The vaccine wasn’t bad at all. I still got shingles but very little & quite mild. I went & got the updated vaccine also!
Why would people think vaccine is a bad thing! The death toll from the diseases that can be prevented by vaccines have saved millions of lives. Ignorance costs lives!
Have ice packs and a good analgesic handy. I used the highest Tylenol I could find. Ice was helpful. You'll be sore a couple/3 days. I was sore 2, my daughter felt like complete shit for three.
The first shot is fine. The second one is a little bit of a bitch, but you'll be fine. Some flu-like symptoms after the second, but again, not too bad. So much better than having shingles.
giiiirl. Two shots. The first was really bad for me. Do that shit on Friday afternoon so you can recover over the weekend. The second one I got a couple of years later and was fine. Good luck.
Please get it! I had it on my list of things to do and then the pandemic happened. I forgot all about it until I got shingles! The lasting (random) nerve pain post-infection is worse than childbirth. Get the vaccine.
Both doses were rough for me. Three days of flu like symptoms.
But WAAAAY better than shingles. I got the shot on Friday so I had the weekend to recover.
Both shots knocked me down for a day or two (really sore arm fever and body aches), but I had chicken pox, and the last titer I had still showed a pretty high immunity, so I'm thinking my immune system went into overdrive. 😂 Like this virus again..oh hell no.
It was a good excuse to stay in bed and watch movies. A Sunday in the Country was a good one. “A lovely, melancholy balm as I lie here, wiped out by a second shingles vax,” I wrote that day.
Just plan to stream a bunch of shows for 24-36 hours starting about twelve hours after your shots. It was tough but from what I understand, very well worth it.
I’ve had shingles 2x…although the vaccine isn’t without side effects (aches, pains, fever, etc.,) I would take those over another case of the shingles! Good luck!
First shot, fever and chills for about 12 hours after, then a bit tired the rest of the next day. Second shot, bupkis. I was happy to have that than deal with shingles itself!
I've had friends that had shingles and it was awful for them.
I don't recall anything other than point of shot soreness. I got my doses in 2020 on advice of my neighbor doctor before the covid vaccine was released to boost viral immunity by all available means.
My first one hurt and made a huge lump so I put off the 2nd dose. Doc did it 2 years after the first and said it’ll be fine. Second shot was painless and had zero reaction
Planned both of my shots for Friday afternoon so I'd have the weekend to recover. First shot was the sickest I've been in a decade; second one I was woozy and tired but much milder overall.
A friend had shingles *in her eye*. All the impetus I needed to finally schedule the second shot. (I got the first one along with Covid and flu shots, which I don’t recommend. Single shot was fine—arm soreness just reminded me I’m protected from eye shingles)
First dose sucked. Second one - zilch. Friend had the opposite effect. Nonetheless, WAY better than contracting it; my wife suffered through it. DO NOT GET SHINGLES!!
It really does wipe you out, both shots. But I got the second shot with a covid and flu shot on a Friday afternoon and was back at work on Monday. And you're like over 90% protected for 10 years. So after the 2 shots you don't have to do it again for quite some time.
I had no problem other than one day of fatigue with shot 2.
25 years ago, I saw my extremely stoic mother suffer with post-herpetic neuralgia from shingles ( pre-vaccine) and she said the pain was so bad she contemplated suicide.
I had a really sore arm both times but no other reactions. My mother had shingles twice. The 2nd time it was all over her shoulder, one side of her upper back. They had to inject her with some kind of nerve block.
First shot was fine; second, I felt crummy for exactly 24 hours—headache, chills, body aches. My 1st experience with post-vax ick, tho the pharmacist did warn me. Still, well worth it!
I hope you get my reaction - aka none. My husband had none either, nor did my sisters, but I have heard people who didn't like it at all. Just go with my reaction💚 I hope
I’m no MD, but I’ve known several people who had shingles. For many, it was agonizing for weeks. On people with normal health, the vaccine is just annoying. It was mighty annoying for me. But I’d go get it again tomorrow if it would help me avoid shingles.
Don’t let anyone poke your arm for a couple of days. Definitely close to a tetanus shot for that. Achy and tired the next day but not as bad as original Covid vaccines.
The first shot made me very tired, slightly nauseous, and my arm killed for a few days. Second shot was fine but for the sore arm.
I watched three family members go through shingles. If I had to get it monthly to prevent that, I probably would!
I just did my second booster last week and second shot was better than the first for me. I have fibromyalgia and it reminded me of a very bad flare up; very achy, tired, and sore. But nothing I wouldn't do again.
I have read nearly every comment and appreciate this. They range from the worst pain ever to nothing. I have CRPS, and this vaccine worries me. My covid vaccine knocked me out for a week, but I have migraines.
I also have a history of migraines and so far none of these vaccinations have triggered any. The covid vaccine doesn't tend to bother me somehow other than a sore arm, maybe a bit of extra fatigue the day after.
Yes and I thought I was safe. But apparently you can have asymptomatic chicken pox. So though I don't *think* I ever had it, I don't want to gamble with horrible nerve pain and possible blindness.
About 5 years ago I got the MMR again. My father had shingles and it wasn't pleasant, to put it mildly, but he had had chicken pox. I can't get a straight answer from my doctor about the shingles vaccine. So you're miserable for a couple of days. I guess you file that under better safe than sorry.
I didn’t have a bad reaction at all. However, of my friends had it around his eye and his eye swelled shut. He’s had problems for months. Get the shot. It’s worth it.
NBD. I had the single dose years ago after getting shingles (which was awful) and the two-part dose last year. Some minor soreness to the arm was all it was.
2nd shingles hit a bit harder than the first. 1st was easy, 2nd was no worse than the first COVID shot, for me. Sore arm lasted a while, felt a bit achy & under the weather for a couple of days.
Not bad. Totally worth it. The first dose knocked me out for that day, but the second was a nonissue. Just clear your schedule the days you get the doses and allow yourself some rest if you need.
First shot sore and tired, second shot I was completely fine. I was very concerned because friends said the second one was an doozy. I attribute my breeze through the 2nd one to having tacos and beers right after receiving the shot.
As the comments already show, it’s wildly variable. You won’t know until you get it. In any case, everyone I’ve talked to who has had shingles or cared for someone who did says, “Get the vaccine!”
I had my first one a couple months ago. It wasn’t too bad. Getting ready to schedule my second very soon. I took care of my late mother when she had shingles and it was awful for her. She was so ill and in bed for days on end. Go do it. Good luck💙
Trivial compared to the other option, like the flu for part of a day vs, oh, I don't know, experiencing Joan of Arc's last day for days on end. Yes, shingles is like that.
Not bad. I combined it with a pnuemonia shot one time and a tetanus shot the other and the tetanus shot arm was pretty sore for a day or two. I recall being just a tiny bit achey and off after both instances, but it did not keep me from daily duties.
Sore arm first one, laid up for 3-4 days after second but made me thankful it wasn't the real thing! Well worth it but disappointingly no magnetism, so spoons won't stick to you, but of a gip there!
I don't know how bad the vaccine is but my dad had shingles at Christmas and he was really sick for over 50 days and at his worst with also a UTI he picked up he nearly died. Please do get the vaccine
The first COVID shot knocked me *flat* and I really braced for them being bad but nope. A bit tired, at most. Slept sell and was right as rain the next day.
I just got the first one, and it knocked me the fuck out. Took about 36 hours to come back. I am going to schedule the second one for a Friday on account of that....
It wasn’t that bad for me. Did it last year. And just got the fkn measles booster since I’m in that age range where I may no longer have immunity. Didn’t want to spend $122 on that but I *really* don’t want that either.
Truly the stupidest timeline.
Oh I know. My Dad had it. And a good friend had it too. It’s one of those thing where it seems like a lot of money (and I just keep forgetting) but if ever got it I’m sure I’d be like… I WILL PAY ANY AMOUNT! 😆
Probably the worst I’ve ever felt with a vaccine. Sick with flu-like symptoms for 7 days with the first, and felt even worse with the second, but only lasted 4 days. Still better than having shingles.
It’s different with everyone, though.
I got sick (as when you start yo have the flu) for a couple of days (second dose worse) but infinitely better than shingles itself. My mom got it in her eighties and almost lost sight from one eye, complained of excruciating pain for more than a month, needed surgery to recover use of one eyelid…
If you tend to get a reaction to most vaccines, be ready for it. It knocked me on my ass, but they tend to do that. One day of feeling like dog shit is still so much better than Shingles itself.
I was surprised not to have much of a reaction, although the shot itself hurt more than the flu shot. I’m so used to getting shots now: in the Before Times I didn’t bother.
I think it's variable. For me, Shot 1 had me lying on the floor barfing, shot 2 had zero effect. My impression is that the former is an outlier and most people feel like they've been hit by something smaller than a truck, like a golf-cart, or not much at all. Still glad I did it, would do it again.
You. Do. Not. Want. To. Contract. Shingles
Why would people think vaccine is a bad thing! The death toll from the diseases that can be prevented by vaccines have saved millions of lives. Ignorance costs lives!
Neither the shingles nor the shots were pleasant, but the shingles was far worse.
30 days of blistering pain on my left side.
The second dose in six months was almost as bad.
Best to space out the time between the first and second.
Don't get them too close together, even though they tell you can
Give it a few months
Second dose was fine.
But WAAAAY better than shingles. I got the shot on Friday so I had the weekend to recover.
I've had friends that had shingles and it was awful for them.
vaccine now would be useless.
2nd one no so bad
But rather this than shingles
25 years ago, I saw my extremely stoic mother suffer with post-herpetic neuralgia from shingles ( pre-vaccine) and she said the pain was so bad she contemplated suicide.
Do it. 🤞no side effects.
All my three siblings and mom got it... I'm trying not to make it a full house...
My vax immune response was nothing compared to their pain...
Talk to someone that had shingles. No comparison.
I only went because my doctor told me he wasn’t giving me a choice. It was that serious.
Still better than getting shingles again
SO grateful for the highly effective new vaccine. Science good!
Not knowing, I got it day before a 6 hour drive to Maine and was ok.
I watched three family members go through shingles. If I had to get it monthly to prevent that, I probably would!
Far easier than I was expecting.
I still can’t get it since I’m not 50 yet, despite my history. Which sucks.
Due to doctor shortages, they prioritized my wife and kids (which, I 100% agree with).
I’ve been on a waiting list for nearly 5 years.
I was lucky.
As I get closer to 50 though, I’m going to start pushing a bit harder to have a doctor though.
The first COVID shot knocked me *flat* and I really braced for them being bad but nope. A bit tired, at most. Slept sell and was right as rain the next day.
I hope the same for you.
Truly the stupidest timeline.
It’s different with everyone, though.