Murphy: "If we continue to observe norms, if we continue to engage in business as usual, this democracy could be gone. I don't think we have a year to save American democracy. I think the way the president is acting ... puts out democracy at immediate risk."
If this is all Dems got, our democracy is toast.
But Mr. Ballz from DOGE has threatened to expose my browser history if I do.
Trust me, voters do not want to see that.
And the first step is replacing as minority leader. Schumer has completely lost the plot and is thoroughly being played by (and collaborating with) a Christian white supremacist fascist regime. (and I say this as a Jewish American). ⬇️⬇️⬇️
People keep lauding Murphy while he helped to create the is situation
Like the GOP in the USA, they'll do anything to win. Allow anyone in no matter how vile they are.
Things are Red Alert bad.
I really hope the Senate Dems don't go quietly into the night after Friday's vote.
And I think he personified the hate they felt cheated of showing.
Nobody listens to anarchists, though. Shit, my own mother just brushes it off and keeps sipping the Kool-Aid.
It's less and less likely to end non-violently each day.
Your apologetic message is hypocritical!
You have a convicted felon and fraud in the Oval Office controlled by a group of billionaires who have been waging hybrid warfare everywhere on everyone so they can have their corporate autocracy. Law enforcement, DoJ and DoD are compromised as well
"Dude. Wtf is wrong with you. Something's off. Are you BOUGHT??"
"Actually yes, I would do a better job and who will support me?"
Instead, norms.
but we'll settle for TODAY if that's the best they got
Choose younger. feisty leaders listen harder, tell less ,and remember what #JamnesCarville advisedc ~"It's the economy,
There’s one way to stop a Nazi.
Wr all know what the solution is.
Damn Senate Dems acting as if we were living in normal times and this administration had any form of seriousness in it.
There we were in state capitols over the country protesting against this shame of gov., while Senate Dems worked to normalize the Orange? DAMN YOU!
No quitters -not now!!!
Not ever!!!
Tell that to the all Vets, SS seniors, Education, Medicare & Medicaid
This is not 1939 we have lots of options.
Make your pick
They sponsor small group town halls on Zoom calls for those
Who cannot be in person — age of members between 28 and 77.
On Patron app:
Heather Cox
Tokyo Sand
Liz Cheney
Adam Kritzinger
Sen Mark Kelley
Sen Chris Murphy
Juggernaut Project,
Threads app. u can control who see what
Probably didn't look much different to what we see now looking at the US.
Has a lot of similarities with the US.
Dems are stick shift in a world of automatic cars. Dems need to upgrade.
yep, that's what a lot of us have been screaming. And we HAVE to start to impose personal consequences on non-responsive politicians now.
Move over
Music by a woman???
These white men are acting like they can't see what has already happened in front of them. Why are they so willfully blind? It's disgusting.
The time for talking about it is OVER. Action. Action NOW.
USA was warned by the Mein Kampf a.k.a. 2025
will Americans listen this time?
Trump's revenge weaponizing orders are in plain site & in full affect! His power grabbing bully ways are hurting, not meant to help anyone but his ego. His ego got in the way dealing with COVID, many many died!
His actions puts WW3 at our doorstep
of media is how it starts-cowing the voters
We CANNOT WAIT until the midterms, the Fascists will have destroyed America by then!!
Perpetual filibusters will not change that
So what’s the plan?
"In four years, you don't have to vote again. We'll have it fixed so good, you're not gonna have to vote."
He's said a lot of crazy stuff, a problem is that he had followed through on much of this craziness.
Both GOP and Dems watching the show in apathy.
Like they thought the administration was only going to cut DC govt jobs. He promised he would take care of "them". They just didn't realize which "them" he was referring to. FAFO is coming fast
"I would defo be the Senate Minority Leader."
but they aren’t the solution either. A democracy movement is.
Full interview here if you want to here more political double speak and platitudes -
You can demand your party not endorse them at election time and remove their (D).
You can start by putting some emotion in your voice.
Disown them. It works.
Those of us who aren’t giving up so fast are organizing
Weird to see dems want to shut the gov down. Neither choice was good, but we still need a government. We should close it down while trump is trying to destroy it?
Just like German citizens voted for Hitler.
It ended the minute the bullet passed through Hitler’s head last time.
I don’t see how it is different this time.
After Hitler blew his brains out, there was no way that anyone of his fellow bandits could have assumed command. And there were many who would have liked to.
But there was nothing left to command.
Ask the kidnap victims in Venezuelan prisons.
How many death camps were up and operating before Hitler was actually a bad guy worthy of the 400,000 American lives sacrificed?
Not just the first one I guess.
Gaza is the graveyard of all your trite slogans about human rights, freedom and free speech. It was all lies.
Nobody voted for your nominee
And yesterday our opposition party decided that's fine too.
With this very autocratic corrupt President the world is in big danger,
not only America.
He wants to invade Canada. This is what he does to America's closest allies. Then Mexico, Greenland, Panama and the world will be ashes before that happens.
No one will be held accountable for defying a judge's order and that's what they have been hoping for.
Trump has just opened the door to ignoring the law. It's all downhill from here.
They planned this stand off.
The democrats held meetings and came to a plan but Schumer threw it away!
AOC, Crockett, Pritzker, Walz, Murphy, Warren, Sanders are few leading the way 🇺🇸🇺🇸
Please don’t stop fighting back 🩵
I decide what you think. I shape your reality.
Disobey, and you will be deported.
If you are a U.S. citizen, I will rip your nationality from you—erase you.
I am the king. My word is law. And you? You are nothing.
"WE are the American people! THIS IS OUR COUNTRY! And WE will NEVER allow them to STEAL it from us. So will you all PLEASE: STAND THE FUCK UP!!!!"
They are a billionaires’ club regime squeezing the US for all the $ and power they can get - YOUR $ and power.
Planes crashing - no govt response
Prices soaring - “shut up about egg prices” sez trump
Veterans’ services slashed - no comment from the “back the blue” party
Tornados ravishing “trump country” - no response except to slash FEMA
Just Tesla ads
Trump believes government money should be under the direct control of the president. Congress wouldn't make that happen, so he has DOGE to make it happen. And his picks are to defend everything he does no matter how absurd.
Sadly, Rubio has debased himself on everything
I think you're right and he's going to be the first to go "for unspecified health reasons."
This is a 🔥 5 Alarm fire 🔥 for our country's Democracy & there's no time to waste.
No time for vacations & book tours. No time for half-hearted gestures and politics as usual.
It's time to take a stand while we still can.
The SAFE candidates
Elon & trump
Fucking leeches.
Do you think it’s the responsibility of a grunt to negotiate armistice? Or do they have a single duty?
They aren’t carrying out their oath no matter the number of excuses.
We aren’t waiting for the ONE person that will fix this right? It’s going to take millions of us. Many will be incarcerated and murdered. The sooner it starts the fewer in total.
The whole damn Democratic Party should be echoing him loudly and constantly.
Reichsschatzmeister = Elon Musk and DOGE.
Untersuchungs- und Schlichtungsausschüsse = Set up in DoJ
Sturmabteilung = Proud Boys, J6, military members
Schutzstaffel = ICE, FBI, Red state National Guard
Trump (Hitler) Youth = Linda McMahon and Red State Governors and DOE.
Please keep it up. People will resist understanding what's happening. I don't blame them. But we need open eyes now.
In a blitzkrieg, Trump is trying to collapse our democracy - and probably our economy
- and seize control. Call it what it is."
-Sen. Chris Murphy
And every person who was "just doing their job" must be punished!
#Trump and his #MAGA minions-WILL Try to IGNORE All Court Orders short of #SCOTUS.
Trump could even try to ignore SCOTUS, as HE thinks SCOTUS has given him a Hall Pass, and he Knows SCOTUS can't arrest.