My partner did a school project on spontaneous human combustion when he was around 10, complete with very vivid pictures of people on fire. It mysteriously disappeared off the classroom wall shortly after he presented it, almost like it had been to the Bermuda triangle 🤔🤣
Is it possible that the Bermuda Triangle disappeared inside the Bermuda Triangle, and is it possible to find a way to annoy Neil DeGrasse Tyson with this question?
That was a 70s - early 80s thing, just like BigFoot and UFOs. It was entertaining watching "In search of" with Leonard Nimoy. While I do believe there is intelligent life out there, I think all of the previous was a psy-op. We now have phones and apps to keep us busy...
I’m so glad you ask this question Ms. Z. I often wake up through the early morning hours wondering this. How do we find out?? Is it now a part of X???🙄🫢😣🥰
With GPS we know where the ships & planes are. I have a file storage room at work I nicknamed the “Bermuda Triangle” Ibtell people if I’m not back in 30 minutes to send rescuers after me 😆
Maybe the aliens that were disappearing us have enough evidence that we're not worth studying anymore? There is only so much stupid and evil even they could handle.
Only the History Channel. They got lost there and never came back. Figures are sometimes seen near pyramids, but no one is sure if they are the ones who hitchhiked with extraterrestrials.
GPS helps. Once flew over it. Could NOT see the difference between sky and ocean. Without high functioning altimeters, etc. pilots once could get confused. Instrumentation matters.
The sea floor in the Bermuda triangle is full of magnetite, which would throw compasses into a tizzy. The area is also prone to fast developing, violent tropical storms. Modern technology, like satellites and weather forecasts, has made the area safer for travel.
No aliens, just science 😄
Jim Morrison
Everything and everyone people spotted before we all had cameras in our pockets
Send snacks and GPS.
*Packing suitcase*
What kind of snacks do you want?
Thanks! Learned one new thing today ☺️
The typo!! 👀😭
Anyway, I got a list of people I think should go check.
I think Bigfoot is the only survivor of "In Search of
... "
At least with the Bermuda Triangle, there's a chance you'll get to hang out with aliens. Well, you know, as long as they're not the probing type.
No aliens, just science 😄