BlueSky is suddenly full of board game people! Please feel free to introduce yourself in the comments of this thread - let's tell people
- what we do in the tabletop industry
- a game we really like
- an unrelated thing that makes us happy
- what we do in the tabletop industry
- a game we really like
- an unrelated thing that makes us happy
- a game I am really enjoying at the moment is Chomp by and Allplay
- something unrelated: my Loki-cat's lil peets give me such joy
I’m preparing my table for the beast that is Freedom Five from
Also Tend from IV Games.
- I really like Feudum.
- My family makes me happy.
- I am a board game designer (Pins & Beetles, Brain Train, etc.)
- I like Bruxelle 1897 and Scout
- Fan artists make me happy. So creative and funny.
There is floral gum here. It tastes like flowers or at least what I assume flowers taste like. I'm not gonna go chomping on daisies.
Also, garlic bread here has sugar on top instead of salt. So sweet garlic bread.
Also also, cherry tomatoes have infiltrated fruit salad.
- The Mind, ThunderRoad Vendetta, Galaxy Trucker
- Cats, Books, Padel
I'm new here hoOoOoping to make some new friends! 💙
- C (30, she/her)
- Independent publisher, designer and art director.
- I really like anything that makes my friends laugh.
- A thing that makes me happy rn is Chromakopia, Tyler's new album.
What's something you learnt as an art director that you found useful in other ways?
Oh great question!
Communicating concepts and ideas clearly. Also, problem solving and recognizing tendencies and patterns.
I help organize tabletop stuff for PAX Unplugged and East...and sometimes design games
I am likely in the top 5 fans of Fische Fluppen Frikkadellen three-table mode for 15 players and Wir Sind Das Volk is my fave 2-player game.
Good ice cream can soften the hardest of days.
my favorite flavor ever was an olive oil gelato that had a balsamic strawberry sauce as a topping.
-Listening to jazz
Now I'm leaning towards simpler stuff in my designs; trying to make games that almost anyone could play.
I want to make a game set in Armenia some day!
- I've been designing games since I was a child but for the last three years+ I've been getting paid for it! On a hobby level I do everything and then some.
- Decryptio is the uncrowned king of player vs player deductive games.
- The Discworld series (you owe it to yourself to try it once!)
- My birthday is next week, and my annual activity is a two-table mega game of Rattlebones!
- Opera singing!
What's a goal aria you want to be able to sing, or the one you enjoy singing the most?
I am obsessively playing Nanatoridori and Odin on BGA currently.
Adventures & photos make me smile.
I'm influenced by The Quiet Year, Wanderhome, and Here We Used to Fly.
I 💜 paper
I just love the affordances of physical paper.
I also love how it's affordable, and sustainable as a medium.
HeroQuest is a board game I got when I was 11 and it changed my life and made me a great big design nerd
Punk rock is my other passion
If you're brand new to punk rock, here are 5 essential records from the five past decades:
Ramones - Self Titled 1976
Bad Religion - Suffer 1988
Green Day - Dookie 1994
Alkaline Trio - Good Mourning 2003
Masked Intruder - Self Titled 2012
Always willing to chat about music!
I like the old Sid Sackson game Acquire so much that my partner made a custom wooden version of it for me.
And for some reason, climbing mountains makes me happy. Here I am on Kilimanjaro.
Btw congrats on Earthborn Rangers- what a great game!
Currently oscillating between Caracas & River Valley Glassworks.
F1 fan & music lover
- stuck on launches this week
- a really well-organized rulebook is the best feeling in the world
- I love 6 Nimmt. It's so elegant, hilarious, stealthily strategic, and a great intro for non-gamers.
- Traveling with my family is my favorite thing in the world.
- to feel the sublime peace of looking down upon the borderless earth
- to do silly stuff in zero-g
Those who have told me about it love it though! But for $90 I would love to feel the game first before buying it 😂
Unrelated thing that makes me happy: I run a discord server with friends that are really, really cool~!
Depending on what you want to do and who you want to invite you may want to invest time/effort into reading up on moderation policy and finding out what works for you.
Also, setting up our own bots to facilitate things like keeping rule posts up to date and such.
For context: We have several streamers in the same server all with their own space. (cont.)
✨ I’m a graphic designer in the board game industry
✨ I love all kinds of games but especially cozy puzzly games like Sagrada, Calico, and Cartographers.
✨ Something that makes me happy are my three cats named after star trek characters
About me: I try to design highly thematic boardgames. I am currently working hard on a game about metal detecting. While I am not detecting I am graphic designer and teacher.
Boardgame I love: The Cones of Dunshire
Makes me happy: Rickenbacker 330 + Vox AC30
My favorite games are Ark Nova & CoB.
Enjoy movies with my wife, hockey, and soccer.
It’s awesome
- I'm a freelance board game designer (Tiny Towns, Fit to Print) and rulebook writer/editor
- A Feast for Odin is a current favorite game of mine. I occasionally host a "feast day" with friends where we eat good food and play AFFO all day
- I love identifying wildflowers 🌺
I love all sorts of games, from Schadenfreude to Container! Right now I've been really digging Spring Cleaning.
Being around other creatives makes me happy, so places like Bluesky & conventions really get me amped up and feeling creative!
One day, I intend to make an area control game with absolutely zero colonisation. I don't know how yet. Maybe one day I will, haha
Area control is so tied to owning land as a concept. Maybe the easiest way to do it is as a revenge story where they are taking their land back? Or changing up the scale - taking the cultural wind out of its sails? Bacteria can't own anything so is it colonial?
Battletech. The OG, the classic, its a nearly mechanically perfect game.
Local punk scenes!!! So many lovely freaks sharing in a love of community.
- I still adore Agricola
- I love spending time with my wife and adult daughter and scheming a way to move to Scotland/Ireland.
And which Zenobia game, may I ask?
I think everything's connected in some way, but a random thing that makes me happy are extraordinarily placed puns in the fiction of Roger Zelazny.
I really loved playing Battletech in the past! But I like more modern games too!
I love hiking with my wife and kids!
I'm currently loving Arkham Horror LCG and Spirit Island.
I grew up in the Lake District UK, so love hiking outdoors plus discovering new music.
- Root. I don't get to play it much, so love it more when I do.
- I used to be in a band, and am a huge music person. Mainly classical whilst I focus on work. Rock and metal any other time.
If instrument, I'd say drums would make a good one because of balancing all the hits & multi tasking.
Shout out to Lacrimosa for a GREAT music theme.
I'd make a game about being unsigned and trying to get that golden contract 😉
An unrelated thing of happiness is chocolate desserts.
Thank you for allowing me to introduce myself.
How about yourself, please?
Thanks for all your posts, Catherine!
- I design historical boardgames for Created the COIN Series and Levy & Campaign. Also Hunt for Blackbeard coming from
- War of the Ring.
- Eating plant-based.[PageNumber(0)|PageSize(50)|PageSort(Name)|DisplayType(Grid)]
- I do whatever I can. Marketing/organising/logistics/graphic design are things that use a lot of my spoons. But I love going to conventions, demoing, designing, illustrating, self-publishing, and seeing ideas come to fruition. PLAYTESTING YAY!
- Go.
- Gentle cycling amongst trees
I was like "totally."
And cycling anywhere is something I really love, too!
I am no expert by any means but traditionally at a club the better player plays against 2 at once. And when there's an interesting bit of a game the more-advanced player can point it out to the other player.
I'm still a relative newbie in the space, but I've done quite a bit of playtesting (mainly in the indie TTRPG space) the last couple of years & like to talk about ADHD & gaming!
Really like Century Spice Road and Root.
Feel free to send us all your dog pics. Especially Pitbulls and Dachshunds.
Oh no, there's kind of a song about that aargh
- Depending on the group it's... Root, Pericles, Pax Renaissance, Mind MGMT, and the Levy & Campaign series. And so many others...
- Books and music!
But also the “language vs dialect” distinction is political, so Samogitian and Latgalian can be added to the list if it aligns with your views.
- Silver & Gold
- Dogs and Taskmaster
I'm Ian.
🎩 I wear many hats, the biggest being that I am in charge of marketing at Floodgate Games.
🎮 I'll forever sing the praises of Netrunner, and I've really gotten into Helldivers 2 this year.
🎊 I love to cook, paint, hike, and travel.
Game I really like: almost everything, but what I’ve probably played the most in the last year would be Earth.
Unrelated thing: I love a good Friendsgiving.
I also do contract development and have worked on games like Stonespine Architects and Batman: The Animated Series Adventures
I suppose I do like cool animation and also scallion pancakes
- unpublished (so far) game designer
- Serenissima (orig); not my fave but one I would play in a heartbeat
- fun thing: I was a magazine publisher long ago
How are your designs coming along?
Udder Chaos:
Enemy Lines:
I’m a huge fan of trick-taking games.
Lately I’ve really been enjoying Nokosu Dice, and am excited for the upcoming CMYK release of The Green Fivura.
My pandemic hobby, which I still love, is Chinese (especially Sichuan) cooking!
How would you introduce a friend to the world of trick-taking? Let's say they don't know what it even is
- I love Vindication.
- Mochi is amazing.
- blogger
- Currently in love with Teotihuacán. We love the game so much we decided to go see the pyramids IRL
- Taking amateur travel photos of these two meeples that have lived in my purse for years
A game I’m loving lately is Forges of Ravenshire.
My interests outside of the hobby include live music, spending time outdoors, and making my own mead. 🍻
Oh and I publish games over at Grey Fox.
I really like Last Light.
And I like my husky.
- I really like Legends of Andor & Imperial Settler etc
- I work in IT, remote office is 👌
- I teach history in high school through board games, and I'm a PhD candidate studying professional naval wargames.
- Impossible to choose just one, but I've been playing Richard H. Berg's Carthage a lot lately
- My dog, and playing violin at school concerts and my local orchestra
Thanks for the welcome!
I just bought a copy of Skull and am loving it.
The game that really got me into modern board gaming is Power Grid. These days I'm also a big fan of Cascadia and Evergreen
Random bit about me ... I curl in my spare time lol
Is there a board game about curling yet?
It could be yooouuu
Better advice: it is actually ok to work on multiple ideas though :)
Best advice: you know your own process, give yourself permission to follow it
I work with editors to improve and beautify their game.
It'll be 10 years in three months (holy sheet).
My favorite games may be the masterstroke The Mind.
Quite a slap.
I like to bath in the blood of my ennemies.
Ho and flowers too. Those that smell nice.
One of our fave games right now is Distilled!
Something unrelated that makes us happy are road trips! We’d drive to cons instead of fly if we had the time!
A game I really like is Final Girl - what a delightful marriage of theme and game play. I really need to get it to the table more.
Something else I love is cooking! This week I'm making an umami packed beef stew, a homemade pizza, and clam chowder.
(note: this is in NZ measurements)
Really like playing Foundations of Rome and Love Letter with my friends. Stained glass makes me happy. Could stare at it for days.
I am also out of PDX and am designer of Empiric a PnP/POD project for about 5 years and recently a finalist for games for change
A recent favorite is Creature Caravan and perennial favorite is Magic the Gathering.
We're suckers for Arkham 2E, MTG, RftG, any rondel, and a soft spot for indie games!
2) what's a non-game thing that gives you joy?
2. The last year or so we've really been enjoying helping our now 5 y/o curate her own game collection! Watching her evolving progression is a geeky joy.
Called it Pride & Preju-Dice.
-I love the game Nana.
-I love watching movies and have seen 174 this year so far.
I'm a game designer, my newest release is Harvest.
Age of Innovation is my favorite game but I love all games!
Outside of games I love food, literature, and karaoke. 🎤
I am a high school game development teacher, my intro course is a tabletop design class.
I am also a game designer working on a new TTRPG.
- Camel Up is always a fun time (and great gateway game)
- I do most of my own home renovations and love getting to build stuff
I really like Turncoats. Please play async Turncoats with me on BGA. I need more. MOAR!!!
My kid brings me joy. She's becoming such a beautiful lil anarchist. Making me proud.
I do my part to slip in anti-capitalist concepts to my students when talking about the games industry. We all need to be a little more radically angry about it!
I dig super-thematic games, so Battlestar Galactica tops my list.
Getting to spend quality time with new/old people is my joy.
There's no one favourite game, though I'm currently into cute animals (Everdell, Wingspan, Brightburrow).
I love to discover!
- I am a game designer, and I designed a modeling language for analogue game design
- I guess I'm gonna say Res Arcana but ask me another day for another answer
- Cheese
A recent-ish game I really enjoy is Daybreak; a less recent one is Argent: the Consortium.
Lots of things make me happy, but lately, it's especially been my kids. They've really helped turn some days from rough to super-great.
Recently someone asked on a Facebook designer group what a reverse Spirit Island game would be. I have to assume they were joking, but I played along with this answer:
Colonizers Aggressively Taking Areas Now (CATAN)
I'm thinking that alongside the obvious reversal of "back to the type of game Spirit Island was reversing", there might be a different reversal, where you're attempting to - as former-colonists - decolonize rather than colonize, and repair the harms you've done.
One challenge a lot of games face is putting players in "god mode" and treating people inside the fiction as compliant widgets - "workers" to be "placed." Finding a way to give little cubes on a board agency -- dreams, hopes, desires --...
No favorites but I could go for a game of Merv right now; only played it once so far.
I'm really happy I have a job I'm proud of because without that I'd pretty much go insane right now.
It's set in the Islamic Golden Age (~700-1300 AD primarily in the newly founded city of Baghdad). After collecting enough research you make a discovery which earns you points and gives all players new options.
Hi, I'm Adam and I design games and logic puzzles as-well-as teach interactive design and design thinking for game designers during the autumn term.
-A game I'm really enjoying currently is Duel for Middle Earth.
-This is my dog Ozzy! He is the best-est of boys.
*Currently looking for my next dare-to-be-great situation*
Stratego is a game I dig. Scotch makes me happy.
- I am a board game editor, tester, and developer.
- I love Arkham Horror LCG. If a game has donkey meeples, I will always stack them, arrange them, and yell, "DONKEY!" (ala Shrek) every time I can.
- I enjoy the quiet and the scent of night.
1. Podcaster (I interview people about their hobbies).
2. Board game designer (I got my hands on a 3d printer and now designing and printing games that mess around with physics).
3. I really enjoy playing abstract games.
I love Bruce Glassco’s Fantasy Realms.
I love to read and to cook (very similar to game designing).
-Arabian Struggle
And their wee rocks
And the way they hold hands
I love Lacuna! It's such a beautiful game with lovely components but surprisingly strategic for being so simple.
Unrelated, I love crocheting! I'm working on a sort of shawl vest right now in a lovely squishy merino wool yarn.
Back in 1996, founded Outset Media to self-published my first game. We now publish over 100 games and have offices in Canada, the US, and the UK.
Too many games to have a favorite.
Other than board games, I play Kayak Polo... and yes, that is a real sport. Polo in kayaks!
- Stefan Field is a god
- Dogs are the greatest thing in Earth
Happiness is sharing office space with up to 16 paws at any given time
Been a professional photographer for 16 years but in the industry for 4.5 and couldn’t be happier!
Fav game admittedly depends on my mood, game group, & genre
- Lost Cities, Ticket to Ride, 7 Wonders Duel
- Maps & cats
I think mechanisms need to be tightly integrated with the theme of the game, so there's no single answer to that. That said, I personally love push-your-luck and tug-of-war mechanisms in games! You'll find those in my own solo TTRPG designs. 😊
- Recently, we really like to play Spicy, Coyote and Things in Rings
- Something unrelated: "Bun Bo" is underrated
- Freelance translation, I've brought a TON of French-language games to the English-speaking market
- 🤩 Tyrants of the Underdark 😍
- I LOVE playing guitar/singing!
It really is... It's very specialized language and form (lots of repetition, uncommon sentence structure, etc) that drives my proofreader nuts when I axe half of her 'corrections' and suggestions.
I talked about it on an episode of Ludology a year or so ago!
And record some of them too on the youtubes. Right now, Fliptown is my jam. Unrelated thing that makes me happy. Currently, being a parent.
🐑 Battlesheep!
🦄 Unicornus Knights
🍷Viticulture World
And if I am being honest, the whole world of #soloboardgaming deserves more attention. I split my time playing with others but it's a great mental hobby that sometimes gets judged prematurely.
THANK YOU!! Great suggestions :)
Huge fan of dexterity games like Tokyo Highway, Menara, etc.
We renovated our basement and put in a secret door.
I also draw comics about tabletop gaming at 🌙 .
A game I love is The Quest for El Dorado, a deck-building racing game by Reiner Knizia. I love reading the map and figuring out which cards I need.
Monster Factory on YouTube rules.
- I really love Root
- I make a mean sausage roll
Also a significant x-over w/ the professional/ practitioner wargaming world
Primary game lately seems to be Schedule Tetris™ w/ our events
Unrelated thing? Our forums have a deep reservoir of musical knowledge
we've got:
a former radio DJ who still writes an occasional music blog
a couple of concert junkies w/ 500+ live shows ea
a guy who was a drummer in B'ham in the late 60s that played w/ some of the guys that became Black Sabbath
2-3 music collectors w/ very eclectic taste
We're working on writing, designing, and publishing TTRPG material for 5e, though we look forward to branching out once we get established. We are excited to showcase our flagship product at Pax this year!
Favorite game - Elden Ring.
I am happy when it rains!
I love Catan but also I love clue
Old Pikachu and kirby makes me happy.
Inspired by overcooked and Catan
Gotta keep some details on the down low until next year
So we did
I love Fortress America.
Baseball makes me happy.
Lately I've been exploring a lot of new games with my 5yo daughter and Nekojima is our current hit.
I'm a firm believer that Discworld will fix what ails ya and recently started reading Wee Free Men with my daughter.
And please tell me it's make of speculoos, because then it's spec-tacular
- My latest fave is Courtisans from
- Having a small but reliable disc golf group to play with on Sundays.
I also suggest pizzas
-Currently Thunder Road Vendetta by is my go to game with friends. But starting a campaign of Through the Breach and looking forward to that.
Unrelated to gaming happiness. My pets 🥰
Games Designed and a published
- On The Rocks
In development
-On The Ricks 2nd edition and expansion
- Pirates Bluff
I love TI4! I wish I was able to play it more then twice a year.
- My wife and 2 boys
Spending as much time with them as possible, they are only little for so long. I will never take my time with them for granted.
- 80s cartoons
- Gaming with great people
- Coaching baseball and basketball
- Philadelphia Eagles “Go Birds!”
-I’m a game designer and publisher at, working on games like Phantom Ink and Avant Carde!
-I’ve been playing a lot of Mottainai recently
-I make interactive trick or treat experiences for 500 kids each Halloween. My fav was the haunted vending machine
My favorite game is Quacks of Quedlinburg, with Mansions of Madness and Phantom Ink not far behind.
Things that make me 😁: coaching esports, Buffalo sports, hiking, volleyball.
I'm Jared.
I am an amateur game designer, and network engineer during the daytime.
LOVE card games, and board games. Currently obsessed with Earthborne Rangers. 🌲
I also play bass guitar, and write science fiction and making an attempt at historical romance.
🐕 DOGS 🐾
We're playing through Frosthaven with one of our boys right now.
We rescued a greyhound named Prince that makes us happy.
Look at that face
A game I really love is Obscurio. Art in all the right ways.
I love making music but it is not good. Please help me learn to mix!
- I'm a freelance designer and I teach game design at the undergraduate level
- I'm really digging running my first long-form RPG campaign using the Scum & Villainy system
- I love folk music and sea songs (I even dabble playing banjo and guitar)
I’m also working on a party word association card game & I do Actual Play, digital indie game dev & voice acting!
Nice to meet y’all👋
It’s based around random number generation, so folks who like TTRPGs, improv comedy, roguelikes, and roleplay will feel right at home.
The early access is closed right now, but I may let another wave in in December!
I have a very loose affiliation with Mike from WhoDaresRolls on the YouTubes (basically I am part of his board gaming group and he regularly references/takes the P*ss)
Just finished a campaign of Arcs, love TI4, blood rage and trying to get back to Frosthaven
Did some work on the expansion for Arena: The contest called "Tanares Adventures".
Have also doing many tabletop works for Science programs. :3
-Former game pundit (Flip the Table podcast), game designer (Roll Estate), and current game show host for hire.
-I love deck building games, games with weird themes, and both in the same package if possible.
-Pro Wrestling, Pinball, Bad Movies, Old Commercials.
AYCE - Deck-builder where players go to an all you can eat buffet (board tiles) and try to eat lots of different foods without getting sick.
My favorite game is The Settlers of Catan 🧩❤️
- currently, I'm in love with Trio and how smart its design is
- you cannot go wrong with a cat (say hi to Prince!)
- Prince
- Brazil
- Your games
- Prince
The Next Genie: grant wishes and use abilities to sabotage
Muvuca: tactically push the crowd to win this street vending duel
Simsilabim: co-op word guessing using syllables and hints
he has an older sister called Mujica, my little girl that doesn't like to be touched a lot but loves company
I’m a professional creative that has a couple of Indy RPG products under my belt and am ramping up to launch my first board game.
I really like playing Verdant.
Having a purring cat laying on me while I meditate.
Double tabby!
I design board games, mostly about pastel-colored equines of diminutive statures, but also sometimes not about My Little Pony (eh, who am I kidding?)
I really like Twilight Imperium 4, but my win-loss record says otherwise
And the return of Linkin Park makes me whole again.
Have you joined the 18th Annual BGG Card Exchange?
This year I had The Six of VIII published by New Mill
I like Clans of Caledonia, La Granja, Dickory, and Inflation.
Feeding the birds in my yard. Some come to the porch railing. 🐦
We have Northern Cardinals, Mourning Doves, Dark-eyed Juncos, Nuthatches, Goldfinches, Downy Woodpeckers, Pileated Woodpeckers, Blue Jays, Red-winged Black Birds, and hummingbirds. In the spring, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks.
- It's hard for me to find a game I admire more than Onitama.
- Comedy of any kind, but especially clever parodies, make me happy.
Love to you all 🖤🔘🤍💜
- Burnout is a thing. Monitor for it.
- Joy is inspiring. Share yours and participate in everyone else's.
- There is no substitute for genuine.
Pardon the ADHD. I read "manager" rather than "member".
For the latter, it's real simple: don't be a jerk. 😎
I love hiking the hills of Wisconsin with my family.
I do wurds gud. I also co-designed the Mass Effect board game.
I really like a game called Netrunner, which a game about reclaiming power from the billionaires. You can play it for free.
I love it when people who care make things they care about.
-Hansa Teutonica
-I also like to stream on Twitch, either speedrunning (currently grinding the SNES game Soul Blazer) or occasionally playing in the game show Arcade Pit.
- we're really digging Hamster Roll at the moment.
- our pekingese dog gets so excited for food that he jumps a foot off the ground, straight up into the air before breakfast and dinner.
- I love Cascadia, Heat, and really any deckbuilder
- Tree identification :) 🌲
- I am a game designer (still hoping to have a first game published)
- I really like Terra Mystica (to not always say Pax Pamir and sound obsessed)
- Reading Terry Pratchett's books is always the best way to make me happy
I really like Dominion - so many combinations...
Unrelated thing; hanging out with my family, video games, organising stuff.
My name’s Tylor (he/him) and I’m one part of, a couple who loves to play board games and chat about them!
Board games are awesome, but top of mind is Darwin’s Journey! Most recent play!
I play volleyball every week, and I love it 🏐
-I am the director of marketing for, a publisher of wargames, strategy games, eurogames, and family games
-Currently really liking the game Hues and Cues
-Traveling and exploring new places makes me happy
- I am working on a podcast series based on my research
- Star Realms is a great comfort game
- The Criterion Channel (my partner have watched 237 Criterion films this year...)
Pobuda, Tanya (2024). “I Didn’t See Anyone Who Looked Like Me”: Gender and Racial Representation in Board Gaming. Toronto Metropolitan University. Thesis.
[Facebook Live], June 9, 2021, Retrieved from
-A few games I like: Cascadia, Bärenpark, The Red Cathedral,
Suburbia, and Nova Luna.
-Unrelated things that make me happy: My family, Disneyland, needlepoint and cross stitch, geocaching, reading, and video games.
I'm a long time enjoyer of board games, though I don't really do anything in the tabletop industry per se. I'm very involved in the MTG space, and I'd love to get more involved with this community. 💜
I'm eternally loving Spirit Island, and I've been a perma-dm for ~8 years. 🙂
I wish I could put it to the table more, but my wife isn't the biggest fan of Co-op games so it's a rare occurance.
God it feels good when we get a game though!
If you want a chronically online goblin who talks a lot though I'm your gal.
- Trick-taking games are my obsession and my favourite game is Seas of Strife (Texas Showdown)
- I love making homemade bread, mead and fruit wines
I love mead!
We try to make it each year to our local mead festival!
Unfortunately, my hive didn't survive last winter. They consumed too much of their honey supply during a cold, wet period.
-So many, but I play Lords of Waterdeep and Star Realms on my iPad almost daily while working out on the elliptical. ✨
-Coffee...and lots of it! ☕
My OG first love that got me into the hobby is Eldritch Horror.
Love: flea market treasure-hunts!
I help with marketing of games, playtesting, rules, etc.
A favorite game of mine currently is Cyberpunk RED: Combat Zone
Something unrelated is that I've gained an appreciation for yoga and have been actively doing it for 5 years!
I really love Dungeon Kart, its Mario Kart with a D&D flair. So much fun.
I just got a "horror but with cats" calendar and I cant wait for 2025.
Lost Ruins of Arnak is still a top tier game for me.
I really enjoy teaching Physics
I love complex games (TI4, Euros) but my favorite is Sushi Go (Party is even better). It's so easy to get non-gamer family of all ages playing and just fun!
When the 'good sheets' are freshly on the bed, still smelling lightly of dryer sheets.
- Wyrmspan is the most recent addiction
- Ice-Cream, obviously 🍦
Some games I have enjoyed recently: Revive, Castle Combo, Shackleton Base, The Bloody Inn, and Robotrick.
I love exploring charity shops (thrift stores) in the hope of discovering hidden treasures. 🕵️
Thunder Road Vendetta is the best Kickstarter I've ever backed. The final product exceeded all my wildest expectations. I love ever play.
I love to draw!
Ark Nova is my favorite game of all time.
Animal videos make me insanely happy. I can’t help it. I love animals.
I'm a designer, but I'm also logistics and operations for Stone Circle Games
I really like High Society and Cosmic Encounter
I also brew, mostly mead, and sharing that with people really makes me happy
Seems like I may need to find a reason to travel to Arizona...
- Mostly, I answer the question, "So enough about your last game, what are you working on now?"
- I really like Watergate!
- Visiting small museums, new restaurants, and public parks makes me happy.
2. Colorado Midland. An obscure cube rail game that has recently received a Rio Grande reprint.
3. Live music.
Age of Rail would be 2nd choice.
However, I do recognise that's not always the key to commercial success!
See the same game below 👇
- I make "How to Teach" videos for board games!
- I've been loving Compile lately, it's got some seriously fun combo potential.
- My boyfriend who is coming to pick me up late at night to save me Uber money, even though he was getting ready to go to sleep. He makes me happy 🥰💙
- Absolutely love Spirit Island. Been playing a lot of Flamecraft lately.
- Fostering a love of learning and reading in my kids sparks joy for me ✨️
That sounds interesting, so you design and curate decks for particular experiences?
I build those curated lists 😊
I make 3D space and jet combat games. I also do US based print brokerage work for publishers.
Due to a lung disability, large cons aren't a good idea for me, so disability advocacy means a lot to me.
When found, he was ~7 lbs. He's now a much healthier 13 lbs, likes to sit between keyboard and monitor, and to inspect games as they're being packed/assembled.
I clearly needed a new cat so as to not let that appointment go to waste.
So I went to audition for new Upper Management at the shelter.
Then sneezed a booger the length of my pinky finger onto my shirt.
I'd clearly met with his approval.
The vet records show he's got asthma and sinus scarring. They'd had a hard time placing him. He came home with me.
I bought a grab bag of game pieces from The Game Crafter, and those are his. We use them to practice words. "Can you say 'trebuchet'?"
When I'm asked which game I take with me to the desert island, it's #KingdomDeathMonster and when I'm not playing, which isn't often, I love good films and series. 😍
It's always great to get to know people internationally to whom the SdJ means so much and who have relied on the award.
I have an ancient SDJ nominee game from the 80s that we loved as a family. MUST play it again
And I know, that german is a very hard language to lern and to pronounce ;-)
And we don't just play the games once, but in different groups to try out how the game works on the table.
- a content creator on TikTok
- really enjoyed my first play of Burgle Bros
- I feel like video games is too related, so gonna say my fitness journey has been bringing me joy lately. Something about lifting heavy things brings my heart so much joy 🤗
I'm Stu Teacher
- I'm doing videos and "influencing", but hoping to move into design and possibly publishing here in Korea.
- I'm currently obsessed w/ Yokai Septet. I'm always thinking about it
- I'm really into sumo. Been watching since quarantine 2020, and got to see it live in July.
The suits are all the important things in politics, like DRUGS, MONEY, and GUNS.
Oh and the designer will insist that he is actually from Jupiter. He's so cool.
Right now I'm enjoying Cartographers on BGA.
Unrelated thing is I love turtles and eating food.
- I’m a freelance designer.
- I really like my friend Jay’s game It’s Obvious.
- I am deeply into Bob Dylan’s music. Like…bachelor’s degree in Dylanology.
I think Carcassonne is the best game because of how easily-learnable it is, while still having strategy to keep experienced players challenged.
I enjoy public speaking, but I don't often get to do it as part of my day job.
- I am game designer, and second place winner of the Zenobia Award II, with my game Silencio (which gives a glimpse on the way people are affected by violence in Mexico).
- I really love Agricola 🐑
- I adore Kaos (the now cancelled series) and storytelling experiments in general!
Personal work -
General portfolio -
Game minis -
I REALLY like playing any game in the Fate system. I just click with it. I love sighthounds in all forms. ❤️
I am but one person and - somehow - I’ve yet to over come my need for sleep
Which is a bit rude on sleeps part I feel