He lacks the self-awareness and humility needed to listen to the concerns and criticisms of his own constituents, a trait shared by far too many elected reps (and I will both sides this argument).
So the guy that’s supposed to represent his constituents in Washington ….won’t listen to what’s important to them to assure he’s voting in a manner that represents them?
These “representatives “ seem to have forgotten who they work for. And it surely isn’t Donald or Elon.
It’s not productive Chuck because you are lecturing rather than working with your audience. You seem to have forgotten that you are the *servant* in this relationship.
That is indeed the problem with all of them. They think they're special. The arrogance is palpable. We've become peasants they're forced to face now and then, not their employers.
You could try saying something like, “I hear you. And I’m sorry for not listening to the will of my voters. I vow to change and start fighting for the good people who gave me my job and I will not let my constituents down again”. It might be a start. 🤷🏼♀️
Exactly, when he said and you’re not going to like it I about choked.. well if they voted for you you need to do what they want. What’s wrong with this picture? What aren’t people getting????
Boy, it really feels like there is going to be a blood bath in the 2026 election. We got a long road ahead before that… but these town halls are showing just how pissed off people are.
Oh! Is grandpa getting confused with the sunset coming on? Then get the hell of the way for the young generations that want progress, stop holding them back!
Or he thinks they are all just Democrats, and he doesn’t need their votes, there’s a disconnect for the GOP, they don’t know who is coming to the town halls, and Trump has convinced them It’s paid actors…
People are mad and angry the way Republicans are destroying everything. It’s your duty to stay there and listen to them and hear how UPSET AMERICANS ARE AT OUR GOVERNMENT AND SCOTUS!!!
I mean, what do they expect? Your constituents are not happy. He is right on one thing, their voices will be heard in the next election. BTW, this goes for both GOP and Dems. Everyone please remember what your elected officials stand for when you vote; for all their time in office.
On January 6th, 2025, all of them - 100% of the Republicans and 100% of the Democrats - in both houses of Congress voted to ignore the 14th Amendment and install the insurrectionist into the White House.
#ThrowTheBumsOut #Don'tRe-electAnybody #PrimaryEverybody
When a rep of the people doesn’t represent the needs and wishes of the people … the only recourse, given it is March, is to wait 20 more months to vote him out, plus 2 more months for the new Congress to be seated. Am I right?
Rep serves trump not his constituents, and is pretty smug about it.
This is the cavalier, entitled, hubristic attitude that is trademark for almost _every_ US politician, red or blue MAGA.
No sense of self-reflection. The stage presence of a colonial governor. To them, you are there to listen to, accept, and praise their self-styled "papal bulls."
I couldn't help but notice the dismissive smirk on his face when he said that. He sees these people, who most likely voted for him, as a means to an income and little else.
I actually think he believes the Fox bullshit that they are “Soros funded actors” and dismisses because he thinks he is doing great with their “mandate” agenda!
Chuck:"Look, it's not nice for me to come here to be shouted at, after selling your chances at survival to the Corporations. They give me millions and keep me fed with lobster and Champagne and all you can do is moan. Why can't you be more like them and lavish me with unearned praise, like my mommy"
At least he's holding a town meeting. We got our current Democrat representative because her Republican predecessor never held a town meeting and the constituents got sick of that and threw the bum out.
Really he thinks he’s above the people and it’s very unsettling I’m sure to have people you see as beneath you, turn on and yell at you. Let’s do it more. FAFO
He said it plainly....if you don't like it you can vote differently next time....you think Republicans will remember????...I don't know sometimes I feel like MAGAOTS can breathe and eat Racism and Misogyny...who would need a job if they could do that?
Asheville, you heard him “during the next election…” Vote him out! You put him in that office and if he won’t listen to his constituents then you need to vote to remove him.
in the next election.. um ok ..so basically his mandate means hes going o do whatever the f he wants despite swearing to represent his constituents ..cock and arse show these guys give
Please do not use “GOP” or “Republican” to describe Trump’s party. It is not the GOP or Republican. Trump doesn’t use these terms, and neither do most of the MAGA members of Congress.
It is MAGA or American Nazis. Words matter. Be precise.
And other Republicans have no obligation to vote for or with him but they do anyway If any republican was different from trump theyd not vote with him No one forces them to vote with him unless they do believe he represents Republican
You cant claim the infection isnt everyone when everyone coughing
The entire republican party spent the last 9 years licking Trump's taint and you still have the audacity to try to pull this kind of shit? Are you serious?
It’s hilarious you think there’s a difference. What we are seeing right now is the end result of over 50yrs of planning by the republicans and some church leaders. They all made a deal with the devil and now it’s too hot for them. Too bad.
It's VERY productive. Clearly Edwards hasn't been listening to his constituents. Their shouting is driving home that they don't want the Trump cuts + Trump recession + spineless Rs in Congress.
Cry baby. If you ate some “humble pie” and listened carefully to the electorate of your district, you might learn something. Stop giving “happy endings” to the WH.
Yep. Just like the others I got to watch in clips of their town halls.
As if nothing can touch them. They have forgotten who put them there and who they are working for. They need to be taught a lesson.
'Hey guys, don't be mean okay - just because I voted to gut the welfare of you and your community - chill. Show some respect. Remember, you voted for this." vibes
These “representatives “ seem to have forgotten who they work for. And it surely isn’t Donald or Elon.
He’s a Mammon is naturally greedy and always seeking out opportunities to profit without putting much work.
You don’t do that if you think you’re going to be out of a job.
These are his constituents that voted for you ,and this is your job, idiot!!!
#ThrowTheBumsOut #Don'tRe-electAnybody #PrimaryEverybody
Rep serves trump not his constituents, and is pretty smug about it.
How about going back to Washington and doing what your constituents want you to do.
Sounds crazy, I know.
But maybe give itva try.
No sense of self-reflection. The stage presence of a colonial governor. To them, you are there to listen to, accept, and praise their self-styled "papal bulls."
"Oh what a time to be a alive!" -2min papers
#ChuckEdwards #Dist11 #NC
I must've missed where trump said he would abdicate control of the government to musk.
It is MAGA or American Nazis. Words matter. Be precise.
You cant claim the infection isnt everyone when everyone coughing
Trumpy just gave them permission to remove their hoods and let their swastikas fly.
Republican candidates around the country pretty much have to proclaim allegiance to Trump and MAGA in order to get elected.
They are one and the same.
As if nothing can touch them. They have forgotten who put them there and who they are working for. They need to be taught a lesson.