I can’t believe Chauvin wants this. He worked out a deal with the feds that allows him to serve his state sentence concurrently with his federal sentence in a federal prison. Trump can only pardon him for the federal offenses. As a result, a federal pardon …
Reposted from
Wajahat Ali
The right now wants to pardon Officer Chauvin who was convicted of killing George Floyd. Chauvin had his knee on his neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds. This led to the biggest protests this country has ever seen.
Trump wants this so he can violently crack down & declare Martial Law.
Trump wants this so he can violently crack down & declare Martial Law.
i can't imagine over a decade in such an area.
But sure, put him in prison with the men he threw in there.
"This is an attack on state sovereignty, and if Trump prosecutors succeed in modifying Peters’ sentence or conviction it will do grievous harm to the rule of law in Colorado."
He pled guilty to the federal civil rights violation just so he could move out of state.
Maga riles things up, Chauvin might not be a willing participant
Hell of it is we have no choice. We either give them what they want or just passively accept the boot on our neck squeezing down.
Know your rights.
"You have the right not to be killed
Murder is a crime
Unless it was done
By a policeman
Or an aristocrat" (American equivalent would be a multi-millionaire/ billionaire).
43 years and the song still holds up - unfortunately.
In some quarters that this is not enough
War or Invasion (2)
Domestic War or Insurrection (7)
Riot or Civil Unrest (11)
Labor Dispute (29)
Natural Disaster (4)
Other (15)"
He'll probably get shivved in a state penitentiary within the first week
He is going out of his way to offend everyone.
Except Putin of course.
If he's placed anywhere other than an administrative segregation unit, he'll no sooner walk into a housing unit of any lower security level before he becomes a human pinching bag and pin cushion.
Go ahead. Put white grannies like me in the front line. Try to declare martial law because of people like me, who just don't want to die in the streets after paying into Soc Sec.
The sight of Babuska's finger wagging invading Russian soldiers got a lot of the world's attention.
I've already had a reasonable life. I don't want to live in MAGA America.
I see that as bad actors (purposely) agitating to create a mob scenario to provide him the impetus to claim a fake emergency.
I’m not falling for manipulation, but will take peaceful action and vote!
And violence doesn't equal protest.
From that pov, it's always best to lash out, harm whom you perceive disrespected you, and all that goes with it
You can decide which "his" I'm referring to
MAGA is on a roll. They will push, hard.
tRump is just itching to watch protesters get gunned down by “his” military
The Sheep Must Become The Wolves
Please check my protest song about Dictator Adolf Trump Krasnov and January 6th, if you like it, give a thumbs up! And please share!
Sucks for him.
Chaotic incompetence now!
How 'bout we send the Warden a nice pie?
Are we WINNING yet? /s
They are both happening.
An opportunity to disinformation the country into race war: Trump Federally pardons, State maintains custody:
MAGA can't connect the dots.
Fake Woke Jail Martyr Mayhem.