🇫🇷👏🏻👏🏻 I have been saying myself that the statue should be returned to France. The sophomoric idiocy and hollowness of this entire repugnant, embarrassing regime. "Low-level French politician" ?! What a cringeworhty, vapid arse.
She strikes me as an ignorant airhead. She should read her history books. Britain hosted French gov, launched D Day, Canadians and Aussies and New Zealanders also played a huge role. I doubt she was recruited for her intellectual sharpness.
This very bad person really underestimates how little French people are willing to learn a foreign language...France could be German for thousands year they will always be speaking French
She doesn't even get that's unspeakably arrogant and offensive. It's such a stereotypical ugly American comment it's become Hollywood shorthand to identify an asshole.
This “only the U.S.” crap is so grating. Besides, the U.S. owes a debt of gratitude to France, circa the American Revolution. They were our first ally, ffs. You could almost say it’s because of France we don’t owe allegiance to the British monarchy. We don’t suffer any king or dictator.
"Throughout France the Free French had been of inestimable value in the campaign.... Without their great assistance the liberation of France and the defeat of the enemy in Western Europe would have consumed a much longer time and meant greater losses to ourselves.
Having MSG filled for a nazi rally and having some of the biggest corporations supporting and/or profiting off the nazis doesn't seem very neutral to me. More like playing both sides
I disagree vehemently. It's because of the French that they aren't speaking German right now.
All my live to all the resistance in WW2, the French and the Polish are my personal heros.
The US... should have done better
This jackass white supremacist Trump flunky doesn't know that the statue 🗽 of liberty predates WW2 and has nothing to do with Germany. It has to do with America as an inspiration for liberty ... and it appears that we've thrown that in the trash. Surprised Trump doesn't want it gone.
And bring nice cheese and champagne, not the stinky cheese. And no sarcastic smiles! And definitely no discussion about how long the USA took to finally get over to France. We got there when we got there.
By being constantly offended you finish with a completly useless opposition holding whatever sign in the middle of the congress !!
Repeat after me she is bimbo dumb as f**k. Trump is bimbo dumb as f**k.
None of this statements are misogynistic or misandrynic it’s just facts.
Wake up for god sake !
Can’t stand listening to her and her smug face, she reminds me of someone who knows they are lying and trying not to laugh, and sounds so snotty ( she needs to go back to school)
That wasn’t an answer - if you want to take it literally, you could have identified the author, but you didn’t. It goes back much further than 10 years ago. It’s still an incorrect statement.
It was, however, a question to point out that she’s not smart enough to come up with this herself.
Oh, please. Quit hanging your hat onto 75-year old glory. If you people had joined the fight when the rest of us were doing the hard work, Hitler would have been stopped at Poland.
It took 2 years and the bombing of Pearl Harbor for the USA to throw it's hat in the ring, and that was to declare war on Japan. Hitler then declared war on the USA, not the other way around.
USA did protect the Atlantic Convoys before Pear Harbor happened though, and lost many ships to German U-Boats, but they still stayed officially neutral and remote from the mayhem in Europe.
Czechoslovakia wouldn't have been surrendered to the Germans if the British fighting forces included Greater Canada, and Mexico had twice its territory and also will to fight land grabbing empires.
Ignorant twat should shut her mouth before she has the same outcome as Mary Antoinette... Keep eating that cake princess... We will take it from your mouth and replace it with your cross
We must remember that she’s a kid suffering from Dunning-Kruger. We must also remember that she’ll likely be unemployable for the rest of her life. It’s quite sad.
She forgot it. Or, like Trump, wishing he had generals like Hitler had, refusing to believe that a coup attempt that included Rommell tried to kill Hitler.
Yeah, and the last group that wanted to put "America First" said WWII wasn't our fight and Europe could sort it out themselves. Short-sighted then and stupid now to believe that America, as hegemon, can "turn inward".
If you put aside the criminality and just plain evilness of this whole MAGA administration, they are so spectacularly and utterly devoid of any knowledge of history or facts.....they are just making stuff up...
They are, at heart, a bunch of entitled, spoilt idiots with zero intellectual curiosity. It's why they're so confident and free from doubt; they simply don't have the brains to understand that what they are doing is extraordinary.
‘Only’ cheeky bitch. I seem to recall an alliance including British, Chinese, Russian, Canadians, Indians, Australians, New Zealanders and many other brave individuals from great nations all joining together. The right wing parties of the USA did not want to help. It took the Japanese to sway them.
It's funny when you really think about it. Americans learning Russian?? At least ⅓ of them don't read or write English very well and it's their native language.🤷🏻♀️
Very few of that 1/3 have the capacity for any kind of critical thinking. The fact that a large portion of languages use some kind of pronouns in their language would also be a deal-breaker for the magat world.
Je cherche à montrer l'absurdité de cette idée que l'invasion, l'oppression, la guerre et les horreurs du régime nazi se réduisent à une question de langue. Comme si les déportations l'extermination des juifs bon ahlàlà c'est bien triste Madame mais parler ALLEMAND ? Ça JAMAIS!
Ah mais au contraire ton français est excellent, je n'avais pas remarqué que ce n'était pas ta langue maternelle!
1/ félicitations pour ton apprentissage!
2/ je n'ai pas du tout été gêné par ce que tu as écrit, et je n'ai certainement pas été blessé!
Je ne suis pas en désaccord. Cette mascarade contre des personnes de tous horizons doit cesser immédiatement. Je suis profondément écœuré par le régime et tout ce qu'il représente. Les actions de son dirigeant témoignent d'une instabilité mentale et sont influencées par des lectures nazies d'enfance
I wonder what would happen if I stood in front of a mosque in Paris and read the Bible? I’d either be attacked by gang of Muslim extremists or jailed by the French government. Free speech no longer exists in France and most of Europe s and the UK. Hypocrisy, look up the definition.
It is sad how uneducated she thinks some Americans are....BUT....MAGA voters will sincerely believe this because how uneducated they are about American history.
says the dumb blonde Leavitt, with her 70 year old sugar daddy, who would flipping burgers at McDo instead if it wasn't because she bought a $1 hair color that time, pardon me all other blondes and 70 yo guys, but this one does the trick so well ..
And it‘s only because of Trump‘s grandparents emigrating that he isn‘t speaking German, too. Which has of course nothing to do with anything, but I wanted to join MAGA barbie and leave a dumbfuck comment, too.
Ask where the $200k political contributions from her defunct Congressional campaign went to. They suddenly disappeared. I’m sure they were misappropriated to her wallet
Oh, ffs...the Heritage Foundation and the New Apostolic Reform people have no morals, either. They just pretend that what they want is moral and somehow holy. It's not.
America was only ONE part of the allied forces that pushed the Germans back, and the Russians crushed them on the eastern front. What arrogance to say it was all because of America.
Yes and it took them two years to come help, and they might not have at all if Japan hadn't attacked them, soo maybe she shouldn't brag about it. Even Canada came to help right at the beginning…
Yeah, nobody in the great American heartland gave a damn what was happening to some poor bastards in the Sudetenland. We had to be propagandized into caring, and even then it took Pearl Harbor to wake us up.
Even Canada? Wtf you mean by that buddy. Damn fucking right Canada was there. Like we were in WWI. Do not ever make the mistake of lumping Canada's actions or motives with those of the US.
Canada was supposed/expected to be way less powerful than the US in terms of political and military influence yet they didn't hesitate. That's what I meant there. I'm sorry if it was poorly expressed.
Those French got along better with the Indians than the Anglo-Saxons did. One reason for British taxes was they paid for the way to keep us from all being half Algonquin now. Brits wanted the colonists to pay their fair share.
No, she’s just one of the female faces they will keep using to make maga/repub women believe their maga/repub men see them as equals just like the bible gaslights them into believing.
The good guys that joined late because they felt it was not their problem? Pearl Harbor made the USA join and they even strong handed Europe to rebuild by using US resources.
My kids go / went to school in the greater Seattle area, and I have to say the WA state history curriculum is pretty great, so there may be hope in some states.
On the Normandy landing they are 73k us troops and 83k uk and canadian force. The canadian on juno beach was the fastest to pushed farther inland. Its somewhat elitist to said it's just because us force .
that's because she hasn't had her colonoscopy yet. when she has that, they will hopefully pull out her head, since that is where it seems to be lodged.
If it were down to the people of North Dakota, everyone would be speaking German. Could be speaking French, of course. Or Spanish. Or even English. Wait...
Yeah, but Stalin and Hitler jointly invaded Poland...it was only after the Germans got a good look at the pathetic state of the Russian army, that Hitler dropped Stalin as a partner and invaded Russia. Gangsters being gangsters.
There's much to debate, there.
If the British/U.S. hadn't invaded Africa/Europe, it would've been a one front war for Hitler.
The U.S. was supplying the U.K. and Russia.
Hitler may have lost his best at Stalingrad.
Then, maybe all of Europe would have been the U.S.S.R.
Could have had many outcomes.
What's rubbish?
Barbarossa started in '41. The U.S. wasn't officially in the war yet.
He already had the rest of Europe and most of North Africa.
You don't read too well.
I stated there's a debate on how much the Russians helped.
They might have won it without the second front. Maybe not.
There's no argument.
I only stated in the beginning that there were a number of possible outcomes if the U.S. hadn't entered the war with soldiers.
One of them was the entirety of Europe as the USSR.
Read what I typed again.
Yes, and USSR still joined the allies militarily long before US did, sacrificed more people (and a big portion of them were Ukrainian) to defeat Hitler.
The only two def “sine qua non” parties were UK and USSR.
Joined late because the U.S. population didn't want another war. Neutrality/non-interventionism. There wasn't much Roosevelt could do.
Japan changed that.
Prior to that, there were all sorts of deals for the U.S. to supply arms to Europe. Lend-Lease and others.
Trump just doesn't care.
I think like Bush jr thought, that she thinks France should do anything the US tells it to do. And we're ofc not doing it. Bc you've gone nazis.
I'm telling you now, don't piss us off French too hard, we're extremely aggressive when all is said and done.
The three invasion campaigns - N Africa, Italy, Normandy - that led to liberation of France were ALLIED invasions. Britain and Canada were well represented in numbers and in sacrifice. She is a product of insular US education - and having her head up Trump’s ass has deprived her brain of oxygen.
I hope she's enjoying her moment in the sun, she will be remembered in the same notoriety as Goebbels. If I was her dad, am I am old enough to be, I would utterly ashamed of what she is doing. Can someone find her parents and ask them? That would be some insightful journalism.
Brazen McDonald Rump, Muskrat & tiny pants Vance, the US coup leaders are being dicks & holding US population hostage. Fools voted for rump gang, now complaining. Resist rump's, rat's, & petite pant's, struggling coup d'e'tat.
Thank you France for calling out this clear threat.
Could you also go back and tell Lil’ Leavitt’s 5 yo self that she’s going to be a royal dick and that she should change her ways before everyone laughs at her and hates her.
And to counter her stupidity- it’s only because of the French they don’t sing God Save The King at soccer matches rather than the Star Spangler Banner at NFL games.
what's with this bitch? Frankly, my American friends, you're going to have to get off your asses, because in the end it'll be just like the Germans: we won't be able to tell the difference between the good guys and the bad guys, and all Americans will be NAZIS.
Are you not seeing coverage of our boycotts and protests? Sen. Minority leader/turncoat Chuck Schumer cancelled his book tour for fear of protests, and Bernie Sanders (follow) is drawing crowds by the thousands in red/MAGA states. Same Tim Walz. We realize Trump/GOP stole the '24 election. We're 😡.
I've been following it closely for years, much more than many of my compatriots who, without knowing Bernie or Shumer, see only one thing: nothing. Spring is coming and it's time for a revolt. Do it now or you're lost!
it's not my place to tell the american people what to do. As a Frenchman, here's what I would have done: taken to the streets, organized general strikes, blockaded institutions, refused any dialogue with the government and chosen new leaders. The two-party system is killing you
🧵 Ah. So you haven't been getting coverage. Because Trump kicked the AP and other news agencies out of the White House. We - with lots of grateful acknowledgement to the French - have done/are doing many of those things and not just driving down Tesla's stock 43%. Personsonally, I have shorted #TSLA
I would say cognitive dissonance but this girl knows what she's doing. She's a straight fascist as well.
Deliberate wickedness.
L'affreux Américain. Der häßliche Amerikaner.
No one but the Americans fought the Germans
The US showed up after 3 years of resistance
This is why I ❤️ shows like SAS Rogue Heroes, which tells stories of UK soldiers did big things
Dwight D. Eisenhower
All my live to all the resistance in WW2, the French and the Polish are my personal heros.
The US... should have done better
"But France was invaded and taken over by the Germans! So the owe us so much forever more! USA! USA! USA!"
I agree, he’d want to replace it… & with a statue of himself (or maybe Arnold Palmer).
Leavitt is a bimbo
DEI hire?
Do any of those work for ya?
I don’t care to go “high” when they go low
I call them as I see them…she’s a bimbo
Repeat after me she is bimbo dumb as f**k. Trump is bimbo dumb as f**k.
None of this statements are misogynistic or misandrynic it’s just facts.
Wake up for god sake !
School wouldn’t help her as she perceives herself the smartest person in the room
We will teach you history and show you a protest French style.
French people are absolutely pissed off by the White House bimbo
.....What a f**king moron!
I hope you share such obvious information to people undermining the independence and authority of the courts.
Not my problem the answer doesn't suit you lol.
It's a fact though.
It was, however, a question to point out that she’s not smart enough to come up with this herself.
Temu Barbie.
They know almost nothing...
Now how likely do we think it is that US Americans will actually learn Russian?
Even metaphors cannot be that divorced from reality.
(tellement con ptn!)
1/ félicitations pour ton apprentissage!
2/ je n'ai pas du tout été gêné par ce que tu as écrit, et je n'ai certainement pas été blessé!
I don’t wonder which side she would’ve been on.
Royal decree ordered Friedrich Trump to leave Bavaria and never come back after he failed to do military service. Draft dodger went to Canada to open a brothel. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/21/trump-grandfather-friedrich-banished-germany-historian-royal-decree
And did the brothel go bankrupt?
Her elderly husband or her elderly rapist president?
America was only ONE part of the allied forces that pushed the Germans back, and the Russians crushed them on the eastern front. What arrogance to say it was all because of America.
Allied nations...
Fuck her.
You do know that the Nazis utilized American laws to construct their antisemitic codes.
American history books are half-truths and are only going to get worse
Unless if you think that white supremacy is somehow better than Germanic chauvinism. 🤷🏿♂️
I do realize that these days it is necessary to point out the Nazis were the bad guys, but I grew up in a time when everybody agreed on that.
Could have won him a NATO “Employee of the Year” award
And . . . ?
Truth is truth and everything else is just opinion.
The truth will set you free.
Is that even possible. Duhhhhh
What's my name again
These morons literally know nothing about history. And these are the people who want to gut our education system.
Perhaps she can't acknowledge the 51st as important.
They lost 22-27 million people and the US lost about .5 million.
Russians asked for help in defeating Germans in their country and never received it.
USA supported dictatorship of Saddam Hussein in Iraq before invading his country
Manuel Noreiga and invasion of Panama
“It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but to be America's friend is fatal.”
― Henry Kissinger
And English
And some French people anyway
If the British/U.S. hadn't invaded Africa/Europe, it would've been a one front war for Hitler.
The U.S. was supplying the U.K. and Russia.
Hitler may have lost his best at Stalingrad.
Then, maybe all of Europe would have been the U.S.S.R.
Could have had many outcomes.
Hitler made it a multi front war with operation barbarossa.
The american intervention only shortened the war, hitler had already lost by then, he sealed his fate.
Also the British didn't invade africa, they already had colonies there.
Barbarossa started in '41. The U.S. wasn't officially in the war yet.
He already had the rest of Europe and most of North Africa.
You don't read too well.
I stated there's a debate on how much the Russians helped.
They might have won it without the second front. Maybe not.
It was the reason he didn't complete the battle of Britain, leaving the UK available to recover.
If he hadn't broken the deal with stalin then Europe would certainly have been done for, however he couldn't fight 2 'superpowers'
I only stated in the beginning that there were a number of possible outcomes if the U.S. hadn't entered the war with soldiers.
One of them was the entirety of Europe as the USSR.
Read what I typed again.
Also, see French, dutch and Belgium colonies...
But, we're getting off topic. This is about another fool making blind statements from the White House.
Fact is US was barely an ally. Joined late, and only because Japan attacked + Hitler declared war.
The only two def “sine qua non” parties were UK and USSR.
They had a non-aggression pact and agreed to split the spoils.
Then came Barbarossa.
Japan changed that.
Prior to that, there were all sorts of deals for the U.S. to supply arms to Europe. Lend-Lease and others.
Trump just doesn't care.
Déjà vu.
More like a hell of a lot!
Hell, in 40 years maybe someone will say the same about us.
Je suis désolé
I'm telling you now, don't piss us off French too hard, we're extremely aggressive when all is said and done.
Tell that to all the relatives of Canadian soldiers buried over there. 🤯
I’ve had it with this American “we’re better than everybody” bullshit.
And wakey wakey…. Nobody even wants to be you. 🇨🇦
It has always been a mirage of greatness.
France is telling the US that right now.
Brazen McDonald Rump, Muskrat & tiny pants Vance, the US coup leaders are being dicks & holding US population hostage. Fools voted for rump gang, now complaining. Resist rump's, rat's, & petite pant's, struggling coup d'e'tat.
Thank you France for calling out this clear threat.
"You came from the future to tell me fucking WHAT"
Return the statue, Leavitt.
To quote JD: did you ever say thank you?