It’s the 60th Anniversary of “Bloody Sunday” at Selma, and thus the 10th anniversary of President Obama’s speech there, my favorite of all his public oratory, although it reads differently now. 🧵
We've gone a long ways backwards.
So then what?
"It was not a clash of armies, but a clash of wills; a contest to determine the meaning of America." Obama
“I will not back down. I will not bow or scrape. I will never obey.” – Marc Elias
🇺🇸 🗣️ MARCH TODAY for Women’s Rights, 3/8 International Women’s Day - cities across the country. Get information online at
In NYC, the march begins in Washington Square Park at 11am ET.
The penny store was a candy 🍬 palace. I went in one time just to look and never made that mistake again.
It was the joy I couldn't enjoy.
President Obama
that bothers
AMERICAN qualities
Dictator donny went to military school instead
Or actually --- just a bit more than 8?
It feels like my grandchildren have had grandchildren since then.
I can't close my eyes and make it go away.
How long
How long must we sing this song...
Resolve now—cross, resist, fight—because history won’t remember who held the signs, only who had the courage to march through the fire!
A missed opportunity
But one “aspect” has been lost with ethics, morals & patriotism:
‘…We know the march is not yet over, the race is not yet won and that reaching that blessed destination where we are judged by the content of our “character”-requires admitting as much.’
Greed/Bigotry/Corruption are killing us all.
Sounds and actually the actions witnessed make it look very real
Never lose hope
We may not agree with a person’s faith
But it would be a mortal crime to take a person’s faith away from them
Class,dignity and grace and a paesant occupying the White House...and then the Obama's went to watch a local baseball game.
The key difference now is we have a president that is the opposite of LBJ.
We must march, but also know that there will be no help from a president who has no decency or compassion left.
To build bridges, not walls"
Take a Knee
#selma #bloodysunday #takeaknee #goodtrouble #johnlewis #civilrights #colinkaepernick #nateboyer
To build bridges, not walls"
Take a Knee
#selma #bloodysunday #takeaknee #goodtrouble #johnlewis #civilrights #colinkaepernick #nateboyer
We the people
The “we” not the president need to ensure the government and judicial system are fair to all
Religion has become the biggest procrastination on the human project. It is no longer useful if it cannot be improved through amendment. It makes good people do and say bad things.
Calling all veterans!
Time to suit up, so they shut up!
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal...These are not just words. They are a living thing, a call to action, a roadmap for citizenship and an insistence in the capacity of free men and women to shape our own destiny"
Until news of racism and victims of a simple march made it across the country.
The event was not completed without new media showing how violent the area was for minorities.
White coat.
Racist cop striking him.
Senator Bernie Sander is in the third photo next to the flag with glasses on.
Important and well-worth rehearing
He’s certainly great
At rhetorical weight
And also, of late, disappearing
Presidents Again.
All hands on deck.
Why aren’t Americans marching in the streets?
Fight the good fight!
Why isn’t protest newsworthy any more?
And they don't want those viewers to see that either.
Look at Occupy Wall Street to see how nationwide protests unfolded and figure some of that may echo here.
People may try to "co-opt" any appearance of a movement. People will pretend to be part of the protests and act violently to make all look bad.
What a cruel joke we’re living through.
We could use the leadership.
Very unpleased with the performance of then president Trump, so truth needed be told...just forgot I'm in the present & mixed up the presidents
The transcript of Obama’s Selma speech does include criticism of complacency and also an acknowledgment that the Voting Rights Act had been weakened by the Supreme Court