“In the context of the arrest and detention of Mahmoud Khalil…”
Reposted from
Marisa Kabas
A cowardly statement.
Leadership has to change.
REPUBLICAN PARTY needs radical chemotherapy to wipe out the actively growing Cancer that is the party’s establishment!!!
It takes 24 words to reach the subject and verb of that sentence.
If you can't say anything nice about Vichy Dems come sit over here by me.
the press sanewashing did it
Not trying to be snarky but really don’t know how we fight “literal fucking fascism” by radicalizing against ourselves, especially when we’re only focused on the tiny sliver of democrats in DC.
Nobody's shown how to win when the centrists are that deeply entrenched; said friend ended up moving out of the country!
We don't really have a playbook for how to win this fight, but it's going to take a big, unified coalition.
We fight fascism by showing our elected representatives at every level that doing nothing is not an option, that they can’t expect to sit back and win. Radicalizing against moderate Rs is how the Trump base took power.
Glad to hear you’re engaged in local politics. Even if we disagree about some things we’re all trying to fight the same fascists.
Dem politicians are not me. they do not care about me, they do not want to help me, they do not want the goals that I want.
i am not radicalizing against myself, I'm radicalizing against those who will sell me out to fascists for a nickle
i call those people fascists
(theirs want to kill humans and the environment while ours say 'make sure it remains legal for me to steal pay from all my employees and i pay no taxes but abortion's okay')
The last decade has def radicalized me, esp. after learning about Bill Clinton, the "Third Way," and neoliberalism.
I just can’t explain them any other way
If Democrats had had the guts years ago to condemn big money in politics, fight corporate welfare, and unrig a market that’s been rigged in favor of big corporations and the rich
They are moving like a party that puts capitalist and corporate interests above all else even the public good.
“We had not choice!!!! No choice, my precious!! They made us chooses!”
That alone means you cannot create a viable political party without the support of billionaires & other oligarchs
Plus I came to realize how they did let all of this happen for decades. No substantial pushback against gerrymandering, gutting of voting rights, capture of state houses/senate, state courts, the hostile takeover of SCOTUS...
For DECADES, the Dems have been a handmaiden to a metastatic fascist movement. Now that they're a leaderless husk, we finally have an opportunity to hammer them... and you're just noticing they suck and are giving up. SMH
That, and the organized far left has no money; i suspect the lack of a viable political party to represent them is a big difference from EU
It's up to the citizens to organize and take back this country, by any means necessary.
The entire corrupt system must be torn down and rebuilt.
I'm disgusted. Literally disgusted.
I don't even know what to do, at this point, politically speaking.
I will no longer have anything to do with the center-right, pro-genocide, fascist collaborator democratic party.
And did they really lose?
The Revolution needs to start NOW. And one of these Democrats needs to state that.
Look up the Brooks Brothers revolt
If anything Trump is inhibiting what the GOP planned to do all along because he's brazen and erratic, making all of it super obvious.
Their incompetence is shocking.
“LOL haha I am lovably incompetent” 🤪
The part they're missing is that unless they (along with all Americans) don't do some drastic shit, there won't be any legitimate elections.
Dem leadership is largely responsible for the enabling of Trump.
Hopefully those who spend time focusing on how Dems could be more perfect will pay attention to the world burning around them with the GOP in charge of ALL 3 BRANCHES of govt.
Dems don’t even reach the *bare minimum* of decency 😡
Vought had already announced the EO's and legal justifications were being prewritten.
That not a single page of an opposing plan was drafted is unbelievable. Nothing.
Dems are complicit.
Ro Khanna, backed by Silicon Valley CEOs, won over incumbent Mike Honda, one of the few Democrats that voted against it.
Disgusting weakness in the face of fascism.
We can't blame them. They are completely out of power. This is our (flawed) system of government operating the way it was designed.
The problem here is with the American people. They had a perfectly competent alternative to fascism but not enough Americans were against fascism.
They need to make the argument on impeachment to move opinion. They need to make it difficult for the republicans.
I will indeed blame them until they use that extraordinary power.
The House minority leader literally *could* do something different than the action the OP complained about actually. Many other Dems did!
"Well the people voted for him so, give up and blame them for it basically"
My God, how pathetic can you get. "We lost we basically have nothing!"
General strike now is my humble suggestion
Do you think he should have just ignored the results because he didn't like them? ...as trump attempted in 2020?
The ICC just arrested Duterte. Can they maybe come save us too?
They’re trying to become their own oligarchs (for the ones that aren’t already millionaires)
But thanks for the intel. I was a freshman in HS during 9/11 so outside of the biggies like the Patriot Act and stuff, I’m a little fuzzy on all the horrible leg they passed afterwards. 😐
I'm just shocked to see so many weak ass Democrats turn their back on the only people they have close to the fight.
Some Dems are fighting. Others could do more. Roll up your sleeves. Get on their case. Push them. Don't just chuck out your toys
This is a set up to get a talking point of Dems siding with a Hamas lover. He covered the key points.
Do you all want more outrage and drama? That is not what you get with Jefferies. Call your rep and ask for new leadership like I have done.