REPORTER: Why were cabinet secretaries discussing a potential military operation on Signal, and why didn't they notice a reporter?

STATE DEPT SPOX TAMMY BRUCE: We will not comment, and you should contact the White House

R: Shouldn't Rubio comment?


I hope those canceled Navajo code talkers are having a laugh right now.
Remember the constant “her emails” rants? This seems like a firing offense.
Cruella de Ville. How does the admin come up with these women.
I'm holding my breath...
“Deliberative” hahaha.
She’s got that smug bitch rest face that wants you wanna punch her right on the mouth…
There used to be it children's puppet show in the fifties: Kukla, Fran, and Ollie. She reminds me of Kukla, the clown with the bizarre eyebrows 😂
Don't you know it! 🎯 🤣 I couldn't even stand to listen to her. I could only watch her body language. (facial expressions) 🤪
She was a boring has-been right-wing radio show host.
She truly has
Yep I remember that. KFI 640AM. Long before streaming when there wasn't anything else to listen to as far as talent or substance. Took her getting fired to become a right winger.
I don’t get why reporters are soft selling it.

Rubio was on the signal chat.

He’s directly involved.
Sounds like Andrea Mitchell, too.
Whitewashing everything, so people don't actually know what's going on. This will be talked about is a great achievement. No doubt in about a week or so
For the same reason they've been sanewashing everything from "they're eating the pets" to "91/6) was a day of love":

Because Big Box Media is owned by people who profit from Trump's presence behind the Resolute Desk.
*sigh* (1/6), not 91/6. Please, BlueSky, give us an edit button.
Not just potential.

This was an actual military operation, including intelligence and sensitive logistics.
Those usually cost extra.
Cruella can try to ignore this all she wants, but this is just the beginning of fiascos for this incompetent administration.
Did she get hired by Trump personally because her eyebrows remind him of his much loved Golden Arches?
Fubar on steroids for these idiots.
Butter emails on non government servers is disqualified for any position in government
After all, he was in on it.
Maybe they wanted Russia to be able to listen in?
They got with their pants down!!
They got caught with the pants down is what I meant. The auto populated words or absence of words feature of AI sucks! Stop & think how u use tech. Turn off & unplug your devices at end of the day. Delete apps on your phone that you don’t use particularly social media that tracks everything you do
Only the best (worst) people.
were also set up to avoid record keeping and disclosure requirements
Both her emails and this group chat breached national security protocols and it's astounding that she was never legally punished. I hope Hegseth and everyone in that chat from the current administration get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
This is completely false. Both claims are false. All of the emails on her server were mirror with the state department email. They were no classified documents stored on her server, and none of the emails were marked classified. Some were retroactively changed but that was reversed.
Do you have sources for those claims? (Not being combative, I'm genuinely curious and willing to admit I don't have all of the information on the email situation...)
Emails were copied to state, but the IG said they did not keep or capture them all. This would be a FARA violation not national security. but.. yes.. mistakes were made.
I followed it in real time. You have to google through a lot of claims. the retractions came later and not well reported.
I remember the discussion of the classified system and how docs were printed and then burned
It's insane that there is ZERO chance anyone loses their job over this. In 48 hours nobody will even be talking about this incident.
Every minute of the day every Dem in America best be chanting LOCK HIM UP.
Lock them up!!
I think it’s fun that the big tech supporters switched to Signal. Nice punch in the face for Suck. Unfortunately even the privacy of Signal can’t help stupid.
Shameless all of them
I bet her underarm deodorant isn’t holding up…
They also need to investigate the security of information being transmitted on Starlink internet at the White House.
Why hold a conference of you are not going to speak on the subject?
Exactly and saying to contact the WH? Wouldn't she be the point of contact? 🙄
Unless she plans to abandon the shit show.

They can't bury this story.
They can and they will bury this story. It will be gone from media and memory within days. That is if it even lasts that long.
Oh that cat is way out of the bag.

There is no burying it
Not if we ALL apply pressure. Republicans/MAGA would be on this like butter on rice. Call your Reps/Senators.
Yeah because something even crazier is going to happen tomorrow…stay tuned.
Maybe the State Department will comment on Signal?
I guess I need to download that app.
We must shut down this country until the orange buffoon is removed by participating in the following work stop: 12am 3/25-12am 3/28. Call in sick, go to work late, take long lunches, leave early, take 1/2 days. We must stop: slow down transportation, airline industry, manufacturing, agriculture.
Good for Andrea Mitchell to keep pushing to get some answers. This is when Mitchell is at her best, she knows all the ins and outs of the state department.
Gaslighting. We know nothing. Contact the white house who will have no comment.
WH is scrambling. They have to spin their 'tale'. They'll get that nasty little press secretary on it. She'll put everyone in their place!
Oh, the little blonde, aryan bitch? She's quite the good nazi.
I would inform you the first step in anything is ask the question you know the answer of what you acquire. If you know the answer is bad tell them you would read the handbook or tell them you just work here (lol) and point them to the one that work in that field. The reporter baited her. (nod)
Where is idiot commie boy marco?
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Think little Marco is trying to distance himself from this cesspool?
Hard to distance yourself from the cesspool after you just got caught peeing in it.
Everyone on the group chat should resign! Each of them knew how insecure it was and could have shut the conversation down.
Many details related to Trump's action are worth pondering.
It that an outside server?
Tammy Bruce—WHORE.
LMAO 😜. All these “press secretaries” suck TRUMP PENIS.
As usual, it won’t be their own children killed by their ineptitude
You like her or not…she is so much more professional than Trump bimbo spokesperson!!!

(Ok, it is not hard to be)
Would that be the same White House who professed to know nothing about this?

JFC, you’re barely two months into this administration and this is the shit you’re already dealing with?

It seems all those Democrats who said don’t hire Hegseth might have know what they were talking about.
Pete is the epitome of a DEI hire!! No experience and no expertise!!! Completely UNQUALIFIED!
Just curious when's the next time he will spit out the word "competence" again.
And a ... DUI hire.
She looks very uncomfortable.
My concern is what if this was intentional and they are baiting people to disclose what was said when bringing it to Light and that way they can target those people as leakers and hit them with treason laws
Plausible deniability
Why do these people have spokespersons
There will be no consequences.
Y’all when is Trump going to be removed. Seriously when will someone finally call for his removal? When Putin is moving into the Whitehouse? It’s so freaking obvious what is happening here!!!
It’s past time! Now is the time to remove him
flip the house April 1....begin articles of impeachment very next day
And where are you getting the 67 Senate votes to convict?
But no I shouldn’t be sarcastic about something so serious. I just can’t believe that this can go on for much longer. I’m praying the Republicans are finally catching on that it’s not MAGA they need to fear. They will absolutely lose their jobs if they keep supporting this lunacy.
A girl can dream
Oh, believe me…they need to start fearing their constituents more than they fear the mob boss! They work for THE PEOPLE… and if they can’t read a room by now, they shouldn’t have their current job.
Who cares?
Well, if the House impeaches Trump (for a 3rd time) and the Senate doesn't convict (for a 3rd time), nothing happens (for a 3rd time). What do you prefer - spending your time on impotent displays with no real impact, or on things which actually help people?
It’s absolutely important to list his crimes. I don’t think the victims think it’s just a political stunt.

What else do you suggest house Dems do to “actually help people. “
Will the even bother to campaign on this carelessness?
You know the answer already.

They'll scream about it for a day or two, but without anyone effectively leading/organising/coordinating, they'll let this own goal go unpunished.
If we make it to April.
And by what mechanism do you think this will happen?
Well personally I think the 25th Ammendment is applicable here. The guy is out of his mind.
We must remember who has the majority of votes when it comes to impeachment. It just isn’t going to happen until GOP reps get smacked in the face by some of the ugliness.
How Trump's White House handles state secrets:
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Let the finger pointing begin!
They're too dumb to look at the recipient list
They have no idea how to do damage control on this. It's like watching Romper Room.
Hegseth needs to resign.
Republicans wanted to prosecute Secretary Clinton for a much less critical security breech!
He needs to be fired!!!!
Hegseth was never qualified for the job to begin with.
Ain't that the truth?
He should be dragged in front of congress tonight!!!!!!
People who have GOP reps need to push hard on this. They will have to do it.
I called all three of mine today to let them know I look forward to them dealing with this matter as seriously as it would have been dealt with if it had happened during the Biden administration.
^^Yep, even if they don't listen, call them on this, call and insist on his resignation, and ask them why they failed in their role to advise and consent.
Everyone on that call should have to answer.
Lock them up!!
Only Hegseth?

I don't see anybody else in that chat speaking up to say they shouldn't be discussing things there.
And why do we allow them to move on.. every reporter should have started repeating the question to her.. start being indignant and pushy!! Stop acting like the officials deserve respect
At least she isn’t as condescending as state media Barbie at the White House
“She lies with the poise and confidence of a seasoned professional!”
Lol true 🫠🫠🫠🫠
C'est le principal critère de recrutement de l'administration Trump!
We will never admit our Sec. of Defense is a drunken idiot. That is the prevue of the POTUS.
Don't expect anything from the WH soon. There will be other shiny objects for you to focus on soon. National Security is not important. 😵‍💫
Like social security
Everyone mad at the new guy but there were veteran govt officials in that chat that should’ve known better. The entire group should be on the hook imo
👊🇺🇲🔥 is not a "deliberative conversation."

It is a 13yo boy's text message talking about a WWE match.
The only person who should be commenting is Pete Hegseth offering his resignation.
He's passed out somewhere
How much more has to happen with this farce of a government before it gets removed??
Do you have your fire house ready because they are determined to burn the country down?
It’s past time! They should all be taken out in cuffs
By the people marching in and evicting these mthrfkrs
She's the spokesperson, but refuses to comment.

Make it make sense.
Dyke bro
Tammy Bruce has a wife all of that gay bashing that that channel does and she’s gay, it’s unbelievable Tammy Bruce is a lesbian fox are hypocrites like your people don’t know that lol
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She’s thinking that we all better run for the hills.
State Department's a joke run by a bunch of maga morons
Rubio is pulling a Rubio on this matter.
I have never in my life seen or even fathomed a punchline worthy woman's face... Distance line! What's the Vegas line here?
This admin is a fucking joke.
Am I wrong or is that code for “don’t look at us. Those guys over there are a shitshow”
Ah, the “ask your mom, ask your dad” routine. Classic!!

I’m so sad for us.
my, isn't she the snooty one!
Not only using Signal, but with a software deletion policy in place which contravenes the Presidential Records Act.
Stupidity. Incompetent
Have we ever had such a bunch of unhinged uneducated idiots in an administration…. that’s not including alcoholics sex traffickers drug addicts felons rapists blackmailers hackers … did I forget anything …. 🤔 they should be in the Guinness Book of Records ….
This is a problem
Lmmfao they can put their fake game faces on BUT WE ALL KNOW THIS IS A MAJOR BLOW TO ALL OF THEM. They're all so incompetent and this Country is in trouble. I cannot believe we have only lived two months of this because it literally feels like 10 years! How the fuck is America gonna make it?
Will this event change the up- to-now unmovable?
If not, what needs to happen?
With all of these jackwagons in office NOTHING will move them. I believe America is in deep shit. I am hearing how one by one each state is slowing bowing down to these people. FL Gov. DumbfukSantis just met with Musk & gave him back $878M Federal Funding. This hurricane season we are fucked!
Not sure why he gave back the money, the state is going to need it now that FEMA has been destroyed by Musk and the DOGEy boys.
He could have used the money to help the people pay their ridiculous insurance costs.
He gave it back because he said FLORIDA doesn't need it & Biden kept giving him money when he didn't ask for it LOL he literally said that in an interview this weekend! FLORIDA is so fucked & we do need it. My neigborhood is still flooded from Hurricane Milton and the State is doing NOTHING!
How stupid is that, so while the Florida residents are suffering because of the storms, he decides they don’t need the help Biden was giving them.
It’ll be interesting to see what happens after the next storm & Trump doesn’t give the state any money.
DumbfuukSantis has always ate Orange Poop so that was NOT a surprise there BUT The Govenor of Colorado has now taken down the painting that Orange Poop was whining about. So asinine to give in to this. The painting looked better than he actually does in real life! I am so sick of this Country!
Oh my!
It is looking bad! I will NOT go without a fight though......BUT it is bad!!!!!
Yes, we are.
Because it started 10 years ago descending down that escalator and has continued descending ever since.
Facts & honestly the Republican party started to descend the minute Reagan was ellected. He was the beginning of what we are experiencing now. He demonized unions, he was a complete racists & was caught on audio calling black people the N word. Tricle down ecconomy was introduced...We are doomed
True, however, I am referring to electing a person devoid of a conscience, not a medical condition. Reagan’s son Ron has said his father was struggling with Alzheimer's while he was in the White House.
I understand what you are saying and you are right. Reagan definitely had Alzheimers at the END of his term not the beginning & they covered it up. Reagan was a disgusting person & he is the one who started this nonsense of NOT TAXING THE RICH & making the middle/poor class carry the wieght!
Regan’s trickle down theory did not trickle past the bank account of the rich.
Both of my parents had memory issues that required end of life care. It doesn’t manifest overnight, it is a slow progressive condition. My siblings were in denial for years before they would accept what was happening. A devastating ending of two lives well lived.
Wish he had kept right on descending into the pit of Hell.
We are there!
Here's my problem with today's Corporately Owned MSM. THEY NEED TO SHORTEN THE QUESTIONS. Not show how cleaver or smart or cute they are. Go for the jugular. Simple, straightforward, yes or no. Craft your questions using you craft, your words, and intelligence.
Reread Orwell every morning before work if necessary.
And maybe an intelligent follow up? Think quick!!
Exactly! When the question goes on and on there is too much time for them to form their lies. Its like giving them ammo to shoot back at you. And the smirk on the face while the question goes on is very telling.
They don't want the truth. They want sound bites they can use to generate more headlines & scandals that will bring in more $$$$, & that won't happen by exposing the facts & truth about these corrupt criminals. The media is greedy & complicit.
As far as me, the mainstream media is dead. No cable, no on air, no newspaper. Just this Threads, Daily Kos, pods, and audio of some MSNBC programs, Rachel, Hayes, Last word. Never CNN.
CNN is unwatchable, have that Jennings on, can’t stand him, just Nicole Wallace is all I watch.
Haven't watched CNN since 2015 the first time they were shilling for Trump. Michael Cohen, Kaley MacAhaney, and Paris Dennard were on regularly.
CNN was always my go to in a disaster, no more.
I can’t stand Jennings either
Those eyebrows!
(On the chopping block)
Fucking terrifying level of incompetence.

Every reporter should ask each admin secretary “How many Signal text chains are you on to conduct government business while skirting numerous federal laws?”

“Are you convinced that Signal is more secure than US Government secure communications systems?”
We can't get that info! We need to write to @ValdfromRussia, he tracks all their phones...
Chicken little shit get these inept rookies out of there
Look at this haughty twat like she better than everyone you can tell these fuckers in power no longer think they work for we the people we should alleviate her of this delusion with the quickness
Four hours after the story broke, Trump claimed to be unaware of it. Oddly enough, he didn't seem pissed that he had been caught flat-footed.
That’s his go to response all the time. I don’t know them, I didn’t know anything about it. What BS! He is the fricking President, well, not quite a president, you know damn well he knows!
“[appalling thing] would never have happened if I’D been in charge!”

[appalling thing] happens in his OWN OFFICE

Let's take bets!

The orange shitstain will blame Rubio or Biden?
He’s on a lot of anti-anxiety, anti-depression, anti-personality, anti-truth drugs apparently.
He also said the other day that he didn’t sign the EO about deporting ppl and that ‘Rubio wanted it and we go along with that’.
So one could assume that after his remarks about Bidens AutoPen signatures on offical pardons being void, these comments might come back to majorly bite his fat ass.
As soon as I heard about the excuse for Biden's pardons not being valid, I knew that Trump probably really wasn't aware of at least some of his XOs. But the Alien Enemies Act one he had to know about because he campaigned on it.
#sealteamsix #luigi
#fightfascism #fightnazis
#protest #resist #persist
#staystrong #wewillwin
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He was more concerned about the painting of him.
The buck stops with him, he wants the title he needs to answer for his unqualified candidates and the errors they make!!
Just adds more proof Trump has no clue what’s going on. Reporters should have called President Musk.
Or VP Miller
Why is there never any pushback from reporters when Trump claims to not know about something that he as POTUS should definitely be aware of? It’s infuriating.
Yeah, it's probably bad that I was in my living room and knew about the largest national security breach in recent memory HOURS before the President did.

For the record, I think he's full of shit and definitely knew.
He knows that nothing will come of it. After all, he beat a felony conviction. This hiccup is a piece of cake.
He didn't "beat it". He is a convicted criminal, and may not travel to many foreign countries. Further, his support is plummeting as he screws over a lot of the people who voted for him.
Why would he be concerned? He will just change his story anyway. Tomorrow we will find out Chuck Schumer is responsible.
So funny how now the same people who accused Dems of not being transparent are now fogging up the rhetoric to try to hide.
We will not comment because there’s nothing we can say in their defence. Total fiasco. We are a bunch of dumbasses.
I’m thinking that Hegseth meant to invite someone from Fox News to the group and accidentally invited the wrong media person.
If this had happened during Biden, the Republicans, their supporters and Mainstream Rightwing Media would be losing their shit.
Fuck the White House it’s fake cabinet secretaries and the entire shitbag “trump” admin. DIE!
Slimeball nonanswer.
it was performative. that is not how this motley crew gets shit done. come on. JD Vance dgaf what other countries think. his speil in the chat is absurdity to the max, how i know it's completely made up. the attack happened but only about a 20 sec conversaton between Trump and Hegseth happened
“ ask the White House”. Ahh lady, we did and he is apparently clueless.
Welcome to the sh*t show!
What need to comment? Same explanation as Hegseth emailing unintended people top secret info. The government has been seized by a bunch of amateurs of average or lower intelligence who fuel their daily activities with exhaust from their arrogance, and nothing else at all. Good luck to y'all.
This is pretty bizarre. The conversation was bascially broadcast over a video platform joined by unvetted viewers. Why not discuss it?
What *else* are they talking about on Signal to avoid traceability and records retention laws?
I’m curious about the term “deliberative” she kept using. Was Rubio actively involved in discussing this operation and its ramifications? Is he adding military to his cosplaying suite of playacting? Advising Hegseth?

1. A discourse in which a question is discussed, or weighed and examined.

2. 🔻A kind of rhetoric employed in proving a thing and convincing others of its truth, in order to persuade them to adopt it.

(From GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English)
How does that apply to anything Rubio posted on the chat?
I posted without adding an opening sentence. Tammy Bruce used the word more than once in her short commentary. IMO, the second definition of the word probably applied: Rhetoric is used to try to convince someone that something is true.
Maybe. In any case, it’s SOP for the GOP; make claims based on the unstated assumption that something false is, in fact, true. That invalidates the entire claim, but it is presented so aggressively and confidently that this gets overlooked.
One of their favorite ways to lie.
I have two short things to say to you. Fuck off and fuck off.
Tammy Bruce! Ugh, we’re screwed.
State Department hold Press Stonewalling. Get used to it.
Ask the White House?! Trump just said he knows nothing about it. He’s a lot like Schultz from Hogan’s Heroes isn’t he?
They were committing a crime...using unsecured that they could break another law....avoiding archival laws and the PRA.

And they ALL did it.
Why weren’t they using Starlink?!?
"I accept no responsibility at all."
She can’t even keep a straight face to lie
She big mad.
Another bullshit artist
guess morticia got a day job
Maybe they’re all drunk with power and feel free to be reckless and irresponsible.
Or just drunk.
It starts at the top. Trump’s not interested in governing, why should his less than stellar appointees feel any need to follows protocol’s. It’s the Wild West & we need tough sheriffs. There is no leadership.
Rubio learned from his boss... deflect, delay; else lie.
Ah. Another outstanding member of the vapid response team.
Wow. She looks like she has a stick up her wazoo. Not too happy having to mop up Hegseth's mess.
Criminals, Crooks and Cowards.
Why bother having a press conference if you’re not going to provide answers?!
Grave security implications aside, there are further issues raised here:

- Nat'l Security Advisor Michael Waltz used the expression "tiger team"
- JD Vance addressed the chat as "team."

These two things alone merit Trump's expulsion from office. Just disgusting.
Resting bitch face from a lying bitch.
“ yeah…Talk to his daddy at the White House if you want to ask why he was Drunk Texting” 😂
😂😂 Dolts!
"Do American citizens have a right to know the Sec. of State's position? If you can't comment, we'll just talk to him directly..."
But they know nothing @ anything, ever!
So, using a disappearing chat app to avoid FOIA and the mandatory storage of information when going through proper channels 🤔
This is the actual story here.
Kind of the same way how during Trump‘s first term- he was allegedly using Secret Service agent’s phones and burner phones constantly. No trace left behind…
The wheels are coming off Hegseth's job.
This is like an SNL skit
But her emails…
Actually somebody ought to ask the US Senate, they approved these monsters.
Mushroom 🍄
The fact that Rubio- who definitely should have known better he was Vice Chair of the Senate Foreign Intelligence Committee- did not insist they use a SCIF is a true WTF moment.
He is almost the least of the worst. Neither the Director of the CIA nor the Director of National Intelligence noticed a problem. It is beyond appalling.
He blindly follows their lead because he has no balls. Sad little man.
Simple bs answer. This is beyond the scope of a simple text chain. This is a breach of security of epic proportions!!!!!!!!
Tammy’s lips are stuck from kissing trump’s ass too much. Permanent duck face.
* Federal Records Act: This law mandates the proper preservation of government records, including classified information. Mishandling such records can result in legal penalties.
* Potential criminal charges: Depending on the severity of the offense, individuals could face criminal charges.
#sealteamsix #luigi
#fightfascism #fightnazis
#protest #resist #persist
#staystrong #wewillwin
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Actually, now I think about it, maybe this is why the can't provide documentation on the El Salvador deportations - it will be full of racist BS they never expected would see the light of day - if it still exists.
Exactly. You make a decision to attack, kill people, and destroy those records. How crazy is that? And trump, if they do something he thinks reflects poorly on him, will say he never authorized it and they will have no records. Or if a world court comes after them (not in this obviously).
She’s about useless
Rubio, "Uh, Duh, I don't know."
And THIS is what replaced “DEI hires” so that America could be great???
This is beyond reckless. Top officials using unsecured app to plan military strikes violated some of the most serious national security laws: Espionage Act, Federal Records Act, etc. These aren’t minor mistakes these are actions that could endanger lives, and national security.
This is now all over the media, except FOX. Someone should post it on their FB page. I can't I blocked them.
Interpretation: We are dingbat idiot clowns and we have no excuses.
Tell Andrea Mitchell!
Oh my God these people are so stupid.
It’s crazy that things have only gone worse for Rubio since this incident
Lil Marco is set up to be the fall guy.
DJT chose him to take over for Sen Burr after 3 years of the Republican led senate intel committee of Russia’s interference in 2016. The senate intel report of 8/2020 had 5 volumes declaring Russia interfered & Rubio still can’t talk about it.
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that gif is an oldie but a goodie
HEY looks lil lil Marco got gender affirming care ( hair plugs) just like elon skum👀👀👀😂🤷💙
No he shouldn't comment He should resign. This is truly a confederacy of dunces
Enough, get rid of this administration!
A more honest response... "I have no f'ing idea".
The guy in your high school class who decided to run for a class officer position and then couldn’t even organize prom is your secretary of defense.
That is oddly specific. Did you attend OHS?
No. But I’ve certainly heard stories like this.
I actually was that jr class president. LOL
The look of arrogant contempt and condescension on that KKKlown KKKaren's face is enough to justify a revolution all by itself.
This brought to you by the Department of Not My Department department.
That's a "Gina Hard-faced bitch" if ever I saw one. Probly only Aussies will get that but it came instantly to mind.
Oh, you're so right! (About both the "Gina Hard-faced bitch" and that only Aussies will get it.)
This is a total 🤡shit show. Why would any other country trust us.
What can the spokesperson say. She can’t tell the truth about Hegseth being in the tank while performing official duties.
I have a feeling that he was drunk on his ass to
Make such a stupid mistake.
I'll answer for her. There incompetent fucks that's why.
I was always skeptical of the President's DUI hires!
Why contact The White House? Is she implying the OK to use Signal for this type of discussions has been given by the White House?
When somebody asked Trump about it, Trump said he didn’t know anything about, which is probably true.
To be fair, he doesn't know anything
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I just called my reps to Demand Defense Secretary Hegseth's Resignation after Unbelievable Security Breach — you should too:
Vance was on it too - everyone on there should be fired
But that’s exactly why this ‘flood the zone’ tactic is so valuable to this lot. I guarantee you this story will be overshadowed and promptly ‘forgotten’ tmrw when the next batch of insanity is dropped.
This is why no one should trust the USA now, in any regard.
Makes you wonder if their incompetent actions are planned distractions while they rob the American people.
Sad but true. It’s heartbreaking and terrifying
Nah, nothing like that at all. #3? It would be decades.
A loop of misinformation ♾️
The very fact the Tammy Bruce smiled and chuckled even slightly during this portion of this incredibly serious matter is fucking sickening, appalling and inappropriate!
Oh! But she made sure to mention she got a fucking haircut!! Un fucking real...
And very on brand.
They know the dumbfuck and complicit MSM will move on tomorrow and continue to put profits over country and Americans lives. When these fools are sent packing there better be long jail terms for many even the powerful. Enough.
OMG some SNL impersonator is going to have a blast imitating this woman.😂😅🤣
But? The EMAILS.
Pathetic. She doesn’t want to touch it.
Suggestion put a breathalyzer on the phone used to call NORAD
I'll take "THINGS the Biden administration never did"for $1000.
I briefly saw video of the opening of Othello on Broadway, and saw that Joe & Jill Biden went to the opening and went backstage to thank all.
He had on a great looking tux, and it was just so refreshing to see him again after 63 days of chaos and depression
What a stuck up face... "I will not answer you"! AH
What else are they hiding in Signal chats?
Hiding??? 😂
Probably nothing now. I’m sure elon helped scrub it for them.
I could be wrong, because I’ve never used it myself, but apparently with Signal it has the ability to delete for everyone in the group

So Musk wouldn’t even need to scrub

Probably why they’ve been using it
Elon doesn’t have to, Signal wipes its own chat. Once you set it up to disappear the chat, Noones getting it back for evidence retrieval.
No one in Trump's Administration cares what each other does. They're all unqualified so they won't hold each other responsible.

It's only going to get worse, they'll going to laugh, celebrate and joke about how they are going to break protocols and rules. Innocent military people are going to die.
We all knew it was going to be a clown show. Lord only knows what else is happening that we don't know about. 🤡
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You wrote the scary part out loud.
Uh Marco is a bit busy under a bus at the moment.
The drones are deathly afraid of saying anything that will upset the thin skinned traitorous orange turd.
They will not comment because they know it is TREASON. This was no accident - these types of communications are REQUIRED to be on secure servers NOT ACCESSIBLE TO THE PUBLIC. How long will Americans put up with this shit show? Are we really going to wait until Putin is in the White House?
They already are in the White House.
Just look how they handle the Ukraine "negotiations".
They made concessions to Russia without consulting Ukraine.
WH keeps parroting russian talking points.
- No Nato membership
- conceding land
- "they all speak russian, so they should belong to Russia.
- ......
We aren't going to make it until the next election. This has only been about 2 months.
We won’t make a year!
Agreed. That's why it's important o arm, train and revolt. If we don't, once the mango mussolini consolidates his power, he won't stopped until he's stopped. He's already shipping people to concentration camps in foreign nations ( El Salvador), I'm wondering when they're going to start using ovens.
I'm hoping HE doesn't make it to the next election!
I think I can speak on behalf of at least 50% of the entire planet and say we're all with you on that!
I guess there will be no elections anymore.
Since the orange turd is admitting they rigged the election to win it, I would say not.
sign if you can n pass it on
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Looking forward to seeing how much effort JD Vance puts into the Greenland Invasion vision board he’ll post on Pinterest tomorrow!!
18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information Violation. All trying to avoid a FOIA request.
But Hillary’s email server…
The right question to ask: This was a knowing, wanton, and willing breach of security and protocol on several levels by all involved. So who is getting fired for this fuck up and who is going to jail, and when?
1) Yes, they’ve used a ‘disappearing chat’ app, so it’s all gone, evidence wise.
2) No one.
3) Never.
Except that the Senior Journalist will have it safely stored and probably on it way to the Supreme court for future charges.
And given one of the chatees is Witkoff, who else has a copy?
Not to mention intercepted transmissions. Not to mention on unsecure devices. Not to mention in unsecure locations. Not to mention in the presence of an unknown number of onlookers of indeterminate locations.
Unsecured location and presence now identified to be in the Kremlin. It just gets worse
Blunder. Me 1974 US Air Force Vietnam era Vet. As an NCO they would of put me under the brigg please. Someone needs to be fired.This cat Pete H needs to go and put in the brigg. This is what happens when you get rid of 4 S General QC Brown. (Blunders)
Nice brows.
The salon gave her the Dolores Umbridge.
She's not asking her to comment on Rubio's "deliberate conversations" she's asking her to comment on the fact that those conversations took place over an unauthorized app and inadvertently included a journalist
Enough with the talk show hosts, doing Press briefing.. gaslighting and dismissing questions isn’t fucking good.
The Idiot Brigade
Nobody on the right can accept responsibility or accountability. Luckily when the military splits and things get real, this disaster of an administration will text everyone their war plans on America.
It was a war plan!! Espionage.
I think PASS THE BUCK is the new sing-a-long of the day following this national security debacle.

From a security perspective, if you're connected, you're screwed. Daniel J. Bernstein
They do that a lot!
Rubio should be forced to comment! Every one went crazy in January 2024 when Biden did strategic bombings of Yemen! The bombings yesterday were incompetent and terrible strategic policy- why did they hit non-military targets, killing women and children? Are Rubio and Hegseth taking US to war?
Oh yes, he definitely needs to step up and he better be made to or he should resign!
So we would focus on Yemen, not huge marches in Turkey; the bombing and killing of another 1000 trapped Palestinians in Gaza and West Bank; Netanyahu and Kushner float again the idea to emigrate all Palestinians to some unknown place; Remove Bibi marches in Israel. BBC, Haaretz
Violating records retention rules … circumventing FOIA …

Every last one of them needs to be ousted.
Yep! The whole executive branch
She’s a coward just like the rest of them
Secrets? Remember Helsinki when hisroyalassholiness shuffled back squeezing his huge Butt-cheeks together after selling US out to PUTIN in their secret meeting...
The kid didn't wipe that booger on hisassholinesses desk either...
America this makes your system look like a JOKE there will be fall out
This is Dr. Strangelove shit

Has Anybody Checked Hegseth’s Essence ??
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Had to one up Hillary
So. She's not going to comment? Why have a press conference 🙄
To say you aren't going to comment 🤦‍♀️
Just to spread propaganda. That is all they will do. Like like the little propaganda puppet for the White House.
why is she taking a job from a more qualified white male? she's an untalented DEI hire

/s just in case
If ypu are going there, then the orange lard ass needs to get rid of his chief of staff.
But saying that in a Press conference puts it in their faces with added derision and fascism.
And derisive "that's why you are where you are" as she looks down
If that was acting she'd get an Oscar
It was disgusting
I just saw a thing they're wanting to get rid of due process?🤦‍♀️🤬. Yeah that will make it better
They are already disappearing people! It's horrendous, honestly ICE/ CBP ought to be revolting over all the unlawful orders for kidnapping people - I wonder if it's actually Erik Princes' people IDK..
I have heard the terrible stories of ppl poof and being gone. 🥺
That’s what I was thinking.
So the answer is 'no comment'? A HUGE leak and that's all you got? Basically.. it's their "the Emperor is NOT nekked".