I just watched the movie "Life of Pi".
I give it a 3.14159265359 out of 10.
I give it a 3.14159265359 out of 10.
In theaters NOW!
The value of pi to assign
So they said it at "3"
For that's easier you see
Than 3.14159
Pi=3.14 ad infinitum and all that
What's that? Yes, I DO have a master's degree in mathematics, ty for asking! 🤓 ♾️
Because this is the kind of score I'd give to cinematic atrocities like Uwe Boll films, personally.
Do hope you've read the book, though.
The only book I have ever finished, pondered for 10 minutes & restarted right away.
Have gifted it a dozen or more times times. The movie doesn't do it justice.