REPORTER: How concerned are you that the large-scale federal government layoffs will weaken the labor market?
TRUMP: The large-scale fentanyl what?
TRUMP: The large-scale fentanyl what?
Asking for Joe Biden.
Remind me what the minimum wage is again?
And when was the last time a corporation pro-actively paid it's workers generously?
Also, since our government won’t be printing any dollars for education, healthcare, etc, then households will have to take out more bank loans
The poor are the biggest wealth generators for the rich.
The orange gobshite is gone baby gone.
He is not fit for presidency…period
Yes, I'm thirsty. Get me a Diet Coke.
It's true.
Either way, the context of the rest of what she said doesn’t even warrant having fentanyl in that sentence, so he should have just asked her to repeat herself.
Trump can get quality memory care in prison. He needs to be removed. His brain is gravy.
P.S. Your manufacturing job will not include healthcare, safety regulations, maternity leave, or PTO.
Context should’ve told him that she didn’t mean fentanyl, but I get why he heard that, and “federal” wasn’t very clear until she repeated it.
Or pick one airport, didn't everyone call in sick?
And he doesn't even answer the question within the context of the inquiry.
Most of their answers are just avoidance garbage meant to fill in their time alloted.
Reporters : Carry on
That's about it.
That's very good dementia, I'm happy you're trying, but I need you to step it up. Think you can accelerate and get him beyond speech the next month? Just so we never have to hear that voice again.
Should reporters hold up signs?
How did they treat Biden?
They didn’t slow down his questions.
These are old geezers, some of whom do it on purpose.
Hanging on to every gaffe is a waste of time.
If mistakes and gaffes are ignored, it avoids accountability. When the noise gets too loud, people tune it out, but every misstep should be examined, not brushed aside, for true accountability.
There’s no way this man is lasting 4 years
But also, she is not great. She is terrible. Just like her predecessor (and possibly operator) she lies constantly in her daily press show and is a populist. Her party has also killed the democratic gains the country painfully made in 30 years.
Now? Friday. h/t Trudeau
Trump: “What”
I say again. If there any reporters reading this - do it!
1. Fentanyl
2. Ketamine
3. High paying
4. Bigly contracts
5. Payments to him
Too bad Democrats (Biden) didn’t get the memo.
Democrats should have, at least, done a daily “humble brag.”
All the smart people, back to the fields. Come on, let's go. Get to work. And NO INTERNATIONAL MARKETS FOR YOU. You're gonna make stuff that AMERICANS like ME and MY BUDDIES want.
Are there any sane doctors who can report this mentally unfit con-man with loose stools in his head?
Can't stand for any significant length of time and getting the FDR cover by the press.