A few days ago I stopped taking multiple hours long depression naps in the middle of the day, so that’s good. I’d say I’m generally still pretty depressed but improving slowly. Thanks for asking.
I don’t know - alternate between despair and wondering how badly they will damage themselves even though the project2025 people are ready to kick their authoritarian spree into day one high gear. Hope it ends badly for them and not the rest of us.
Still trying to wrap my head around that - that many people felt stinky is fit to be president. That many people live in the trump alternate world.That many people believe the made up image/person they sell as trump.
Hard to understand...
I am still processing what just happened. Disappointed how people could vote against their own interests. Worried where we are going as a country. At the same time, hopeful we will be ok and this 4 years will go fast.
I wake up everyday telling myself to live in the present. Live just for today. If I fail, I worry what is going to happen in Jan. Feb. and beyond. Worry how the idiots that the idiot nominated will ruin our democracy. Ruin my grandkids lives. So today, just today, I live in the present.
I have completely given up on watching or listening to news! The finger pointing is get tiresome! I am trying to convince myself NOT to buy a sniper rifle.
Disenchanted to put it politely. I’ve been rethinking a lot about contemporary American democracy, our values, our culture, and what has been revealed to us throughout the last decade up until now. I don’t think I believe in some of the things that I used to believe in anymore.
Not good. As a 68-year-old female who retired 2 years ago I'm terrified! I have a nice nest egg I'm afraid to spend... I hate this feeling of uncertainty.
So far I haven’t watched cable news, which had been a big part of my life for eight years. I’m angry, disgusted, And disappointed. I’m just going to continue running my business while ignoring the rest. The next four years will be challenging.
I’ve gone through more Hallmark movies than I care to admit. More boxes of tissue. I’ve written to Joe, Kamala, and Gov Newsom pleading w/ them to take unprecedented action while they still can. Joined BlueSky hoping to find HOPE. Avg 5 hrs sleep/night. Plan to be off-grid for Inauguration Day.
I’m gettin’ there.
Every day is another horrific announcement, though. At this point, still only committed to taking care of me and mine.
But. We’ll see..
Just beginning to put my toe in the water again. This one was even harder than 2016. I really thought I’d see a woman president in my lifetime but doubt I’ll live that long now. Hard not to be resentful. Working on it.
Only watching my trusted sources like you …Nicolle Wallace & Lawrence O’Donnell etc. Shut out so many other msm for my sanity. Focusing on the good right now…my family & granddaughters. But also holding on to hope that trump will fail early & sanity will return sooner than later. Happy Holidays to u
I’m not happy about it. But I’m not moving to another country, not resigning myself to stay inside for the foreseeable future and certainly not giving up on the hope that democracy will somehow make it through the next 4 years. It will be hard, but let’s keep a good thought for our beloved country.
Decided to retire as a Texas public school educator since we are about to be gutted. That or the potential to be fired since I’ll need to stay drunk for 4 years😫
Seems longer than three weeks. At least we have a clear target now. The tariff threat has the negative attention of his supporters and the media. It will be fascinating to see it play out.
Ignoring media in general. The election was bad enough. The finger pointing is worse. The punditry class is maddening. Maybe I’ll tune in after the 1st of the year or maybe I’ll make a permanent shift for 2025
It's better than last week, at least. "Hope springs eternal," as they say. There is nothing to do now, but peel away at the darkness every day to let just a little more light in, right? Eventually, It'll be light enough to see where I'm needed. 🙌 I'll just keep working at it. Thanks for asking, btw.
Swinging between -1- sad, angry, trying to figure out the best way to resist, and hoping we can improve things over the next two years and -2- sad, angry, believing we're past the point of no return, but too f**king stubborn to lie down and give up.
THREE??? That’s it 🫣 I feel like it’s been months. My body can’t handle being in this state of high stress for such a long period of time. Going to be the longest administration of our LIVESSS omg. My hair is going to go white 😒😩
I'm waiting for the day Magats realize Trump's Mexican tariffs increased their food costs, and Canadian tariffs increased their gasoline costs by 25%. Will it finally dawn on them they fucked themselves over, as well?
Planning for holidays like everything is fine while knowing on the other side we will be living in our Animal Farm era with Napoleon the pig as our President.
For the first time, i am scared shitless. This man could hurt this country and the people in more ways than imaginable.. Republicans need to think long and hard.. do they care about their country or just contempt to let this man make our country go to hell in a handbasket?
Today I'm just Mother F*ing mad. And to top it off I saw a screencapture from the spawn from hell, Trump Jr throwing out outright lies about Pete Buttigieg 🤬
I still have moments of utter disbelief. I had more faith in our fellow Americans than I should have. After all of his and his inner circle’s criminal activities and grifting, and convictions and jail sentences— how could we be here a second time?
Not good. Angry, disappointed, sad. Jack Smith made it worse yesterday. When did the USA become a Banana Republic? Where a dictator wannabe is above the law. I’m angry at Merrick Garland too
on a good day, i almost think i can endure another 4+ years of this insane shitshow without grinding my molars to dust or tearing my own face off. today is not one of those days.
The doctor upped my BP meds, sleeping like shit, worrying about 25% tariffs and a governing body set on taking down Democracy as we know it. Other than that 🤔 I guess we’ll see what next year brings.
Astonished that voters were so willing to vote for it knowing everything they know. Ready for the fight, but not ready for the daily "what horrific thing did he do today" slog like last time.
I’m ok. I was elected to the town of Bourne Select Board this year. It’s incredibly satisfying to dig into local politics. This is a non partisan position. Not all towns are the same. I love it. Were busy. You don’t have to run. Just volunteer for a committee if you can. Every little bit helps. UOK?
I'm African and obsessively followed the campaigns. One candidate gave me extreme hope, and the other repulsed me. When the good candidate lost, I was extremely shattered and honestly felt sick 🤮 I still feel tender and horrified. I absolutely share your devastation 💔
I would feel better if I could see someone taking action to protect our democracy. The normal rules shouldn’t apply to a criminal who is doing his best to destroy the country.
Not great…fairly shut down. I wish only the people who voted for him had to suffer the consequences. And I am doing better than many people I know. I am really worried about them.
I retired to a small farm in the middle of nowhere. If need be we can put in crops, increase our chickens/honey bees and knuckle down for 4 years of nonsense. If it gets bad we’ll relocate to a remote area in Connemara.
Buying lottery tickets- trying to win enough money to move my family someplace safe & spend my last years on this earth by a beach. Also putting together a kick-ass rebellion playlist…
Song 1:
Wondering why we’re being quiet as we see the vote totals tighten up.
We need to be clear that this weirdo has no mandate for his self-serving garbage and need to confront every crazy move.
No retreat, no surrender.
I think not accepting the MSM line about mandates and calling out every psycho thing this nut job is planning. Staying healthy and upbeat and concentrating on learning new ways to connect with people who should be voting for progress, not destroying everything
1) I’ve lost 10 pounds.
2) I’ve had a few days where I haven’t cried.
3) I am currently watching the local news, first news show I have watched in 3 weeks.
I have been buying lots of fun pieces on Etsy and plan to decorate my house like I’m not going through a major depression. My latest piece is picture of a big, fat tiger cuddled in bed eating pizza.
I'm still in a bit of shock and disbelief, but holding up and going about my life. I just hope it doesn't turn out as disastrous as it seems it's going to. I do have a feeling we are the laughing stock of most of the world right now, embarrassed about it and wondering if we can ever fix it.
Addiction is awful.
Hard to understand...
Visual, performing, and literary artists have an opportunity to respond to autocracy, and we're here to encourage that.
Every day is another horrific announcement, though. At this point, still only committed to taking care of me and mine.
But. We’ll see..
Love to all resisters
On balance, is it bad to have daytime hallucinations about a grotesque orange Humpty Dumpty falling off a border wall and crushing Elon Musk?
Asking for a friend...
Keep on movin forward.
Song 1:
We need to be clear that this weirdo has no mandate for his self-serving garbage and need to confront every crazy move.
No retreat, no surrender.
Since Trump it feels like the world implodes
2) I’ve had a few days where I haven’t cried.
3) I am currently watching the local news, first news show I have watched in 3 weeks.