This is correct.
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Bernie Sanders: "The struggle against Trump, the struggle against oligarchy, which is led by Elon Musk ... that's not gonna be won here in Capitol Hill. It's gonna be won by millions of people all over this country standing up and saying, 'we fought and died for democracy.'"
1. Throw America into chaos
2. Use the resulting chaos to make himself a dictator (complete with martial law and shooting civilians).
That's where this is heading.
We must resist and fight back.
And if they’re not, they jolly well should be!
We need to have a National protest. Bring the country to a standstill until POTUS has resigned or been impeached.
This is the UNITED STATES it is NOT an Oligarchy.
Who and when will there be the leadership that will organize and produce on going massive peaceful protests across the United States. Thank you
* everyone votes*
" Be sure to hit the streets because that sonofabitch is in office again ".
"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter." - Martin Luther King Jr.
"Never be a spectator of unfairness or stupidity. Seek out argument and disputation for their own sake; the grave will supply plenty of time for silence." - Hitchens
And somehow republicans go with this, and voters... believe it.
Old Bernie is always on the right side. Ru$$ian.
Russian banya.
Mayor of Burlington Bernie Sanders celebrates his honeymoon.
KGB/putin must have some video/audio of representative of American government.👍
Modern examples: Orange revolution and the Maidan in Ukraine.
Constitution to SAVE Constitutional Democracy or we WILL lose it-
It is up to The MASSES Now
A LOT of Americans are gonna die for democracy before Trump is through.
Serious question: What can I do as one citizen in a blue state?
Congress has power. Let's start the midterm campaigning now! Let the House and Senate republicans stop worrying about being primaried, but being defeated.
The dems have to take the House back. And can!
I won’t hold my breath.
Gonna get way worse before it gets better, but it will get better.
Daily marches by hundreds of Seniors during the week
Saturday and Sunday marches by hundreds of 18 to 65 year old employed people
might send messages to our European friends !
AND Support #3E #EndOligarchy
#GregPalast voter supression findings show Harris won!
Repost and spread this info far and wide!
This nonsense should have been handled in the 1860s.
The losers of the Civil War should have been shipped out of the U.S.
I’m very worried and scared.
Death by a thousand cuts.
I think if elections were held today, there wouldn’t be a Republican left standing.
They’re very close to a breaking point already.
But I’m not sure voting alone is what’s going to stem the tide.
My hope is it all reaches a point of critical mass to where everyone breaks at once and channels their anger against our enemy.
They are all in.
Ain’t gonna happen. Reality isn’t their thing.
It’s a sad reality we can’t escape.
As dense and brainwashed as these people are, there won’t be any getting around the impact this has on their lives.
Safety shields are pointless, until sthey loses fingers or worse.
Eye protection is overrated, until they lose an eye.
Helmet? I don't need no stinking helmet; they usually don't survive that one.
I was born in ‘74. I know all about FAFO parenting.
I suppose then we do our best and hope Darwinism does the rest. I want to hate these people but their parents and the system haven’t done them any favors.
Let’s hope the lesson is both short and sweet.
I'd walk into the house scraped-up and bleeding....
"Well, what'd ya learn there?"
Usually it was something like:
"Keep my weight back when jumping driveways."
So ya.... I was gonna do it again.
And you know what, Trump ride into office on vibe alone while the polls said he’d lose by 2-3%.
If I’m wrong, so be it.
If I’m not, this ends in weeks.
Agree or disagree, more people need to be giving it your level of thought.
All the politicians and guardrails are treating Democracy as a game.
They The People need to all unite in D.C. without protesting or signs. Just a peaceful display of force in numbers.
Rising up in solidarity, showing the dismantlers that they are out numbered by the hundreds of millions.😉
We will show up!!
These types are whining about the Democrats.
We now need to be involved more than just voting. We need to activate and volunteer and protest and do things.
They have NO power at all? They can do nothing but complain on TV while we suffer and then they expect US to carry the burden of saving our country?
THEY can & do more, is MY point. I would rather them
Maybe having a backbone and standing up for human rights, a living wage and a habitable planet would have won more votes than running on joy and vibes.
You have such a big audience!
A democratic system based on respect , good faith and honesty can’t do anything when the holding power is the total opposite.
Stop being naive start organizing and opposing.
Neither the courts nor the congress nor the Senate nor the election will defeat tyranny
I’m not giving in. Ever.
Musk has only one vote. So does Vance, and Junior.
We'll see who runs this country.
Marc Elias’s & others work in the courts crucial, but that’s defense.. temp halts/slows them only.
Solutions won’t be on the Hill, only in mass protests.
Our Offense? MILLIONS in the streets protesting.
Our defense? In the courts by people like Marc Elias.
Three people have emerged as charismatic leaders for The Resistance:
Jasmine Crockett
Pete Buttigieg
1) Starts daily press conferences to denounce the abuses of power.
2) Create videos & other didactic materials to instruct/guide the population on how to effectively resist the ongoing autocratic takeover.
3) A strategy is also needed to address this grotesque SCOTUS.
He is also doing a tour of swing states, I think, where he talks about what’s going on. He is taking Trump by the horns. He should get a lot more press. He is very convincing.
1. Political
-where we need people like Barney supporting us
- where we all need to speak/vote
2. Economic
- Musk & his billionaire supporters have significant business interests. Vote with your wallet, boycott their businesses & products now
The people on Cap. Hill that still believe in democracy have to start acting like it’s an emergency. They are not getting on TV, social media enough.
What happens if Bernie Sanders pops up at a local Des Moines, Iowa TV station and asks for an interview.
What happens if Pete Buttigieg partners with YouTube to put out a daily brief?
They have to start taking big swings. The days of quiet speeches and hand wringing is over.
Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Abigail Adam’s February 22, 1787.
Interesting that you and Sanders see that but not mainstream Democrats.
He needs to step aside.
This guy is worthless.
Why? Because his clips are evergreen. Money in politics is always the problem.
The Supreme Court Citizens United decision destroyed democracy. Trump is just reaping the rewards from its destruction.
Divided we Fall
Help us organize.
Nothing Else Will Do!
It looks like that leadership needs to come from somewhere else.
Look to community activists, union leaders, scientists, teachers, ex military, the clergy.
But in the end I can see the Guard and military removing both Elon and Trump from office.
Mark Elias. Someone that can sell. We need to go toe to toe with Trump every day.