This motherfucker doesn't understand that unlike his mother apparently many people cant eat or drive or have housing or medication or insurance without that monthly check. So eat next month? Motherfucker. Absolute horror of a human being.
He does understand. He doesn't care. It's so obvious they want people to die. Just look at every action they take. Each will cause suffering and death.
What a fucking douche.
Could it be because you’re a billionaire you obtuse fuck.
Have her start living on $1500.00 a month and see if she’d call you fucking moron.
The economy would be in the can, in the same fucking week, we need to iradicate know-nothing ass clowns from government.
Where exactly do these imbeciles THINK THIS FUCKING MONEY GOES?
It's hard to have empathy when you cannot in any way shape or form identify with the common man. Billionaires live with a different set of circumstances and they will never understand the social security recipient that will die without it.
I’m on social security. I live check to check. If I don’t get it. I DON’T FUCKING EAT! This guy needs to trade places with me for a few months. He’d change his tune. How dare him! Most Americans can’t even afford a $300 emergency and he’s taking this crap! He’s the only fraud I see.
I watched that video again. Fucking asshole. His 94 year old mother-in law wouldn't complain? It's convenient for him to say that, he's a billionaire and could probably help out his mother in law for a month or 2. The other millions of people who rely on social security don't have that luxury.
Not to Mention his adult Sons are very Wealthy on their own & his wife is wealthy her daughter on her own so his very Elderly motherin law may have other adult kids grandkids who are wealthy to help her out but since he ran a huge$ hedge fund I'd guess she's been invested in stocks etc well too
Your mother in law? Millions of people rely on Social Security every month and cannot wait for the check to come next month. The checks are not supposed to be delayed. Is this the same guy who cried on Larry King's show when over 600 of his employees, including his brother, were murdered on 9/11?
The divide between the haves and the have nots is wide. The divide in awareness is also vast. Knowing about the plight of the poor,and those who have no clue, is how agency assistance gets gutted. If only they knew the suffering right here in the good ole USA
If I had a dollar for every time a rich old white man told me it would be ok.. I’d give it to his mother-in-law. Cuz this dude couldn’t give 💩💩 about her.
2 days after jets slammed into the World Trade Center, Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick was sobbing on national TV, pledging that his bond-trading firm would look after the families of the company's more than 700 victims. The following day, he cut off the paychecks of those who were missing.
Well then I would have to say that your mother-in-law is a fucking idiot. She paid into it and it's owed to her. No one has money stolen from them and doesn't care or complain, So I call bullshit, you're a fucking liar
They are putting it out there that good people don't complain when they don't get their money. Only frauds would call in to see what happened to their check... which is some people's only source of income. Just wow.
Corollary: if a senior couldn't afford their insulin shots for this month, they can catch up next month!
These goddamn vipers don't realize that to many, many people that SS check is survival!
She wouldn't complain because this filthy wealthy prick would send her some money. The poor widows don't have an asshole like him to send them a replacement check. Such an insensitive person who had a second chance in life by not being in his office on 9/11
She would just wait until she was kicked out of her place of residence for nonpayment of rent and ask for you to come pick her up so she can move in with you.
Ever heard of "It's Better to Say Nothing............ "Asshole many that miss a check would be homeless. Even Communist countries know you don't stop sending the check. How the Hell do you sell Tesla stock, but not know what to say about a missed check? Buy some Common sense. Bitch!
Absolute bullshit. If social security 'accidently' forgets to deposit your check, the onus is on you to call, and call, and send proof that you qualify, and call again and fax/email again... it will take 5 to 6 months for social security to fix the error. Happened to me 3x in 6 years.
i see i’m not the only one paying attention.
he’s outright saying that they are going to withhold social security checks; and when they do, anybody who complains will be treated as a criminal.
He’s the guy after 9/11 killed a bunch of his employees in the tower. That he would take care of the families. Then cut all their benefits a month later.
He ran with his brother Canter Fitzgerald. In the twin towers. Lost over 100 + employees. Said he would support their families. And then backed out. Also cut surviving staff. To keep himself floating. Look it up. I believe his brother died.
He cut the missing employees' paychecks off on September 14. Then he cut off the benefits at the end of September. He's a foul, evil, loathsome snake in the grass.
He was the guy who wasn't in his office because "I was taking my son to his first day of kindergarten." What kindergarten in the US starts on Tuesday, the 11th of September? That wasn't even the day after Labor Day.
Well I'm sure she's taken care of. My mom wouldn't be able to pay her electricity or water bills or her life-saving medication for a rare genetic disorder. Not all of us have the privilege of being "kept" family members!
Maybe that's because her SIL is a billionaire who can toss a few bucks her way to tide her over until the next check? Or because she (likely) has plenty of other resources & doesn't depend on Soc Sec to eat & pay rent?
This just shows how completely out of touch he, and everyone else in Trump's orbit, are when it comes to understanding Americans. They either don't care or don't understand that some people need this money for basic survival.
Reminds me of when Romney, in a question about poor people getting ahead, suggested that they should just get a loan from their parents and start a business. The cluelessness is astonishing.
Actually, he's right. She wouldn't. She call her daughter asking for her to send some money. And Lutnick's wife would make his life miserable until he sent the money to his MIL.
What this Nazi doesn’t get is that seniors are the largest demographic in the country, across all factors of diversity, and are largely NOT incapacitated. They WILL mind and they WILL NOT go gently into that good night. FAFO, Lutnik.
These people’s nefarious planning is indescribable. They didn’t spent time analyzing the systems and agencies they’re destroying.
Their time, money and intelligence was dedicated to their flagrantly wicked plans.
I visualize their meetings with the most disgusting display of villainous glee.
The jerk doesn’t know that even those who don’t live paycheck to paycheck will demand what’s owed.
This action will stop the flow of SS income because they will place hurdles, and the demands for the funds will clog the system.
He is so full of BULLSHIT!!! I'm not 94,I'm not a fraudster,but if he wants to hear yelling, screaming and complaining,I'd be waiting at the nearest Social security office the next morning and they'd probably take me to jail!! And I'm not us friggin mother n law
Don’t understand why she would not call and complain. Any normal citizen would. Maybe hid mother-in-law is not normal or she does not depend on SS to buy food and keep a roof over her head.
Gaslighters be gaslighting. Even millionaires & billionaires who could be means tested out of social security are on the internet demanding their money. It’s not going away in silence. Mess with social security and we see how many guns Dems own.
I work in care mgmt in a hospital. If ANY one of my patients didn’t get a check it would be catastrophic. This man is so far removed from the reality of the everyday American and it shows.
He’s basically saying
“Don’t complain when we cut you off because people will think you’re a scrounger and that would be embarrassing for you wouldn’t it? “Especially when we’ve told everyone that’s what you’re doing.”
She wouldn’t call and complain because they took away the customer service line for Social Security so nobody can call but I bet his mother-in-law wouldn’t go hungry for a month like some wood
Thank God that Schumer caved, otherwise important parts of the govt might have shut down. Oh, wait, his capitulation was not only humiliating it was also pointless.
Shame on Lutnick. He was,I think the owner of Canter Fitzgerald and he lost a large portion of his workers, including a sibling.I lost two family members there so shame on him for being such a jackass. He should look back and remember what happened to his business and have some compassion on people.
The guys who claimed a living man was dead and then terminated his SS checks weeks ago and who have terminated phone & local office infrastructure & funding are saying only corrupt people would complain about the fiscal consequences...
He's just trying to make people feel like if they call and complain (when it happens) that "Everyone will think you're a fraudster" so that people stop complaining. They're trying to silence people. get THIS message out so people get in front of it. F their abusive Nazi strategy up.
Lutnick sums up the fraudster-in-chief's guilt for all the world. "A fraudster always makes the loudest noise, screaming, yelling, and complaining," Lutnick said. Who is the loudest, most prolific harpy in the world, who bleats incessantly about every slight, every insult, every critic? Trump? Hah!
Happy Saturday, Suzanne.
At this point, I'm surprised he didn't break out into another Tesla commercial or at least pump up his stock as the best thing under heaven. tRump has the mentality and intellect of a spoiled little girl. Expecting anything else is a fool's errand.
Her son is a billionaire, not someone whose only income is that check! What a rotten fucking out of touch oligarch. Starving people have every fucking right to scream while they are kicked out of their tiny apartment in the freezing cold night. Fuck the fucking deadly assholes.
Just the complete lack of understanding of “paycheck to paycheck” which is exactly what a SS check is, deferred pay for work performed. 12.4% of every dollar earned for the majority of people living SS check to SS check, unlike Lutnick’s mother in law.
I planned for retirement for my wife and me with both of our SS checks and Medicare figured in. Now our retirement plan is at risk. We worked for 55 years (each) and planned for a decent retirement where we could live without too much financial worry. But the GOP will destroy any security we built.
Same, and if he tanks the dollar, which it looks like he will, it will be even worse. Everyone is dropping the dollar which makes it near worthless. This is exactly what they did in Argentina.
...not sure why we're Still looking for 'empathy'-or why it's Still 'almost impossible to believe'. They're doing exactly what they said they'd do pre-election...
'As the cellar began flooding' w/their plans 'impossible to believe' we didn't focus on how to head them off at the pass. #hindsight2020
they need to stop throwing around the fraud word. Fraud has to be proven and takes time and research, it also should result in charges! there has been no actual proof produced by this admin. Usually they call it waste or abuse to be safe but this condescending a-hole feels righteous in his disdain.
Forensic audits require expertise & time. True audits yield detailed documentation (fraud/abuse).Auditors do not cut staff. Auditors may make recommendations based on their findings. Mngmnt considers the reports & makes informed decisions about specific staff & pgms. Business sense. Not nonsense
she would panic!
rent at assisted living is due.
hair appointment is set.
heart medicine refill is ready.
fridge is near empty.
ladies are coming to play canasta.
church envelope is empty
I would bet his 94 year old mother inlaw doesn't need her SS check if her son inlaw is a billionaire. So yeah, it wouldn't matter to her. But for most of us, it's a big deal for survival, and yeah, we are going to make some noise.
That’s the first thing that came to my mind too! Of course these rich assholes wouldn’t complain, and the rich are all they care about, so that’s how they’re going to act.
I hope lots of Republicans on SS watched this. They know they are not fraudsters. They know they paid into it. Many of them know can't survive without that money or know others who can't. They know the truth. Watch them turn against these creeps when it affects them.
They are so Fkn stupid: Your Honor I’d like to introduce a admission of Corruption into Evidence roll the tape 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 let my check be late or a dime short 😡 We worked for Social Security they are NOT Entitlements they are OURS Period!
What An ass hole. He is rich , his mother inlaw has no worry about not eating, or an old woman, husband died having to choose between, rent, electricity, meds, food. Calling them fraudster. There on not a largest fuck off. Would kill to be sitting there with the 2 heartless scum bags.
Obviously his mother in law has no financial worries. Iam a retired RN...contributed to SS for 48 years. My SS income is critical to my survival and I have a simple lifestyle. I am the majority.
The depth of dishonor of the current POTUS, VP and minions has no bottom. A stain on their honor, their families, their party, their communities and our nation. What does it say about us that we elected a convicted felon with a lifetime record of dishonor, bankruptcies and failed relationships. sad!
"This, to me, is the ultimately heroic trait of ordinary people; they say no to the tyrant and they calmly take the consequences of this resistance."
Philip K. Dick
Yeah, the billionaire gaslighting continues. Most people on SSI need it to pay bills and eat and get their medication. They don't care if they die of starvation or anything else. They would panic. Why would a billionaire need SSI anyways?
Could it be because you’re a billionaire you obtuse fuck.
Have her start living on $1500.00 a month and see if she’d call you fucking moron.
Where exactly do these imbeciles THINK THIS FUCKING MONEY GOES?
Government: “No they won’t.”
Tariffs hit
The economy: falls down the stairs, catches on fire, gets hit by a truck
Take her money. It’s easy, see?
Trump is the enmity president, actively in opposition, hostile. He doesn’t actually stand for anything. He has no principles. He is amoral.
He is also, therefore, easily manipulated by those smarter or more strategic: Putin, Musk, Vought, Miller
Lutnick: “I killed her years ago.”
I believe it 💯
Lutnick is a highly paid criminal.
Nothing more, nothing less.
These goddamn vipers don't realize that to many, many people that SS check is survival!
he’s outright saying that they are going to withhold social security checks; and when they do, anybody who complains will be treated as a criminal.
• If you mom doesn’t get her check, she’s not going to call and ask about it
•Which means she doesn’t need it
•Which means she shouldn’t get it at all
Why are we giving money to people when they don’t need the help?!
End the fraud and waste
Don’t complain; otherwise, we’ll investigate your situation including your underwear.
Elon, Trump are you listening? He's talking about you.
Who’s he kidding?
Their time, money and intelligence was dedicated to their flagrantly wicked plans.
I visualize their meetings with the most disgusting display of villainous glee.
This action will stop the flow of SS income because they will place hurdles, and the demands for the funds will clog the system.
Both can be true.
Mil obviously doesn’t depend on the $, unlike most Americans
He’s basically saying
“Don’t complain when we cut you off because people will think you’re a scrounger and that would be embarrassing for you wouldn’t it? “Especially when we’ve told everyone that’s what you’re doing.”
Gaslighting fucking scumbag.
Could you imagine? "Any landlord that complains that I don't pay my rent is a thief and a liar who just wants to steal people's money!"
Is she still alive? And also, is she still collecting?
Just fair questions
Oh where did the day 1 promises go...
At this point, I'm surprised he didn't break out into another Tesla commercial or at least pump up his stock as the best thing under heaven. tRump has the mentality and intellect of a spoiled little girl. Expecting anything else is a fool's errand.
Fucking corrupt admin. man.
'As the cellar began flooding' w/their plans 'impossible to believe' we didn't focus on how to head them off at the pass. #hindsight2020
I encourage you to read this article from The New York Times about the food banks. Here's a gift link you can read it for free
Nobody knows what the hell is going on ‼️
I guess that is the answer for everyone.
rent at assisted living is due.
hair appointment is set.
heart medicine refill is ready.
fridge is near empty.
ladies are coming to play canasta.
church envelope is empty
are all of these vital?
doesn’t matter.
And they wonder why people cheered Luigi.
I’m I too old for this BS?
Best thing he could do is shut up.
Philip K. Dick
His mother has a billionaire for a son.