Two NUT JOBS who couldn't find their own A$$holes if they tried! They're BOTH DRUG ADDICTS +Trump has DEMENTIA & Musk's brain is FRIED from all the Ketamine drugs he's been doing for years! Neither of them should be ROAMING free, they NEED to be LOCKED up for their MANY CRIMES!😡
In October 2024, Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson did an interview. Musk said, "If [Trump] loses, I’m f*cked… How long do you think my prison sentence is going to be?"
What EXACTLY did you do, Elon?
How does a man go from being on the brink of prison to having unfettered access to everyone in the US?
So Musk's solution to having incinerated Tesla's brand equity by pissing off its loyal customer base of educated, environmentally-conscious liberals is to...
....wait for it....
hold a PR event with Donald Trump in front of the White House.
This is the best and brightest capitalism has to offer?
Looks like one those movies where a grumpy old senile conman wants to go pick up prostitutes in Vegas one last time and his dim-witted, drugged out illegitimate son goes with him.
Picture this: Wouldn’t you know it that as soon as Muskat starts going “down” on Trump-a-Dumb-Dumb, the door opens to the whole world to see that Muskrat is really a hoe.
Up until just now, I didn't think that they were actually fucking, but now I do. I'd say "Look out Melania," but she's clearly not interested in the FLOTUS role anymore. Kinda gracious she's letting her husband take it over without any cattiness.
PSA: A reminder to tell your daughters & sons never to get in a car with strange men. You never know if they are a #rapist, a #felon, or a creepy #loser that will try to #inseminate you. Or, they could be a couple of #Nazis!
Stay vigilant & stay safe. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!🫡
"Petitioning the King"! All the while Americans are suffering! Yes, billionaires have declared this man a KING!! My family members didn't join the military and die so that America would be ruled by a fucking King!
Things are really bad for them if they have to use these propaganda methods to tell something positive. In fact, they are admitting that they are losing. What a bunch of suckers. And yes, this makes the US the laughing stock of the world.
that is the cybertruck, but still basically everything that has a lithium battery has a possibility of combust out of nowhere, just take the Chevrolet Volt as a example (and still i love it and i will ever love it)
What a pathetic piece of Trump theatre.
Asking obo Stormy Daniels.
Kars for Klans.
Klown Kars for Klans.
The guy in the suit can't even drive a car...and the dude wants to pay with a cheque.
-that will bounce. As all his cheques do.
Dip & Shit
(Getting in and out cuz he’s that dumb)
What EXACTLY did you do, Elon?
How does a man go from being on the brink of prison to having unfettered access to everyone in the US?
Dems and Republicans play by different rules.
muskrat laughing.
Exactly how I imagine most of their meetings.
....wait for it....
hold a PR event with Donald Trump in front of the White House.
This is the best and brightest capitalism has to offer?
Might wanna clean the seats before you resell that car.
Engaged in mutual masturbation
Movie Ttitle anyone? 😁
Nothing will keep them apartheid
Man and Boy. The Adventures they had.
Back seat rider.
(Yeah exactly what it sounds like)
C’mon we’ve got candy. Just get in the car.
Trump is the AntiChrist.
The dead-letter-literal-interpretation of the Bible,
evangelical fundamentalists white nationalists churches
have been warning about the man of sin" and "son of perdition.
And when he appears, they elect him president.
Boycott the churches on radio & TV.
Not enough, apparently.
Dumb & Dumber
Stay vigilant & stay safe. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle!🫡
You're welcome.
Beyond pathetic.
Also…is this one of the models that randomly explodes? Cuz that would be awesome.
Just sayin’…🫤
Two most powerfull in USA!
Child abusers
Who is giving whom a handjob?