He still controls Kursk in Russia, so that’s the big hurry. Russia has taken heavy losses and had great difficulty trying to take it back - even with the North Korean human wave attacks.
I rarely speak this way but after watching that shit show that Trump and Vance put on I have to speak my mind or lose it completely:
FUCK YOU, TRUMP and Vance,
Trump is carrying out Putin's orders to destroy the US domestically and internationally. Trump doesn't care about polls, Congress, the Courts, or if the Dems take over the Congress in '26. This is a coup. NATO Article 5 needs to be invoked. We need our allies' help. It's happening.
Donald Trump is now projecting on behalf of his master, Putin. It is Russia who is borrowing "cards" from North Korea and Iran. It is Russia's economy that is collapsing. Trump's betrayal of Ukraine is Putin's lifeline, but it will be too little, too late.
The Oval Office food fight had everything you should expect from this admin - petty insults, imbecile logic, and barking immaturity that is the vernacular of loudmouths and incels and cosplaying freaks who occupy so much of the social web. No diplomacy or decorum as the world watched. Deplorable.
When Trump rocks his head, it's because his brain is detached from his tiny logic center. Actually, it's one of his "tells" that is becoming more exaggerated. When someone says something that exposes him, he tilts his head to his right shoulder. It's his self-guilt reaction.
Given his history, I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s actually done it in real life. Maybe there’s a secret Mar-a-Lago video club where Trump, draped in a gold-embroidered robe, performs his ‘jerking off 2 giraffes’ dance while the MAGA crowd cheers in the background. Who knows?
If you blame Ukraine for the war, you're standing with Russia. If you think Ukraine should cede land, you're standing with Russia. If you believe anything other than a Ukrainian victory brings lasting peace, you're standing with Russia. If you don’t stand with Ukraine, you're standing with Russia.
Why can't anyone in the media have the guts to ask him, "Why don't you tell Putin to get out of Ukraine. That way the fighting would be over. When will you call him?"
What say you @cnn.com @jaketapper.bsky.social @kaitlancollins.bsky.social @kasie.bsky.social
You kidding me, weak boy. Why don't you tell Putin to stop. Putin is the aggressor and invader, unless you are scared shit of him, which is what it looks like.
I'm so fucking sick of that red hat, and how he has to wear it constantly, and the whole MAGA thing in general. I'll like to smack that hat right of his head.
Today we learned 2 true things about Pres Dumpy:
1. He's 100% Putin's poodle. We saw him groveling to Putin's wishes. He DOGWALKED HIMSELF by acting like a tween bully in a setting that should've been professional!
2. Dump can't read, at least not w/out glasses.
A disgrace for humanity, a disgrace for mammals, a disgrace to the world... Never seen a bigger disgrace, he’s the best in disgracing, he does the best disgraces, there’s never been a person that can disgrace a country better than Donny Krasnov Trump. 🤦
Why isn't that question ever asked. "Why, Mr. President, aren't you calling on Putin to stop the fighting?" That's not so hard. The press has to do better for the people of our country.
There are moments in history that reveal the true character of leadership—Today, the world bore witness to such a moment—a catastrophic failure (by Trump and Vance), of diplomacy wrapped in arrogance, insecurity, and stunning ignorance.
He has got to stop fighting? Like roll over and let Russia take over? Futze off and Hello No. Never. Tell Russia to remove their troops. Otherwise til every last man. Slava Ukraine!
nAHHHH..... He's off to Mar -A-Fraudo.....for sunshine...MILLIONS FRAUDO payments...lies and more lies...oh...more lies. Ohhhh...ohhhh....ego stroke, ummm. oh ys...right there hmmmm ohhhh I need to go travel in my taxpayer funded golf cart..
he desperately needs the people he thinks of as 'tough' and 'strong' and 'manly' to see him the same way. he needs their approval and respect because he never got it from his father.
Usually I would agree with your point of view. But not here. To sit in the Oval Office, being attacked and provoked by Vance, Trump and the crowd, and let it happen without any kind of resistance would be a very bad sign of weakness in a world full of pictures.
Zelensky blew nothing. He was ambushed by Trump, Vance, his cabinet and the very right wing press, including Tass FFS.
It was an embarrassing spectacle by Trump and his acolytes
You’ve exposed the big secret he’s trying to hide - he’s trying to get Ukraine to surrender. Must have a trade deal with Russia lined up that will benefit him.
"..governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new."
This is the first time in US history where we have told an ally to surrender. I hope the history books mention this as a lowlight for this lawless administration
Peaceful resolution is essential for stability in the region. Surrender is never a viable solution; instead, the focus is on diplomatic efforts that respect Ukraine's sovereignty while seeking a future where all parties can coexist harmoniously. This is the will of Donald Trump
Why can’t he and the rest of us all just drop the act? The US (under Trump) is not an ally of Europe or Canada or anyone else’s anymore. Our allies are now zero.
Trump believes Russia will be some great new ally, but that’s cause he only cares about what they give him personally and nothing else.
When he speaks about wanting to stop the "death of soldiers" I believe he's talking about the Russian soldiers that are dying, not Ukrainian. Ukraine is only fighting for their land & people, they should never stop fighting for their country 🇺🇦
It almost feels like Tweedledee and Tweedledum intentionally picked a fight today so they could do just what their real intentions were, and that is to cut off all support to Ukraine and back Putin!
FUCK YOU, TRUMP and Vance,
Bc his new friends in the Kremlin really really really need the war to stop. ⬇️
A clown who enters a castle doesn’t become a king – the castle turns into a circus.
" we hold all the cards".
" If you don't like it, you can fight it out with the Germans"
" Do you have anything valuable?"
Russia can simply fkn leave.
What say you @cnn.com @jaketapper.bsky.social @kaitlancollins.bsky.social @kasie.bsky.social
Any interest in doing the job?
“ Putin, the aggressor“
Trump is in the pocket of Putin.
How are our legislators on both sides OK with this!?!?
If Ukraine stops fighting, Ukraine ends.
I’m mortified for you America!
Today we learned 2 true things about Pres Dumpy:
1. He's 100% Putin's poodle. We saw him groveling to Putin's wishes. He DOGWALKED HIMSELF by acting like a tween bully in a setting that should've been professional!
2. Dump can't read, at least not w/out glasses.
Bravo President Zelenskyy
This is what he should be saying to the attacker!
Honorable and Dignified
Read more 👇
Trump and Vance are never going to say anything but Putin talking points about Zelensky
Oval office is russia now
Much like RAPISTS.
He’s saying we need to stop fighting.
A piece of Palestine, a piece of Ukraine, Greenland and Canada…
he seems pretty riled up, I hope he has a double McMac with extra ff and a side of widowmakerMI
Nobody's listen to a word you say except your boy Putin, who must have a truckload of Kompromat on your orange ass
Is anyone surprised a rapist thinks like this?
This staged event was a performance 🎭 all for the benefit of Putin.
As zelensky said today
Putin is bombing Ukraine knowing that he is in the usa to try to make an agreement
There is something else.
Where, oh where, is a decent hacker team when you need one...?
Zelinsky blew it by not sticking to the game plan
But the game plan was, keep the meeting short, say thanks and inflate Trump's ego,
That's it, don't talk to the toddler. He should have approached it like he was meeting Putin himself.
You know they're just looking for an excuse to fight. You can only do this by making the conversation short and getting out
Because the longer it goes, the more chance of the explosion.
It was an embarrassing spectacle by Trump and his acolytes
Look at Lindsey Graham comments.
Which of course, is impossible. But he definitely stepped on some eggshells.
You first Trump
"..governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new."
How did you manage to elect this sorry excuse for a human being?
He is literally removing all life lines for americans in need, and destroying the country from within.
What we witnessed in the Oval Office today was an American President putting America first.
Trump believes Russia will be some great new ally, but that’s cause he only cares about what they give him personally and nothing else.