He’s a spoiled brat who has never been told No. he lies constantly and has his entire life. The man needs to be in psychiatric hospital not the White House. Thanks MAGAts.
Trump? No, he absolutely cannot admit to having feared anything ever because that would be weakness, which I suspect was something that was "beaten out of him" as a child.
Does he know what eggs are? That people go to buildings called markets and buy them and that they can see the price, and they know numbers, and can see if the numbers for the eggs go up or down?
There's no way he knows how to use, or can spell the word "antiquated". Someone is posting for the syphilitic old king. They're trying to use his syntax. Old Gramps sinking further into cognitive decline. Amendment 25.
He's delusional,who believes him now after stock market crash? Recession predictions ? Unemployment rising? Will it take Trump towns full of displaced white voters on the mall to convince him?
The irony of a man, who has likely not learned anything new in at least half a century, continuing to vilify journalists is pathetic. The man can't even string together a thought coherently. The dude should be put out to pasture.
Egg prices aren't down. What Donald's doing is lying to the American people when chaos is just about to get started. That is simply irresponsible. I can't believe this is happening in the United States. https://youtu.be/FSYAsrxOXfw
Egg prices will NATURALLY ease down as the local, non-commercial hens start laying daily.
I go from buying occasionally in Winter, to selling excess eggs by April with my modest layer flock. We suffered devastating losses of meat chickens & replacement layers last year to predators & weather.
The word ‘globalist’ was thrown around a lot in the 2016 campaign on various conservative forms when you disagreed with the Trump positions. It was later discovered many of the accounts were Russian bots spreading disinformation. It’s no coincidence he has since latched onto that term.
He knows Murdoch personally. It's just the same as his saying US scientists are wasting tax dollars making transgender mice. He knows the truth.
He also knows the part of the US population that is the most violent when they're angry - KILL MIKE PENCE - believe absolutely everything he says, 100%.
The man has never come up with his own quotes. Always stealing someone else’s. Even Drill baby drill belongs to someone else @michaelsteele.bsky.social no wonder he loves Musk so much they both take from others
Deranged, all right! Egg prices are down? Where, you lying, not-great, traitor felon conman?
Conjuring up the great Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s words during the Great Depression is… pathetic because Drumpf could not hold FDR’s shoes https://www.fdrlibrary.org/first-inaugural-curriculum-hub
And his insanity is fucking with the global economy. He’s cost my retirement savings thousands already and I don’t live in the USA. Someone, everyone, please organise that militia that the 2nd amendment protects and get the cunt out of power.
Trump can CAP SCREAM that eggs and oil prices are down all he wants. It doesn't change the reality that I paid almost $5 a gallon for gas and $10.50 for 18 eggs the other day and he's full of shit.
Hey, ChatGPT? Write me a tweet talking about how Europe is screwing the US.
"How is this?"
Fine, but make it more deranged.
"How is this?"
Awesome, but what's that word--Auntie? Anti-quarts? Oh, right, because they use metric! Cool, post it.
I mean, i get the 30 eggs packaging. It was $10 before the election. After the first of the year they jumped to $17. As of yesterday, they were over $20…
Ya I feel it makes us look weak and fractured. Wish they would just let the PM & a few Ministers like Joly negotiate on their behalf and I wonder if Carney didn't like using electricity (that people depend on) as leverage
maybe, but i think its more likely ford wanted good press for being diplomatic and cooling tensions, but I dont know why hes bothering at this point. They cant be reasoned with, they are insane people.
US here: I'm absolutely fine with Canada increasing the cost of electricity to make a point. Cutting it off entirely would be another story. Also, pretty much all of us are taking the Canadian response as the means to stop Trump's tariffs and threats that it's intended to be.
Ford is a POS trying to look good to the CP now that “axe the tax” ran out of steam with nasal voiced PP. Carney is dropping the carbon tax. So dummy Ford thinks he can be the pudgy hero by threatening electricity and giving Trump the legal ability to tax 🇨🇦. “National security“ is what Trump needs.
oh indeed! And he was a big Trump fan last time around, maybe his maga sympathies are the reason he thought he could handle it? (though he seems to have soured on Trump, I hope he has anyway)
Canadians have to be focused on the mission and ignore the bullying. Ford got Lutnick to the table. He added and then pulled the electricity surcharge to get it, so mission accomplished.
🇺🇸🇨🇦 here, I'm cautious about Fords intent. It's the leopard not changing his spots thing. He can selectively put a different coat over them. His bravado, then backing down may be weakness or strategic. The later begs the question to who's advantage?
#canadianbychoice #🦆trump
Maybe a asteroid will hit DC when all the Republicans are there and the democrats are far away, and give Americans a day off.
Canada and EU, we Americans love you guys.
I was on a US goods boycott since he started the provocations against Canada 🔥 Left meta + amazon too… (and my kitchen drawer is full of maple syrup - elbows up 🇨🇦 )
Ashamed American here. Apologies for the kakistocracy-ness of it all, to our wonderful northern and southern neighbors and our amazing allies across the pond.
It could be worse, Danielle Smith is running around doing podcasts with Ben Shapiro. If she could make a buck from it, she would probably sell Alberta outright to the states.
Yes it might not be possible for EU, but one or the other, we have to unite. It was encouraging to see that earlier this week. Maybe a new democratic alliance is coming
I would loooooove to see Canada closer to Europe, I love thinking about Canada these days as it makes me feel that Europe is not alone in this new Fat Nixon fascist world. We need each others and I think that it is understood on both sides of the pond ;)
Plagiarism like melania;s with Michele Obama original speech he has Franklin Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself
The Journal is owned by his sexual predator buddy Murdoch. The toad that gives him all the air time to spew his nonsense and the young blondes he can paw his hands over.
I agree. He is bat shit crazy and I think he believes a lot of what shoots out of his mouth (or off his fingers). Why can’t everyone see that? It’s inconceivable.
Yes. They're in the midst of an all-out greed fest while their Dear Leader declines. Dems, too, some of them: Ms. Klobuchar claimed after riding in a car w him they had "a good discussion." Not possible. Truly.
At this point his advisors need to start lying to him or having him sign blank papers that they just say increase tariffs. I think ol’ Nazi grandpa won’t know the difference.
Egg prices are the lowest they've ever been. Gas is at 1999 prices. Trump's tarrifs are making everything cheaper and citizens have more money than ever.
My ice cream (luxury, I know, and now only celebratory-type purchase) went from $7.95 to $8.19 in less than a week. Had to get eggs for a birthday cake…4 stores later, I was shocked to see they’re not even putting pricing on the shelves anymore. Was told it changes too quickly to justify.
Having worked grocery in the not-too-distant past, it makes perfect sense. It’s the situation that’s crazy, not the employees. When asked at check-out if I found everything, I always make sure to say I know it’s not their fault but I appreciate the ask.
Yes, funny stuff.
Almost as funny as the US, producing more petro energy than ever, cozying up to other petro states and turning away from fossil fuel importing states.
In the name of freedom?
But he is speaking to people he promised he would raise their income by 25% and lower their “grossery” prices 20% on day one. People gullible enough to believe that crap will believe this crap.
Can someone start posting on the grocery store websites (I'm no longer on twitter) that egg prices are supposed to be down, quote and repost the msg, and ask why the stores are ripping us off. Pit them against each other publicly. Picket the stores and put them on the defensive.
When #Felon47 "Tweets", this is the guy at the keyboard. When #Trump is letting loose in the middle of the night...(if not pre-programmed for release much earlier) this is the guy at pumpin' out the propaganda
You don't actually think Donald Trump EVER learned to type do you?
Trump’s paranoia is approaching the level that Hitler’s was at near the end…
It’s only a matter of time before trump irreparably damages the USA both economically and geopolitically as all his “yes-people” will just stand and watch while Trump burns America to the ground.
Of course his followers will seamlessly integrate this particular lunacy into the cluster of fearful, hateful lunacies they’ve embraced, but we outnumber them. We just have to stand forthrightly. We can beat them back.
Yes. I wonder if some are desperate? I know a few and their rants are sounding more aggressive and pushy, as if clinging desperately to their Dear Leader tho they sense his obvious decline. Maybe hard to ignore the real state of the union.
Folks, he is seriously settling up a war with Canada and Europe. He wants to destabilize both, take over Canada and destroy Europe. Not a joke, not a drill.
Agreed, but unless some combination of resistance and circumstances can stop him(them) - that is exactly what they are prepping for. It's part of their vision for world domination and we have to recognize that this is dire. As always, they will use divide & conquer tactics. Don't back down!
Hope his stupidity will reach critical mass at some point. He's spent his entire life having his ass kissed and doesn't know any other method of behaviour. I wonder what will be the straw that breaks the camel's back now there are no more grown ups in the room?
The Markets are literally in a skydiving free fall right now and this guy wants American's to just look the other way while he puts puppets out (Musk) for show. 🖕🏼🖕🏼
I think on the contrary that they (not he) understand that full well. It's only when things are moving, no matter which way, there's money to be made for those in the know. And boy, do they know how to move things.
And his cultists will believe his every insane word salad, deluded utterances. That's the most frightening thing about the demented monster they have put in power. He couldnt even run a hot dog stand without giving his customers botulism
P.S. The Wall Street Journal is owned by the Murdoch family, as in Rupert Murdoch, who also owns FOX News. (I had to check this twice, both the DJT's post and who the owner is because you know. . . )
Ain’t this rich… NAFTA arose to ward of Global trends in trade. Europe did exactly the same, to compete with China . But, you are an idiot! It ain’t all about you, but when there is an insane position taken, that would be by Donald J Trump. All this damage on your deathbed… it may take a year!
Not their Dear Leader syntax. Someone attempted a cover w end in all caps. Gramps in cognitive decline. Not unusual for family ("the family") to hide cognitive decline. In this case, greed-driven. When would this narcissist ever let another man speak from the Oval?
So we're in a "tariffs are on" day? It's hard to tell from one day to the next if we are "on" or "off" or ... ?? I swear USians just need to avoid buying anything at all from anywhere.
the man belongs in either a psych or geriatric ward at this point for having lost all sense of reality, not the oval office. the most insanity is that no one with authority to do anything about the fact he's an incoherent raving lunatic will admit it.
I would really love to know who the person is that controls his account. They have to be on call 24-7 so he can tell them what he wants them to say. Phone rings at 3am, yes, Donald, okay , I'm typing it all in. Word for word.
Most likely. Certainly more likely than their Dear Leader knowing how to use, and spell, "antiquated". Or using commas and periods. Tho the all caps at the end is a good touch. A dramatic touch, but a bit more Dear Leader-ish.
Are people aware that Fox News hasn't been far right enough for a lot of Trumpers for years and that many of them have already been getting "news" exclusively from alternative sources for a long time now? They don't care about Fox News, they view it as center!
I don't know what scares me more; that there are people who believe this, or that someone took these rantings and published them instead of insisting a psychiatric professional evaluate him.
Yep. They're fine w gramps in severe cognitive decline bc it gives them control. They don't even care about each other. GOP realize the MAGA follow only their Dear Leader. Amendment 25: No way Ms. Klobuchar got into a car w him and "had good discussions". Even dems know better.
He doesn't bother with the truth.
He says what he wants his cult to believe because he knows his cult will only believe what he says.
He has created a braindead death cult and he knows it.
He's gonna learn the hard way to keep his hands off our beaver. 🇨🇦
Rupert Murdock who is breaking his family apart because he doesn’t like how left some of his kids are
Robert Murdock is too woke?
Sorry, trying to get it make sense in my brain.
Hows about ADDERALL?
We have accepted that the price of eggs is down m, even if it means $5 is less than $4.
I'm glad my Cotsco still has eggs. I hope I don't find out later that they were pulling some dark magic.
the price is down because
Even while looking at the
receipt in their hand.
"we will WIN on everything"
Truly a sith lord, dealing in pure absolutes.
And going after the WSJ - bastion of conservatism - is hilarious.😂
Whenever he quotes something noble, you know you can put it in the "worthless ranting" column.
I go from buying occasionally in Winter, to selling excess eggs by April with my modest layer flock. We suffered devastating losses of meat chickens & replacement layers last year to predators & weather.
You couldn't have an owner less friendly to the EU.
He also knows the part of the US population that is the most violent when they're angry - KILL MIKE PENCE - believe absolutely everything he says, 100%.
Conjuring up the great Democratic President Franklin Delano Roosevelt’s words during the Great Depression is… pathetic because Drumpf could not hold FDR’s shoes https://www.fdrlibrary.org/first-inaugural-curriculum-hub
That is Trump.
The latest big lie.
Also, isn’t the WSJ owned by Trump’s poisonous propaganda buddy Murdoch?
Trump is living in an entirely different confabulation than those of us in the real world.
You can blame Trump and the GOP for that!
"How is this?"
Fine, but make it more deranged.
"How is this?"
Awesome, but what's that word--Auntie? Anti-quarts? Oh, right, because they use metric! Cool, post it.
Here in Austria 10 eggs cost about 4,33$ (all of them, not just one) 🤷♂️
So true !
The orange baboon is clueless, just a raging complete imbecile.
And there are much more Europeans who can boycott American products than the other way around - he’ll find out…
More effective as a threat than as a reality.
#canadianbychoice #🦆trump
Think Canada can have it with a discount. Just to mess with this idiot.
He's becoming a victim to the success of his propaganda machine. It's a lot harder to manage it when he's the one in charge. 😀
Canada and EU, we Americans love you guys.
🇨🇦 ❤️ 🇪🇺
Besides, it would bring the Orange Man to a meltdown. 🤷♂️
Relocating manufacturing domestically may introduce inefficiencies that--even without tariffs--will cause costs to increase and prices to rise.
So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself
In his first term, it was the FBI or deep state. Now it’s the European Union and Canada “taking advantage”.
A reoccurring theme yet Trump is never able to outsmart any of them and must forever be a victim for his tale of woe to work
What kind of world leader takes time to post crap 💩 on Social media?
Dude just lies and lies and lies.
2. He’s in a full on panic because things aren’t going his way.
Wonder how Rupert is taking the orange felon's screeds
Almost as funny as the US, producing more petro energy than ever, cozying up to other petro states and turning away from fossil fuel importing states.
In the name of freedom?
The funny part is the lengths they went to crying about grocery and gas prices just a few months ago.
We could have had that.
I think he meant to post: “The only thing we have to fear is. . .” me, myself (Trumusk)!
You don't actually think Donald Trump EVER learned to type do you?
#DanScavino #Fascist
Or he's a retard.
Spoiler alert: NOPE
"War is peace
Freedom is slavery
Ignorance is strength"
So, ultimately, US consumers are giving a lot of money to Trump and Musk. How much of that money is going straight in their pockets?
#Trump #tariffs #fascism #cdnpoli
It’s only a matter of time before trump irreparably damages the USA both economically and geopolitically as all his “yes-people” will just stand and watch while Trump burns America to the ground.
Of course his followers will seamlessly integrate this particular lunacy into the cluster of fearful, hateful lunacies they’ve embraced, but we outnumber them. We just have to stand forthrightly. We can beat them back.
I'm gonna play guitar till then too
His buddy, Rupert Murdoch, owns the Wall Street Journal.
Murdoch is Australian, who lives in the United States.
Just ask the Brits about Brexit.
Link to FDR’s whole speech: https://historymatters.gmu.edu/d/5057/
Are we great yet?
And still US leaders are silent.
Silence = complicity
The chaos is breaking everything.
He sounds scared as shit.
Trump is a cancer.
He says what he wants his cult to believe because he knows his cult will only believe what he says.
He has created a braindead death cult and he knows it.
€3.75 for 18