid) and forward the rest when federal government is functional again.
normally i'm okay with paying taxes. "taxes are what we pay for civilized society" and all that (even if there's parts i don't want to be paying for, etc).
but now? holy hell NO!! (even tho my 2024 taxes were already mostly withheld...)
We send it straight to the federal treasury. Typically, our job takes it out of our paycheck and sends it in for us.
For most, not filing your taxes means not getting a refund for overpayment.
Article VIII of the U.S. Constitution regulates the federal government’s ability to tax states, while the 16th Amendment clarified that Congress can directly tax citizens of any state on their income
And yeah I agree. We should secede. The rule of law is dead.
We are committing genocide, selling out all our allies, I want off this ride
Lets see how those "poor" red states survive...🤔🤔
step up man!
she’s pulling an awful heavy train … could use a few more locomotives : like you, if you’ll do it.
thank you !!!
Red states
1. Are overwhelmingly carried financially by blue states (you're welcome!), and
2. Consistently and ignorantly yield to #maga brainwashing and vote against their own best interests.
She is solid gold
F’em and their broke asses.
Signed a blue dot in a very red state.
Schadenfreude is nice for minute, but ultimately it's just another form of apathy caused by division.
I don't care whose face is being eaten, I wanna shoot the leopards.
He also admitted to the election being rigged. They basically support an election rigger and traitor.
Not saying they shouldn't, but it is a prelude to secession.
As always, there are regs that impact mostly people who consider their car almost as important as their cellphone.
Read it. Share it.
Feels like we might be headed for it...
Feeling the arm twist
Red states are in for a very, VERY rude awakening ...
And I have to add: this is so much MAGA stupidity (I know that’s a redundant phrase).
You have FAILED to lead in this moment. History will remember your failure.
Pressure folks to stand up and defend our democracy. Peaceful opposition. Harass the sh!t out of them.
No democracy for us.
No PEACE for them.
Neither one can replace Schumer. He's in the Senate.
We don’t need money in politics. We just need people to participate.
tiny but mighty.
When she speaks, people listen.
If there's a free and fair 2028 election, it would be a great election to be the Democratic nominee.
Blue states and give it to red states or himself. Blue states should cry bankruptcy.
The point being you cannot vote for a Nazis, and “mean well.”
Luckily I convinced her not to vote🫠
I genuinely feel sorry for the people who gona suffer. & blame the media companines & social media groups who are clearly misinforming people
I feel terrible for their children who are so indoctrinated.
I agree with you about Moscow Mitch.
We are withholding our 10 year median point of State $$$ that have gone to red states for emergency relief.
Per trump- states are to take care of their own crises
We are though ready to send
Educate the uneducated about how they’re being screwed
What a gem !!
Tubbs-“ should I write that down?”
Blue states, should secede and enjoin themselves to Canada.
I’m for starving them out, letting them die off and repurposing the territory
Are we truly obliged when chaos reigns? I’m not a constitutional scholar but all bets are off here in my humble opinion
I think the diagram is implying the true motive of Project2025 was to get blue states to secede the union.
BTW MN (Walz’s state) should be colored blue & WS is more red than blue.
If voters started to be the ones to take power back & ‘primary’ a few, things could get better again
Don't forget that! Big polluters, big corruption, lousy representation.
( Which we're ALL experiencing nationwide under #mikejohnson, leader of the #GOP, and co-conspirator with the coup.)
She herself won’t be the bitch they fear in front of a mic, but I want her to learn from and amplify these women.
It's a heavy lift to believe MAGA isn't a permanent fixture in Ohio. Check out the map at
Gavin doesn't send your 1040 form in for you. And most income taxes are taken out of paychecks the day they're paid.
What money is going through the state of California treasury to the federal government?
Idk what to tell you.
You may even agree with him, but it shows the direction of the relationship: Trump has the power and Newsom has bent the knee.
Watch the meeting at the airport. Gav almost pulls Тяцмр off his feet with the 🤝
Obviously someone would have to explain to Trump what seceding means - but it might put him on the back foot for a while...
Also the last time in US history that a group of states made as provocative of a gesture toward federal power, we had an actual Civil War.
If millions of people pull their money from all accounts, BANKERS will put an end to the bullshit RIGHT QUICK.
You need to realize that your face was eaten by a leopard. You should have voted for the party that best supports your way of life - today. The old republican party no longer exists.
Can we vote 1 more time?
I think the only thing that may make them turn is if Trump comes for their guns.
They'll support him to their death. They won't learn. I've lived there, they would die for the Mango Mussolini.