Pretty sure the Nobel committee isnt stupid enough to be taken in by 🍊💩's performance, considering he's currently threatening Canada, Iran, Panama, & Greenland.
What will Trump do? He’s a weak president. Europe will step up and put troops in Ukraine if Trump does nothing.
Kinda shocking that Putin’s puppet isn’t doing all the dirty work for him. But Trump has clearly betrayed Zelensky! It’s all about Retribution for him!! That Oval Office ambush was disgraceful!Wonder what’s going on behind the scenes for Trump to reverse course a bit?? I still don’t trust Trump
Putin picked the wrong guy for this job. Trump is a coward. Doesn't have the guts to follow through. And it appears President Z knows how to manipulate Putin's little tool.
Of the 3 Men, Zelensky is the most courageous! Trump’s a coward & a bully, but Zelensky has not bent the knee to him! He immediately sought & received support from several World leaders after Trump’s disgraceful Oval Office Ambush! Diminishing Trump’s role as leader of the Free World!
Anybody that thought Russia was going to comply with the deal they make is a fucking moron. That little sawed-off fucker Putin will never keep his word. I hope you Ukraine rains hell down on them. Fuck the Russians
If it weren’t for the libraries (yeah, ok, I’m a decadent…).. but I do feel like one could -start- by- our (US, I mean) not apparently actively helping Russia do this…
I'm sure they're going to say this is Zelenskyy's fault. Because as he said, what diplomacy, when Russia either agrees to ceasefires and then breaks them or doesn't even engage in it?
Fuck PUTIN lf one European country has any courage, you know
What's coming it may be 2 or 3 years it will continue, STOP IT NOW NO WWIII SEND WEPONS NOW MAYBE LONG RANGE
As Zelinski pointed out: Russia has yet to honour a ceasefire. Theyre not going to start now. Who exactly is 🍊💩 performing for with these so-called peace talks?
When he started his first campaign he had to pay people $50.00 to show up at his rallies with Craigs list ads. The people I saw with the hats were rural, seasonally living in RV parks in Michigan and half year in the south with rusted trucks. Old trailers with people doing gig work and odd jobs.
The ceasefire will give time for the West to rearm Ukraine. Russia’s window is closing. They will never agree, unfortunately, but Zalenskyy is playing his cards perfectly.
They were NEVER interested in a ceasefire. Putin was hoping he could get Ukrainian territory with tRump's help and then "rinse repeat" until he owned ALL of it.
And the ruskies knew Exactly where to his his house. That wasn’t Random. Wonder who pointed them in the right direction? Guess the ruskies don’t want a Cease Fire. Guess tRumps hypothesis is not correct. Is it?
I want to see one of Ukraines drone strikes hit the heart of Russia. Take down their infrastructure and take out Putin if possible. This war MUST end for global democracy. If the war ends and Putin falls, America may be able to be saved. Otherwise, T and P will align and there will be no winners
Says a lot about the people of Ukraine, and the Ukrainian army, that they have by and large chosen not to take this route. I'd love to see Putin lose some mansions but the Russian people are at as much a loss in all of this as everybody else.
They’ve been working on the oil. If russia has no oil for sale, they are hosed.
Striking anything that can be repaired more easily than an oil fire can be put out will not be as effective. Though of course we’d all love the visual of the Kremlin on fire. 😏
I'm so grateful to the brave fighters in Ukraine that bring the battle to the front lines day in and out. I want them to be able to rest and live in peace once this is done. Glory to Ukraine and God bless them
This war must end, but also Ukraine must prevail. That’s essential for global security, stability, & I don’t think the ppl still supporting Trump realize that if Putin gets his way, whether short or long term, we’re all gonna be fukt.
They'll likely line up right behind him to join the Kremlin in that case. It's not about protecting anything they actually care about, it's simply hate. They hate anyone that doesn't look or think like them. I believe Ukraine will win with the support of the EU, hopefully sooner rather than later
I’m trying 2B optimistic, but was optimistic about 2 elections that can’t 4the life of me understand how they went so incredibly wrong?! The world does not make sense &more often rewards bad faith &the disingenuous. I hope Europe does underestimate Putin or Trump, but does everything necessary 2win.
I'm done with political optimism personally. After this last loss, I just can't anymore. I've always believed in the goodness of man, but I have had to come to terms with the other side of the spectrum as well. We need new leaders on that side at the least, but maybe a renewal of both?
This is exactly what Zelinsky tried to tell Trump, but he refused to hear him and instead blamed him.
Putin's word is completely worthless. Every agreement, every cease fire, Putin has broken. Yet, Trump, in his allegiance to Putin, states that it is Ukraine that doesn't want peace. 😡
so trump will be telling putin how he is messing with WW3 with Vance chiming in on how he should be thankful trump is supporting him as much as NK's rocketman and China's King Xi?
Disgusting how Trump keeps trumpeting (see what I did there) that Zelenskyy is threatening WW3!Gaslighting!!! Ukraine was invaded in Obama’s time then 2021; their people are being terrorized. I guess you ‘cause’ war when you just won’t give up!! 🤯 Traitor Trump will not ever stand with our allies.
And the legacy fucking media was playing along the whole time acting like it was truth and I replied to some post and said anything Rubio says is a fucking lie and of course, it was.
If trump succeeds with stopping the Russian-Ukraine war …. Then sanctions should remain indefinitely … until Russia leaves Ukrainian territory … otherwise Russia will do it again
The Russian economy is terrible right now; we know this because they refuse to show it (if it was doing great, we'd know). Putin's only hope to pull out of this is to convince the Russian people that taking Ukraine was worth it. So he can't give up.
The Russian military seems to be in such a bad state that he could easily have intimidated them to stop.
Instead he's lashed out at allies, now ex-allies. Europe is rearming, many countries will go nuclear, US influence will be marginalised and NATO will be gone.
The European army will set up as €880 billion has been passed by the EU parliament for funding this new adventure. Trump has got what he wants the USA out of Europe soon the bases will be shut down, but we will not buy as many US weapons it will all be made here. Canada is part of it as well.
The Russians cannot stop the war before they have conquered all of Europe. The arms industry based on money that does not exist is the only thing that keeps the country running. If the war ends tomorrow, Russia will simply disintegrate. It is not just the regime... A decisive defeat is the
Dude, it's all smoke & mirrors. Trump is playing everybody. He doesn't want peace. He wants the minerals. He knows Russia won't sign, but being a shrewd businessman he manipulated TF out of Zelensky to sign the deal.
Now his sights are on Canada. Watch how he manipulates them out of their resources
So if Trump really wants a Nobel Peace Prize, give Ukraine the missiles & weapons to end this fucking thing, as that is the only way Putin will come on side.
Otherwise, the only prize Trump will get is the Nobel Pizza Pie, and maybe then he’ll FOAD
To be clear: The cease fire will only begin when both sides agree to it. So far, only one side has. Until then, both sides will continue engage in military action.
Time for a night-time "Doolittle"style strike directly on the Kremlin. Come in real low and drop everything you have right in the middle of Red Square! Oh! How I would love to see that!Write Putin's name on every bomb.
Is this "fake" News...🤔 The people of #Ukraine Need Some Rest From All The Destruction. I will Have To Check Out My Resources And See What's Going On As I Thought There Was A Ceasefire.
Every single Republican Nazi, in government and without, is responsible for the fall of America into open Nazi fascism, they even dedicatedly removed and BINNED useable anti-viral drugs for AIDS patients because they want them to die a painful death, ASAP and throw away the last of the drugs rather!
Some complete cunt misgender a trans woman and then had the gall to complain when she returned the favour and said thank you Madam President. Only a Nazi gov. does this and behaves in this fashion towards an elected official. You're a Nazi disgrace, no basket of deplorables, a whole country of them.
Makes me wonder how many have been compromised. The tapes go missing at Epstein's mansion AFTER the raid. CIA announcing SARS-CoV2 came from a lab AFTER it's been genetically traced to the wet market. Elon Musk risking everything for a convicted felon rapist & serial failure No coincidence in crime
to be fair, those intelligence papers linking covid to labs were released as rated BELOW 'low confidence', as in 'it may, but we have no proof and it's unlikely'
And yet, that's exactly what FBI Dir Chris Wray was pushing. Another example of the deep corruption activists spent years warning about.
Which makes the CIA declaring it was from a lab is that much more suspect
It was done to cover for the worst dereliction of duty in the history of our country. If they weren’t trying to protect Trump why make that announcement when genetically it could be proven wrong.
This whole ceasefire is a waste. Putin has zero integrity and will only take advantage of a ceasefire and will inevitably break it. I’m sure that’s the plan he and the orange liar are hatching.
Neither one of the fascist clowns can be trusted!
What a bastard! But why are we surprised when a murderous tyrannt is involved? Asking for a convicted felon and adjudicated sexual rapist sociopath 🤡. There is no negotiating or dealing with this evil killer or his puppet! #IStandWithUkraine
Trump doesn't get that if the US pulls out completely Ukraine will work towards making a nuclear deterrent. For most that don't know Ukraine use to be where the Soviets manufactured most of their nukes so they have the ability. It's a fall back plan they don't want to use thought.
Plus if Ukraine falls all the American money and equipment people complain about falls into Russia's hands. China won't need steal military secrets if they can just buy the equipment they can reverse engineer off Russia.
Somebody’s “not ready for peace” no matter how nice a suit they wear. Now will Trump and his minions see that they are being played? ... don’t answer that …
OK, what about the 1994 Budapest Agreement?
The USA agreed to protect Ukraine's boarders to give up 1900 nuclear mussels which went to Russia for distruction. Then Russia invades Ukraine and we didn't protect them and now trump wants their minerals. PLEASE Comment.
They had to have a last bombing like having the last word? Disgusting and can never be trusted. 🇺🇦 cannot stop their readiness and response. And I’m sure they will not, I’m convinced this is just a pause while 🇷🇺 rearms. They can be beaten and why they have been whining for intervention. Paper tiger.
I wonder, was this the deal Bonespurs knew about that no one else did? Bombing Zelenskyy's hometown? Some deal. Some dealmaker.
"I also think that Russia wants to make a deal because in a certain different way — a different way that only I know, only I know — they have no choice,"
Just a thought... Trump & MAGA GOP are about tax breaks for billionaires while draining the swamp by shutting down government, which includes the IRS, Education, Veterans, etc. SHOULD WE HELP BY NOT FILING OUR TAXES? WE'RE REALLY ONLY FILING TAXES SO BILLIONAIRES, LIKE A SOUTH AFRICAN, CAN SPEND IT!
I bet Zelenskyy had his troops fire on his hometown just like he started the war 3 years ago- not! But Trump will probably say that and maga will certainly believe it!
And dumbass Marco Rubio and Traitor Felon tRump seem to think President Zelenskyy can work out a cease fire and peaceful outcome in talking with the Butcher of Russia? I am quite skeptical of this!
JD Pance had castigated Zelensky in the Oval Office for "not thanking" 🍊💩, even though the Ukrainian leader has thanked the US dozens of times for its military support!
Now 🍊💩 has an "official Ukrainian thank you," on a piece of paper meant to make peace.
Though I see people praying daily for the orange one to meet his maker, I actually think it would be best if it were Putin. How would Russia and their vassal state America even deal?
Russia will have a lot of conditions for just a 30 day ceasefire. Primarily lifting sanctions, which is what Trump wants as well. This is still a betrayal of Ukraine. Long term Russia will regroup and try again.
Exactly what Zelenskyy was saying when he was being over shouted by Vacuous Vance who said he’s ‘seen’ the war on maps! 😡 Russia and Trump: not to be trusted, never keep their word, attempt to get an upper hand, usually dishonestly!
Yes I was shocked that Ukraine agreed to a ceasefire. Putin never keeps his word. But now Ukraine has ‘all the cards’ and no one can (should) tell them that a ceasefire is needed.
Russia can’t be trusted. And anybody who thinks that they can be hasn’t studied any history. Trump is a Russian asset, he can’t be trusted, and how can any negotiation he’s a part of lead to anything trustworthy?
Supposedly just for the purpose of the one law that requires them basically to stand up and be counted in favor of their constituents -or- Trump within 15 days by deciding whether to cancel the economic “emergency” (which doesn’t even apply to the US / Canada / Mexico treaty- but- laws…) but yep
It’s always personal.
The “proposal” will of course involve Russia getting to keep Crimea and the Donbas.
That dog ain’t gonna hunt. Ever.
Didn’t Trump negotiate a ceasefire? 🤔
He fails at everything
Answer: not a damn thing. Wouldn't have gotten donOld his Peace Prize anyway.
Sounds about right!
Why is the press normalizing this travesty?
What's coming it may be 2 or 3 years it will continue, STOP IT NOW NO WWIII SEND WEPONS NOW MAYBE LONG RANGE
He is a corrupt monster who’s stealing billions from the Russian people.
A reminder to Trump, who will undoubtedly demand the Novel Peace Prize for today's Ukraine/Russia "ceasefire" news.
Striking anything that can be repaired more easily than an oil fire can be put out will not be as effective. Though of course we’d all love the visual of the Kremlin on fire. 😏
Break Russia. Don’t let Putin rest and rebuild. He will attack again as per his history.
See how they like living in Russia without alcohol….
Putin's word is completely worthless. Every agreement, every cease fire, Putin has broken. Yet, Trump, in his allegiance to Putin, states that it is Ukraine that doesn't want peace. 😡
This is a bait and switch.
I suspect that if the war ends Putinism and its associated gravy train are dead - literally for Putin.
There'll be no cease fire and no subsequent peace unless the Russians are decisively defeated.
I think these have been delivered.
The Russian military seems to be in such a bad state that he could easily have intimidated them to stop.
Instead he's lashed out at allies, now ex-allies. Europe is rearming, many countries will go nuclear, US influence will be marginalised and NATO will be gone.
Don't trust them.
Now his sights are on Canada. Watch how he manipulates them out of their resources
Otherwise, the only prize Trump will get is the Nobel Pizza Pie, and maybe then he’ll FOAD
Either way, all good
He really is the reverse King Midas.
Everything he touches turns to .
But he’s a “smart” businessman.
I’d say without Daddy’s money he’s a failed used car dealer/lowlife from Queens, but hey what do I know.
But you get the picture.
And that is perfectly ok with Trump and Vance.
A bad piece of beef
"works 60% of the time, it works every time"
It was done to cover for the worst dereliction of duty in the history of our country. If they weren’t trying to protect Trump why make that announcement when genetically it could be proven wrong.
Surprise!! Putin doesn't want Peace !! Who would have guessed ?!?
Neither one of the fascist clowns can be trusted!
It will be tres interesting how the White House reacts to Russia once again demonstrating they can’t be trusted to honour any agreements
You got on the wrong train and the tracks are out where you are going.
Hey, want a good deal on a bridge?
This isn’t difficult to understand
The USA agreed to protect Ukraine's boarders to give up 1900 nuclear mussels which went to Russia for distruction. Then Russia invades Ukraine and we didn't protect them and now trump wants their minerals. PLEASE Comment.
Funding Ukraine’s war forever is the only way. Biden and Harris knew that.
"I also think that Russia wants to make a deal because in a certain different way — a different way that only I know, only I know — they have no choice,"
Or do the lunatics decide they have to be nicer to Putin ?
JD Pance had castigated Zelensky in the Oval Office for "not thanking" 🍊💩, even though the Ukrainian leader has thanked the US dozens of times for its military support!
Now 🍊💩 has an "official Ukrainian thank you," on a piece of paper meant to make peace.
Get rid of the puppet master first, and the rest will follow. ⚰️☕☺️
Obviously, he wasn't counting any of the days before that day.
Unless the goals Trump has claimed to have are just pure bullshit...🤔