“‘I was put in a cell, and I had to sleep on a mat with no blanket, no pillow, with an aluminum foil wrapped over my body like a dead body for two and a half days.’”
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I believe Germany has done that. Makes sense for everyone, but especially for anyone in a "target category" - skin color, gender identity, any visible sign of political leaning, etc.
In other words, if you might have chosen not to holiday in Taliban Afghanistan, stay away from the US. No difference
He had to go and be stripped naked and was showered by two officers with ice cold water, and was interrogated again,” his mother, Astrid Senior, told GBH reporter Sarah Betancourt. “He hardly got anything to drink. And then he wasn’t feeling very well and he collapsed.”
The world should. I don’t even want to be here. Of course the group that detained her is a privatized company. I hate these monsters. They are psychopaths!
ICE workers who do this stuff need to be doxed. They need the public shame and humiliation of FAFO. Also, it will allow them to be reported to the Hague.
Resisters call in sick on 3/19/25. Truckers, bus and train drivers, unions, air traffic controllers, pilots, cabbies, IT, manufacturing, etc. Please stay home as long as possible. This action will help to get our message against tyranny out and show the world we won’t allow this takeover.
Because she’s Canadian? And white? But she has done interviews here since being released describing how bad other detainees have been treated compared to her. Hers was bad enough.
What can you expect from a thug like Tom Homan, under the jurisdiction of Homeland Security headed by Kristi Noem. Both put into power by Republicans toadying to an evil narcissistic, greedy, power-crazed piece of orange excrement. A man who is currently destroying democracy as he bows to Putin.
Morally no. Practically, absolutely! It's very different. The message is no one is safe. Every regime targets the poor & scapegoats which is awful, but now they are announcing that they are the only law. The thugs have taken over & no judges or laws can stop them.
Absolutely so. I can’t imagine any of my relatives, friends, coworkers - who are real, warm caring people - being involved in such cruelty. Where does doge and govt find such employees with no qualms?
Sociopaths and psychopaths live among us everywhere. Most, happily, are never fully "activated", but offer them a paid opportunity like this and watch how fast the picture changes.
Curious as to how they are recruited. Like the young techno geek lads “found” by Musk. Where did they come from, work experience, who do they work for, how much are they paid?
There are all kinds of people will do evil things once in a position of power no matter how little power they have It makes them feel special Pretty much a bunch of little Trumps in training
You’re going to be very surprised how many military & law enforcement will do these things. They work in a pack mentality, the bigger the pack the worse they will act. Don’t get me wrong there are great people working in law enforcement but the majority don’t want to be “different” so will go along.
Canadians not born there who have citizenship by descent, think they will get american citizenship if america does take canada. America doesnt kindly to people not born on the soil of where they are claiming citizenship. Wonder how the applications will go if they have to show birth certs to US.
Absolutely. I was just letting people know what I heard from dual citizens. If they can be against this too then thats better to voice their protest - they risk having it ripped away so stop it before it starts
I think the Maga supporters will follow Trump to a cliff and jump off if he told them. It’s the innocent people who have been dragged into this that my heart aches for. I hope and pray that somehow he and GOP will be held accountable.
Do they think in those terms? I don't think their thoughts extend to the ramifications of anything outside of their town or state. If it's not in their immediate bubble they don't think it needs to be considered.
The vast, vast majority of Americans don’t realize how deeply and irrevocably fucked your relationship with us has become. We don’t trust you anymore. We don’t like you anymore. And it’s going to take DECADES to fix that. No joke, decades. If you’re lucky.
My exact sentiments! I'm in my late 50's... I will go to my grave hating what America allowed itself to become with so little of a fight... Grenada put up more of a fight than Americans!!!
What they have allowed Trump to do to Canada will NEVER be forgotten!!!!
Private detention facilities, such a disgusting idea. Here we see the difference in this version of fascism. Privatised fascism gives the government plausible deniability while companies have limited liability. I know that privatisation is not new & previous governments have paved the way to fascism
And in the case of the Venezuelans, it's even worse. We sent them to a country that's known for violating the human rights of it's prisoners within those jails.
Horrible story on many levels, but the part that really should not be overlooked is that she was held in a PRIVATE jail that basically exists for this very purpose. So on top of the horror that our country is putting people like this in chains, is the fact that somebody is profiting from it.
This is what's happening to all the immigrants that come into this country. They're treated like garbage and the people that voted for it are having parties daily.
There are going to be some very well hydrated people standing in line to have the honor of pissing on that grave. Many of them women wearing skirts & going commando. I'll be one of them. 👍
Not a chance in hell I'd risk visiting the USA right now. I have friends who have lived there for over 20 years moving back before they totally disallow free speech.
She was at the border with paperwork to apply for a work visa. It would make much more sense as well as be cheaper to just deny her application and refuse her entry than to detain and deport her? Seems to me this was about sending a message more than anything else.
I ask myself daily why the fresh hell I had to be born in the US and not Canada. I hate it here, I don’t agree with ANYTHING going on, we are in a spiral just like Germany in the 30’s and I feel helpless. The train is heading towards a cliff and nobody is doing anything about it.
They will not stop until they are stopped. Meanwhile I can't even get my coworkers to acknowledge there is a problem. How are we suppose to get organized when everyone would rather bury their heads in the sand?
The inhumane racist bigoted and illegal actions by the orange dipshits administration needs consequences. they are breaking & ignoring laws and its all in the name of russia. every action is treason
In order to keep each other safe, we need to start making public lists of ICE employees and where they live, like sex offender registries. These people are not safe to be around.
oh so they ain't just detaining and deporting illegal alien criminals they detaining and deporting everyfuckinbody yall betta wake the fuck up and do something or this is just gonna get worse and the apathy leads to emboldened enemies
Considering the current state of affairs, I would suggest that no one come to the US for travel. International conferences should all be changed to other countries. Trump is using immigration as a form of hostage taking and you can bet he’s going to want something from Canada to get her home
Holy Water, Holy Cow! You had me at holding them in chains. 🥴 Let me say in the most misogynistic terms possible, I know, if we're going to detain women, these are the ones!
Sorry, my filter is turned off. This is obviously a very serious topic, but Shazam!
Our Dear Leader KNOWS that hostages are fastest/bestest way to force Canada to negotiating table on tariffs. After all, nabbing Brittney Griner worked out real well for his best buddy Vladimir.
This situation isn’t more horrendous because it’s happening to white people. That seems to be the implication of the story. Horrible and totally inhumane for anyone.
It is different. It means that it can happen to anybody. Regimes only change when enough of the ruling class switches sides. The message is they are above the law & no-one is safe.
She is back home in Canada..:-) I feel badly for the Americans who did not vote for trump..this is so frightening..thank you for posting this ..Canada loves you George!!
Trump got FEWER votes in '24 than he got in '20. He would not have been elected but for 18 million people who voted Biden in 2020 and then sat on their hands for Harris in 2024. If even half of them had voted for her, we would not be here today. But here we are.
And I didn't say he won. Nobody "wins" with 32% of voters supporting. I said he was elected, which is also what Kamala Harris said, right before she said that "today democracy stood," though I think what she meant was, 'today democracy committed suicide.'
Well, democracy definitely tanked that day due to what seems like a myriad of reasons of which Harris and Biden aren’t free from their naïveté and post ejection neglect, there should have been a forensic examination and recount. 🤷🏼♂️
How do you mean by did not vote .., as in sat at home or voted 3rd party even though the black lady told point blank what would happen
My sympathy goes for those dedicated Harris/Walz supporters and their voters
A good amount of voters have been disenfranchised because of a targeted campaign by MAGAs. No mail-in ballots allowed, polling sites eliminated, swaths of voters purged from districts. Voter suppression.
Thank you. We tried, God knows we tried. Too many lazy idiots in this country refusing to vote or voting for sure losers or withholding votes because of single issues or blatant misogyny and racism.
She’s been released finally. She actually was in the process of going to the embassy when she was grabbed apparently. She’s done a few news interviews in Canada since being released.
I think this is ploy to ramp up the nbrs at CivicCore - contract signed to house thousands …. Trump needs to create propaganda aka lies to keep outsourced contract valid @npr.org @60minutes.bsky.social @joyreid.bsky.social @maddow.msnbc.com @aoc.bsky.social @aclu.org @latinovictoryus.bsky.social
Hope we start seeing a huge number of people from other countries staying away. Don't come to this shithole. There are better countries for you to spend your money in.
I’m staying away as I did during the moron’s first administration. I think Americans are by and large great people but there has to be a consequence when they’re ruled by an evil clown.
Haven't visited since my trip in October 2001. Swore never to visit again after my experience at airport, sniper in area & meeting my sister's crazy right wing inlaws. So many pretty places to visit there but not worth it.
I’ve already warned everyone I know here not to go to the US. I’m still a citizen, but I don’t trust that because I’m not white, they won’t lock me up either.
THIS, exactly. These ICE agents have been waiting for this kind of pass to be as lawless and cruel as possible. They are delighting right now in every rendition, every mistaken detention, because it's all about their lust for vengeance. You're spot on: no one is safe.
It doesn't matter what the courts say anymore. This regime will not abide and the courts have no enforcement. The Republicans are all in line to oblige and the Democrats are weak. We're fucked.
The ICE detention center contractor apparently denies the foil blankets and lousy food claims. The contractor probably figured that if complaints only came from Guatemalan women about to be sent back, they could get away with the inhumanity, and didn't anticipate a Canadian prisoner would talk.
International travelers spend Billions of $ every year. Everyone is likely to have 2nd thoughts about coming here as long as the Felon rules. The Mouse House shouldn't be to happy about this.
The biggest lie was and is making America great again. We are weaker, less safe, damaged, and pawns to enemies at home and abroad as safeguards erode. Yet, I remain an optimist, knowing those who uphold the rule of law and the Constitution will prevail.
Since it's a private facility, they don't care about an individuals status or the law. They get paid by how many people they have in the facility, so this will continue to happen. Grab them and detain them without due process.
And republicans are the ones who have been obsessive and paranoid about "human trafficking" caused by democrats for the last few years. Every accusation a confession.
Bingo: “This just seems like it's such a waste of taxpayer dollars,” said Kors, who was surprised to learn her friend was being held in a for-profit private detention center.” 🤑
A cruel and inhumane nation but with so many wonderful individuals. You would be welcome in Canada and can stay until it's safe to go back. No big deal. Vancouver is like Seattle but with free health care. 🇨🇦
Just imagine the blow this will be to tourism as people from other countries realize it's not safe to vacation here (or even for business). Apparently the Nazis only want white evangelical Americans vacationing in America.
there's millions of legitimate reasons to criticize trump. How about let's NOT dehumanize people that have criminal histories (especially in a country where in some places literally being homeless is a crime!)
I’m confused. I’m not sure who am I dehumanizing? Besides Trump, who I’m certain is not human by the way he treats others. And I’m definitely not in favour of people who are experiencing homelessness being lumped into the criminal pile. I’m genuinely asking for clarity.
I can't agree with this enough. What's frustrating in my case is that my husband and I are long distance. He lives in Canada whereas I'm unfortunately stuck in the U.S. while waiting for immigration paperwork to be processed. He'd love to visit me down here again but is it even worth the risk? 💔
I wouldn’t piss on one of you if you were burning 🥵 n the gutter you filthy scum, shove your tariffs and your country up your stinking America arsehole
I want to keep an open mind, but it is getting harder all the time not to despise America or Americans just sitting on their hands. Beyond disgraceful.
They’re scared. If they even go out to a street corner in their neighborhood, their friends will take pictures of them and post it on the Internet, and then they’ll lose their jobs. And then they’ll lose their homes. And custody of their kids. This is just “Americans don’t care.”!!
She was denied entry at the Canadian border crossing. Why would she try again, after being instructed to apply at the US embassy, at the Southern border? If she was a Mexican doing the same she would have been detained. As 🇨🇦 we are not exempt from following the rules.
It’s funny that everybody thinks that jails and prisons… Even local detention centers… Provide pillows and blankets and shit! No! It’s 24/7 bright fluorescent lights, shitty barely passing for food shit, and no comfort at all. None. Lukewarm water for showers.It’s not the fucking Hilton.
People start discussing prisons, food and aluminium blankets…
Try to focus…It's about ICE which has evolved into the American version of the Gestapo. It's about systematically hunting down random people on the streets.
Terrorism. This is what this is. He's using a young woman to punish a nation that refuses to surrender to him. Same with the young German green card holder he deported. Revenge & vengeance.
Man, I hope she gets great, money-making lawyers to go after every agency involved, esp Homeland Security, & Tom Homan BY NAME for violation of intl. law, her human rights, & US law. I hope she gets so rich that she never has to work again & can fund an organization to prosecute future violations!
If your goal is to totally stop any Canadians from spending their tourist dollars in the US, this would be a good way to do it. How many Canadians will risk coming to the US after this story gets out?
I'm sorry for the individual Americans who will suffer from these actions but with your current government threatening our livelihoods and sovereignty, we have to take a strong stand. Put the blame where it lies.
Wow. ICE is fucking up all over the place.
What if... WHAT IF ICE and its leaders were treated the same way they have been treating others?
Not only them, but the family members of all those involved with ICE.
Hey... "mistakes" happen.
Trump has violated the Constitution so many times in and out of office that Americans like myself have lost all faith in this country to uphold the law. Hearing the national anthem is like listening to your ex sing. It's uncomfortable and fake. He's destroyed this country.
There are some folks that just don’t understand what it feels like to see someone break rules and get away with it. (Ones that you would never EVER do)
The only hope for America is if he's impeached and removed. Republicans own the majority in the House Senate and Judiciary. Not enough of his appointed judges will bite the hand that feeds to remove him for violating the Constitution and instead hear arguments to put his face on the C-note...
A lot of people are saying that I always say it when I call. I’ve heard other people are telling them to impeach . They can’t get the votes. I don’t think our representatives are listening to us anymore. Do you?
I was at a sporting event this weekend and felt the same way about the anthem. It made me sad for my grandfather and everyone else who sacrificed to protect the constitution. It’s so embarrassing and painful.
If a Canadian white woman can be detained by ice and disappear for 2 weeks- anyone can. I think that’s why she’s doing news interviews up here - so we all know how bad it’s become. At least they didn’t shave her head like I’ve just seen clips of them doing on CNN 😢
I remember back in the 1st Trump administration during the Oregon BLM protests, Armed men who were unidentified by any badge or uniform, grabbed up protestors, threw them into the back of black vans and took them to an undisclosed location. This happened more than once. We cannot allow this!
Similarly, if a white German man with a green card married to an American citizen with an American child can be arrested, detained, and tortured by ICE on returning from Europe, nobody is safe.
And if a white British hiker travelling from Canada to the US can receive the same terrible treatment, nobody should consider travelling to the US right now.
See these people aren't smart their stupid. I hope you plan on suing for big bucks, sue Trump it was his idea along with Homan or whatever his stupid name is.
Imagine how those from less fortunate countries are treated. This is terrible and we need to infiltrate, and document. And someone should do exit interviews with everyone dumped in their country of origin. Evil can only be stopped if fully disclosed. Not volunteering for El Salvador though...
They are on a quota system,they have to make arrests. Unfortunately, there are not even near the 11-22million criminals Trump claims. So they arrest anyone, mainly non white, including American citizens. And if an ICE agent thinks, Canada refuses to become a state, he punishes there citizens.
It's not that difficult...
CBP are running amok and detaining people on the flimsiest pretenses because it makes them hard.
Then they go into a "for profit" detention center... 'cause 'Merica!!!
Land of the free my ass.
Hi Oliver,
Below 👇 is a petition for radical (status-quo breaking) reform of the UN 🇺🇳 and its “Security” Council, which I believe will be of interest to you/others: https://www.change.org/ReformTheUnitedNations
Sigh … too much hope that *somebody* will hold the trump regime accountable for its crimes, since nobody in this nation’s authority seems willing to step up
So she was treated like any other person trying to get into the US without paperwork and/or suspected of falsehood in their paperwork. It sucks, but being a white woman who speaks English doesn't make it worse than what goes on every day at the borders. They don't put you in a hotel w/catered food.
Why not turn her back to Mexico which allowed her in? Why spend our tax $ to hold her? These private prisons are charging over $200 a day to hold people. That is a HUGE waste and abuse of the budget.
This is no way to treat a neighbor. You know who is a criminal felon & should have been put in a cell. Cowardice on the grandest scale allowed him to walk away with no accountability or pain. Where is Justice? Certainly not in the USA of America.
Well I think
The vindictive in chief Dt
Needs to figure out how to suppress this story because as stories like this accumulate in the more than necessary range of who are gangs/thugs
ICE will need to know the proper ratios allowed of general public or Canadians to pick up to thugs ratios
He has quickly learned since he stacked the DOJ with all of his personal lawyers, stacked the Supreme Court, he can do as he pleases.
Say the entitled, incompetent white men.
Okay got it.
@chrislhayes.bsky.social @jaketapper.bsky.social
In other words, if you might have chosen not to holiday in Taliban Afghanistan, stay away from the US. No difference
He had to go and be stripped naked and was showered by two officers with ice cold water, and was interrogated again,” his mother, Astrid Senior, told GBH reporter Sarah Betancourt. “He hardly got anything to drink. And then he wasn’t feeling very well and he collapsed.”
Trump took a dump on Canada, Canadian Geese have begun shitting all over the US......Good luck getting that off!
NOW you’re mad and disgusted?
Thx Homan 😑
Hatred has never been seen to build anything.
What they have allowed Trump to do to Canada will NEVER be forgotten!!!!
This is dreadful, but has been happening for a long time to non-white people and liberals didn’t really care
The whole situation is just so terribly unfortunate.
Sorry, my filter is turned off. This is obviously a very serious topic, but Shazam!
My sympathy goes for those dedicated Harris/Walz supporters and their voters
May this fascist regime's demise be swift and certain.
Short answer, I can’t. I would be turned back and deported,even though being a Dominatrix is fully decrim in Aotearoa NZ where I live atm.
I really feel for her.
That's literally a plan for destruction.
Putin's loving it.
Am guessing the foil was actually a space blanket.
very frightening
I think if I had a dying relative down in the states I’d have them fly up here to be with me before heading south these days.
Try to focus…It's about ICE which has evolved into the American version of the Gestapo. It's about systematically hunting down random people on the streets.
And there are many others still suffering in there or in worse places overseas.
Welcome to the 21st century concentration camps. Pretty soon, no one will leave.
The Socialist Program with Brian Becker: Lenin and the Path to Revolution [Part 1] of 3
Episode webpage: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/thesocialistprogram/episodes/Lenin-and-the-Path-to-Revolution-Part-1-e2imt54
Media file: https://anchor.fm/s/35d1dba4/podcast/play/85733988/https%3A%2F%2Fd3ctxlq1ktw2nl.cloudfront.net%2Fstaging%2F2024-3-22%2F59db84e1-a6a7-b372-afd6-bec991246e8b.mp3
Dark times ahead,
that will not change unless action is taken.
What if... WHAT IF ICE and its leaders were treated the same way they have been treating others?
Not only them, but the family members of all those involved with ICE.
Hey... "mistakes" happen.
Do not talk about this in the past tense as if it is over. It’s not. Fight.
Such disrespect of our citizen will be remembered.
Sarcasm intention
Another threw me out for being drunk.
Neither put me in the cellar.
In fact I can only think of Jimmy Saville who did exactly that, beat up people in the cellar who'd otherwise anywhere else simply been ejected.
b) your visa's revoked, get out.
Why c) unlimited detention?
☠️. WTF is wrong with you people.
the documentary by Jacob Soboroff re: the family separations during Trump’s first term. THEY DID IT TO CHILDREN FIRST!
CBP are running amok and detaining people on the flimsiest pretenses because it makes them hard.
Then they go into a "for profit" detention center... 'cause 'Merica!!!
Land of the free my ass.
Below 👇 is a petition for radical (status-quo breaking) reform of the UN 🇺🇳 and its “Security” Council, which I believe will be of interest to you/others:
“ for profit”. Three nutritious meals is probably bullshit.
No checks and balances on any of it
We'll meet again someday in the future, but leave us behind.
Well I think
The vindictive in chief Dt
Needs to figure out how to suppress this story because as stories like this accumulate in the more than necessary range of who are gangs/thugs
ICE will need to know the proper ratios allowed of general public or Canadians to pick up to thugs ratios