Pretty sure it's all bullshit. The conservatives are up to something. Doug's recent stuff isn't adding up. He's not a fucking patriot, that's for sure.
Totally!! Auditioning for the part!! I truly believe he will not be PM because he can con his base in Ontario but the rest of Canada knows he’ll sell our country out to the highest bidder. Make no mistake, he’s playing a part, we know he’d cripple us as far as education, healthcare, civil/hmn rights
Yes, it's Jordan at Corruptontario among others, and I think it's probably true
But I don't believe this particular story, at this time - I'm skeptical of all stories trying to put Ford in a good light, there's been so much pro-Ford propaganda which sank us electorally
Ford is IDU. Stephen Harper’s goal was to make Canada unrecognizable. Ford has been destroying Ontario to make this possible. Ford is pretending to be tough on Trump. Trump is pretending to like Carney better than PP.
Ford= IDU/Trump/Elon/DarkMAGA/Putin/Modi=the end of democracy
Jenni Byrne the throughline. Ford's party not formally member of IDU (Poilievre's Cons are) which is only national-level political parties, but they are certainly aligned. I don't believe ANY of Ford's BS.
I kinda fired from the hip there. I hope it's true but I haven't heard or read anything positive about Ford before now. I do believe that adversity makes strange bedfellows and weirder things have happened. So I hope.
Exactly. Im thinking you’re right. I’m adding food for thought & context as to what the real agenda is VS Captain Canada. This is bigger than Canada or North America even. An influx of South Afrikkkan isn’t going to help with the Joe Rogan crowd. It’s going to make Nazi sympathizers worse 😏
Everyone needs to be read in & well versed in this to understand the plan that has been in place for over a decade: Elon/Trump are useful idiots- the dark $$ is even more sinister
In 2015 Harper was straight barring the Ford brothers support. Now PP is asking for the remaining brother for help. Turn about is fair play and all that.
Now she's making "demands" that must be met within 6 months of forming federal government or risk an "unprecedented national unity crisis".
In other words, give me what I want or I'll try to join the US.
And what she wants tramples all over what other provinces want, of course.
Correct me if I’m wrong, didn’t the federal conservatives hide Doug Ford away in a closet during the last selection and say thanks but no thanks when it came to helping stump for the party?
PP must be feeling pretty alone right now. I'm sure the Cons will be calling for his resignation as soon as he loses to Carney in the upcoming election. Can't wait!
I cant list fords stupid shit in 300 words but glad he didnt go alt right with covid and glad he privatized weed shops after liberals were losing money selling weed something even a high school drop out couldn’t do
Re Poilivere pretentious was the best word. Smarmy, dipshit, goof to name a few more
I’ve been talking about this for months and really noted how Ford and the fed Libs teamed up around tariffs right around the time the feds opted out of the enviro review of highway 417.
Think there’s been a clear alliance and expect Fords wing to go after the Con fed leadership.
I’d like him out of politics completely. As I often say about Trump, go triglycerides go! Ford has been terrible provincially. He’d be a disaster federally.
Carney staging the photo op with Ford almost immediately was incredibly savvy, even if Doug Ford is a massive dipshit. Ford may also is considering taking a run at national con leader if/when Poilievre crashes and burns.
PP has always been disposable. Harper is compromised. There nobody in the CPC upper ranks that isn't neck-deep in maple-maga Trumpf-stink. They are soon to be adrift.
Ford is angling to be the Conservative Federal nominee in 5 years. He can only get there if PP sinks and Carney wins the election.
He has already appeared in a Carney campaign ad and now he is snubbing Poilievre.
A beautiful think to watch.
If true that's good news. PP is compromised.
My goal today is to remind fellow Canadians that a key player on Team PP is Vance's Yale bff and fellow couch-buddy, Jamil Jivani. Here's PP and him grifting some church goers for $$ and votes.
Smash Maple-MAGA in 2025. ABC - strategically.
Ford wants the PC leadership, but again another PC mistake. His own failures will be his doom. He has also stated that Mr Mark Carney is a really smart man.
Agree. But he has a majority, albeit smaller than before, for the next 4 years. Not sure anchor is really true. I do think that most fiscal conservatives look at Carney and see a right of centre liberal leader that would be good for them compared to the shit show that PP would be.
Ford knows voters are distancing Poilievre, and that he'll lose party leadership and get kicked to the curb. He can't benefit from a good relationship with Poilievre.
It's deeper than that. Conservatives first distanced themselves from Ford in prior elections. PP only congratulated him on his win this week. There's not a lot of good blood there!
One of those unexpected things about this whole ordeal is having to acknowledge that Ford is meeting the moment adequately. It makes me feel dirty, and he needs to stop with the "Fortress Am-Can" or whatever, but it's still better than it could be.
Doug's the dog in this fight we knew we needed and he's stepping up for us. I'm focused on one thing. When we save our sovereignty I'll start thinking about balance but we need brilliant top leadership for a strategic geopolitical play, and we need gloves off sleeves up scrappers for the fight too.
If I were Doug Ford and wanted to be Prime Minister some day, then this would all be going to plan. He needs Pee Pee to lose but stick around for another two years - which he will because he has no other job qualifications other than growling and snapping.
So is it possible for a PM not to speak any French? Because I'm sure Dougie doesn't speak a word of it. But maybe he has a Duolingo account now and that's why he can't help PP. He is busy learning French 😆
Hilarious: '[...]Poilievre emphasized that he’s "not out seeking provincial premiers’ endorsements."
[...] three days after Ford indicated he wouldn’t be giving one to any federal leader.'
Moreover, I've heard that Ford has told his MPs to stay out of the race or face consequences.
This is the CPC pushing Pierre out the front door and telling Doug to come on in through the back. Even if this "report" were true (and I doubt it), it reeks of Teneycke and Kouvalis' brand of bullshit.
It's Cersei and The High Sparrow playing The Game Of Thrones while the Night King approaches.
I think Ford is being positioned to take his place and considering how dumb and lazy voting was in Ontario I wouldn’t be shocked if people fell for it. He could do green belt and Ontario place deals on a nation wide scale. He’d get crazy money donated to him to run
He works because he plays off as dumb and harmless. If he was dumb he wouldn’t have gotten away with everything he has. He puts on a dumbass hat and all of a sudden everyone forgets the damage he did to Ontario. I hate saying it but I think he could win honestly and unfortunately
I don't think he's wants it, he seems very happy ruining Ontario and could very well be premier for life. If the greenbelt and Ontario place didn't sink him I don't think anything will.
When Ford won his election, he got no congratulation phone call, tweet,or news release from Pete or any member of his caucus. What goes around comes around?
I love it! Rejected by a reject!
Sorry, I don't believe it
But I don't believe this particular story, at this time - I'm skeptical of all stories trying to put Ford in a good light, there's been so much pro-Ford propaganda which sank us electorally
Ford= IDU/Trump/Elon/DarkMAGA/Putin/Modi=the end of democracy
Love it!
I'm not even mad, this is chef's kiss.
In other words, give me what I want or I'll try to join the US.
And what she wants tramples all over what other provinces want, of course.
Re Poilivere pretentious was the best word. Smarmy, dipshit, goof to name a few more
Think there’s been a clear alliance and expect Fords wing to go after the Con fed leadership.
Good fun.
Oh wait, that fun tends to be at the expense of the tax payer.
Oh, Pete
Get him away from healthcare and education.
He has already appeared in a Carney campaign ad and now he is snubbing Poilievre.
A beautiful think to watch.
Til I saw this headline, I laughed my ass off. That says something when even Doug won't work with ya 🤣🤣🤣
My goal today is to remind fellow Canadians that a key player on Team PP is Vance's Yale bff and fellow couch-buddy, Jamil Jivani. Here's PP and him grifting some church goers for $$ and votes.
Smash Maple-MAGA in 2025. ABC - strategically.
They all said no. Except for Henning. They're waiting to hear back from him..
He's not going to risk that even if he just won an election.
If PP loses, it's just a matter of time. Lord knows the Conservatives were already scraping the barrel when they came up with him...
It's funny, Mr. Art of the Deal took what should be a natural ally in Doug Ford and turned him into one his most effective adversaries.
Pure Genius.
But a man can always dream...even if the dream is only ever unilingual.
[...] three days after Ford indicated he wouldn’t be giving one to any federal leader.'
Moreover, I've heard that Ford has told his MPs to stay out of the race or face consequences.
It's Cersei and The High Sparrow playing The Game Of Thrones while the Night King approaches.
A win for us for now though so I'll take it.