Its not even true. Greece charged VAT on school fees for a while. VAT rules in EU are very flexible when it comes to charging/increasing VAT as long as you do it in the right way. Less so when it comes to reducing/exempting from VAT.
she knows its complete and utter bollocks, but she knows that people will believe her insane rantings of a malcontent, which is the entire point of her and every guest panelist on GB News
she is as believable as her twitter pic which is at least 20 years old
How the f@ck do you get as thick as this and still remain alive? When she stops concentrating, does she stop breathing? Mind you, among Reform/Brexiters she is a genius.
She really is absolutely barking, isn't she! The spiral of cognitive decline in some of these right-wing journos and "commentators" since the last election is probably worthy of some sort of study.
Allison Pearson probably isn't as thick as mince.
She is paid to write this stuff by people who think she is thick as mince and so she serves a purpose.
She almost certainly thinks that makes her 'better' than everyone else.
The establishment in action.
To be fair she has a point her boss " Lord" Rothermere does pay for state school places with his taxes...but in France where he apparently lives (for tax purposes!) Maybe if the Mail group moved back from it's Bermuda tax haven base, it could actually fund some state school places in the UK!
Hey Alison
Get a different perspective for once - as opposed to your “entitled one”. I reckon when we look at your taxes it’s maybe the lower dividend rate of tax rather than the one most pay…
I would say it is not irrelevant, politically at least. It is striking at a minimum that the UK is an outlier in people thinking it self-evident that VAT ought to be charged on school fees (full time only, between certain arbitrary ages), whereas in the EU there is barely any support for the idea.
The UK would have to negotiate an exception in the accession treaty, which would be difficult. But as it is not government policy to rejoin, it is still an odd point to make, especially for a Brexity person, who should be exulting this divergence.
You mean not participating in some of the EU's finest achievements like Schengen? The EU tried to appease the UK for 47 long years, I don't think it wants to repeat that after it only got spat in the face for it.
It could also be an opportunity for Ireland to join Schengen if Britain joined it should it come back, could it not? Isn't the reason why Ireland doesn't participate in Schengen the border with NI and the fact that the UK isn't in Schengen?
Even if they had to align on VAT, I don't see any reason they couldn't just shift it to a non-VAT special tax. A "Public education fund charge" or similar.
At the very least they could redefine the permissible "charitable causes" to prevent public schools calling themselves Charities. Then, even if their product is zero vat rated, at least they don't get the other benefits of being Charities.
State education & a free university place for her was good enough for her. So why is she whining about the haves paying for a leg up. I understand she’s not a fan of HMRC.
She isn't really all that bright in many respects. And it is probable that she is naturally exaggerating the effect on this policy. But it is obvious that she would likely be against anything that increases the tax burden for some for the benefit of the many
Brexit type wanting the benefits of the EU is just wondrous … Pearson also likes being rude but dislikes others being rude to her. The human contradiction!
Problem is she does.
But at this point in time I’m happy to retreat into the comfort of bluer skies, sense, toe beans and floofs.
Before I increase my prescription and head out there again
An average person on average income will pay about £9k in taxes and school funding is around £7.5k per pupil, so parents have not 'already paid for a state school place' unless their taxes almost exclusively fund education.
Also, she 'forgets' that non-parents also fund school places.
You have to be very privileged indeed to afford to pay £50k pa per Kid for a private education to perpetuate the privilege of the next generation through networking and not meritocracy.
I get so fed up with the stupid “parents have already paid for a place in the state school system” sh1t. We all pay for education, regardless of whether we have children.
Private schools aren’t companies that make “profit” though are they. Yes some of them amass a great wealth but it isn’t taken out of the school by shareholders, it is retained and invested. I Don’t get why this is conflated with the idea that paying for education is bad.
The issue isn't what happens to the money. The objection to private education is that it gives those who can afford it a further advantage over their poorer peers.
Private schools get tax breaks because they take a tiny number of poorer kids, usually very bright or excellent at sports.
But understand this. We have a catch 22. Unless state schools get better, those able shall pay for their children. And, IN TURN WE have an apartheid in education
But even if all schools were state, there would be an apartheid. Based on post codes. Like in all countries.
And the biggest point of all. In an extractive class driven society, parental love is thé most powerful driver. If we have a choice we will pay and we will want it exclusive to ensure the best start and life chances for our children.
I am 3rd gen socialist, I sent my kids to senior public schools
Unless you regulate the "charitable status" properly and make sure that their work benefits the community at large. Take the money away in tax and it benefits only the Government (unless I suppose you believe the fiction that it means state schools will be overhauled).
Imagine if the RNLI only provided rescue services to people who paid an annual subscription, and they invested all of this money into bigger and better boats to better rescue those able to pay. Should we still consider them a charity?
You could argue that the "shareholders" are the parents paying the fees, as it is their fees that generate the "profit". So, their children benefit from the excess funds in some way or other, as it's used for, most likely (and lucky them), capital expenditure.
The school could, alternatively, reduce the fees, to make them more affordable?
Also, the fact that they will VAT register and therefore won't need to increase the fees by as much as they are scaremongering.
Yes of course they could. Maybe that would be better. I’m not a school manager so I’m not really able to comment on the wisdom of their funding model. My only point is that the extra money is not taken out to make people rich like in a normal business
I get what you're saying, but it's a bit moot.
They are mostly wealthy institutions, and their charitable status enhances that. While the money may stay in-house, they have the luxury of amassing those funds for investment, which state schools do not. As my Dad used to say, "Money makes money".
“Parents have already paid for a state school place” shows her ignorance of state school funding and taxation in general. Letting the cause get in the way of her journalism is her continuing contribution to foolishness
Or, she's just a contrarian troll who will find a nasty negative in anything that #UKLabour does, especially like this where there really is no point to be made.
She clearly doesn't understand that the fees aren't being taxed, they are simply not allowing private schools to be exempt from business taxation rules. It's the schools that are passing that on to the parents.
Well said. Taxes are my subscription fee to civilisation. I’m also child-free by choice, and personally, I don’t mind funding education so I don’t have to deal with stupid people. At least, that’s the theory…
However I'm more than happy for my taxes to be spent on families that do.
Even at its most selfish, those families and their children will pay for my state pension (assuming it still exists by then!) and thus I'll still benefit directly.
I'm childless too.. never benefitted from benefit system All my further education paid for as a result of my employment contracts..Proud to have been a net contributer! Big up for childless adults so often sneered at
Don't forget, we are not Pearson's audience - she preaches to the moron section of society, for whom balance is drooling out of both sides of their mouth at the same time.
Or Daily Mail readers, as they are sometimes called.
I once worked out that the rebate you could argue you should be entitled to for not using state education was on the order of 3 pence a year (your tax doesn't just for your kids education, but for everyone's so you have to pro-rata it)
No head for figures, has our Alison. David Cameron increased VAT from 17.5% to 20%. She should kick him up the backside for clobbering us and business, but looking after Old Boys and Girls.
Also taxes don’t work the way she says, inside or outside the EU. Taxation for the provision of education serves the greater good, not just the benefit of your own children. Investing in education builds human capital, which is one of the most essential components of sustainable economic growth.
When you’re writing on behalf of billionaires and plutocrats, because people like Pearson discarded their principles and values years ago, they’re bound to write conflicting articles and hypocrisy. Shame not enough people notice.
So if I understand her correctly, there shouldn't be VAT on public school fees because it keeps rich kids out of state education thereby improving the quality of state education! I didn't realise the offspring of the well to do held things back so much.
Interesting that Allison is such a financial expert and yet she got declared bankrupt in 2015 because she seemingly could manage her own personal finances 🤦🏼♂️
Imagine her trying to manage the countries finances 😱😱
Absolutely- it’s like someone put that bit in there to try and make it look less like one of those flash scenes in Event Horizon (bit obscure but the imagery has stayed with me so I’m allowing it)
Did she bother to do the obvious back-of-envelope calculation? A quick Google search suggests that state-school spending per pupil is under 10000 pounds per year. Multiply that by 35000 and you get 350 million, which leaves 1.35 billion pounds to add to state-school spending.
She might have a point if 35,000 kids (where did that figure come from?) all tried to get into the same school. But, spread over 20,000 schools, the impact will be negligible.
Also I believe there was a report to say only 3000 students have been removed from said schools, so one tenth of the piss and blunder shouted out by the Tories
Lots of schools round here in Reading/Wokingham are looking at reducing in size*. There is spare capacity there to absorb children leaving the Private sector and the quality of schools is generally high. Allison is talking rubbish as usual.
I’ve been constantly attacked over my stance on private schools, I believe whilst private schools exist we will always have a two tier society, one in which rich people aren’t vested to fix.
You're not wrong. For generations we've doffed our collective caps at anyone with a private education and it's usually the Eton types who are responsible for ruining this great country due to a lethal combination of arrogance and utter ineptitude.
Look at the damage Old Etonians have done/are doing to this country.
It is because of the school tie network and knowing your child will be employed in a cushy job regardless of ability that parents pay £40k a term or whatever it is and it has to stop.
Yep, which is why real terms funding hasn’t gone up since 2010. Private schools are a racket, I believe their charity status should be removed. Although I think exceptions should be made for Sen private schools.
I do not wish to subsidise the better off , who buy preference for their children, subsidised by my tax contribution .
My taxes provide the same children with a state education , which we should all strive to improve . They have the cash to move catchment area if they desire.
I read that on average each private school place gets more state support than a state place:
- no vat on fees
- no corp tax
-no business tax
-gift aid - 40% added to Sunaks donation to Winchester.
-defacto subsidy as they don’t contribute to the taxpayer funded teacher training.
100% agree, I also think private universities shouldn’t have tax breaks. If you choose to go outside the state (as is your choice) then expect to be taxed. I’m not sure of my stance on private medical though. I think I’m for taxing it.
£1.7 billion a year equates to about half an FTE teacher per state school. I suppose you could call that scratching the surface if you were optimistic, but then the figure itself is optimistic.
If she is that concerned she can ask the Government where the rest of the money is coming from.
You know how she went bankrupt financially in 2015? There are those who say she also went morally bankrupt. Has anyone done a deep dive on the uselessificiation of Pearson/Heath etc?
There is barely any private education where I live (if any), and private schools don't charge those amounts they do in England either as they are still largely supported by the state.
I know that in Spain, the total private schools do not charge what the UK ones do. Also most do not require an entry exam either, as long they got space and you got the money. There is also a semi-private, field which is the equivalent of the voluntary aided schools, we technically the Gov pays it
But sneakily they ask parents for a charity contribution, and tend to be linked to religion and parents look certain status basically they want private education but without paying for it.
As far as I know schools in Spain are not a charity neither private ones. If the taxing works in the UK they may actually replicate within the EU. It could happen.
In Spain not as bad as in the UK, definitely private schools are not that pricey. Saying that depends with Autonomous Community you live in, if they are Gov by the right, the private and semi-private education flourish as they tend to defund the estate one, as autonomous communities are
Pearson is a member of a growth industry. That of spouting lies/hatred/division in order to acquire vast wealth. It has been lapped up by the poorer/less well educated elements, esp in little england. She must not falter, or her "slot" will be taken by one of the many "wannabees," ready to step in.
she is as believable as her twitter pic which is at least 20 years old
We need press reform to stop rich fascists indoctrinating the country.
Is that how it works?
She is paid to write this stuff by people who think she is thick as mince and so she serves a purpose.
She almost certainly thinks that makes her 'better' than everyone else.
The establishment in action.
“We must leave the EU to regain our sovereignty. Our elected government can then make decisions freed from the diktats of Brussels.”
Bona fide elected government does a thing.
“How dare they! THAT’S not what we voted for in 2016!”
Brexiters are the ones screaming and complaining the loudest about labour finally finding and using a brexit benefit
Get a different perspective for once - as opposed to your “entitled one”. I reckon when we look at your taxes it’s maybe the lower dividend rate of tax rather than the one most pay…
Have a cup of tea and breathe
Maybe can help on this topic?
I think the question is if we rejoin, can Britain keep this and if yes, under which circumstances.
Labour now applying VAT to education is further evidence of them having no interest in maintaining alignment with The EU.
Who's arguing private school fees are a tax break? The no VAT is the tax break...
"The Right" is what happens when the hard-of-thinking get together and take an interest in politics.
"okay, what utter shit can a write about today that i can monetise" ?
repeat ad nauseum
The GCSE in upwards fail of the privileged white person
Her own version of here, but a lot more right wing and a lot more unhinged
But at this point in time I’m happy to retreat into the comfort of bluer skies, sense, toe beans and floofs.
Before I increase my prescription and head out there again
Cat speak
Also, she 'forgets' that non-parents also fund school places.
It’ll be tight. You might make it.
Education is a Human Right. Not for profit.
Private schools get tax breaks because they take a tiny number of poorer kids, usually very bright or excellent at sports.
But understand this. We have a catch 22. Unless state schools get better, those able shall pay for their children. And, IN TURN WE have an apartheid in education
But even if all schools were state, there would be an apartheid. Based on post codes. Like in all countries.
I am 3rd gen socialist, I sent my kids to senior public schools
I have made no comment about other objections to private education.
Private schools do make a profit, but it's called a 'surplus' because of their charitable status.
If you’re opposed to paid education then just say that without the weird argument about profit.
Also, the fact that they will VAT register and therefore won't need to increase the fees by as much as they are scaremongering.
They are mostly wealthy institutions, and their charitable status enhances that. While the money may stay in-house, they have the luxury of amassing those funds for investment, which state schools do not. As my Dad used to say, "Money makes money".
Or maybe …
People pay general taxation for the general good irrespective of what they may or may not use personally
Could someone explain taxation to the Torygraph
However I'm more than happy for my taxes to be spent on families that do.
Even at its most selfish, those families and their children will pay for my state pension (assuming it still exists by then!) and thus I'll still benefit directly.
It's basic stuff!
Or Daily Mail readers, as they are sometimes called.
Utter misdirection.
She's going to be surprised that the tax rate for childless people is remarkably similar to those with a handful.
If Allison is genuinely concerned about the impact on the state system she can allay those fears
Imagine her trying to manage the countries finances 😱😱
/checks notes
... 29,158 state schools in the UK.
So a smidge over one extra kid per state school.,special%20or%20alternative%20provision%20settings.
I think state education will cope with the influx.
Look at the damage Old Etonians have done/are doing to this country.
It is because of the school tie network and knowing your child will be employed in a cushy job regardless of ability that parents pay £40k a term or whatever it is and it has to stop.
My taxes provide the same children with a state education , which we should all strive to improve . They have the cash to move catchment area if they desire.
- no vat on fees
- no corp tax
-no business tax
-gift aid - 40% added to Sunaks donation to Winchester.
-defacto subsidy as they don’t contribute to the taxpayer funded teacher training.
If she is that concerned she can ask the Government where the rest of the money is coming from.
Meanwhile: state schools have a falling rolls problem. London's birth rate dropped 17% 2012-2021 - 23,225 fewer kids.
Almost 15% of 2023 London school places were unfilled
Is able to make wonderful trifles apparently.
Maybe just stick to that then.