An alcoholic gets their drivers license taken from them because they are a danger to society behind the wheel. But you guys give them the keys to your military good luck.
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The journalist has talked about it, but they also have their own ethics and they're not willing to out the CIA agent who was named because it could put them and others at risk. Redact that...
"A CIA spokesperson asked us to withhold the name of John Ratcliffe’s chief of staff, which Ratcliffe had shared... We will continue to withhold the name of the officer."
Goldberg volunteered to be a prison guard for the IDF where he abused prisoners. He’s not releasing the chats for the same reason he was in the chat. He’s friendly with the people in the chat. He doesn’t want to hurt them and harm his access.
Maybe it's just me, but the fact the CIA agent is female makes it seem as though Trump's gang of treasonous turkeys had very little concern for her safety.
Was just watching some of Ratcliffe’s testimony from today, I wonder if someone asked him about that as he tried to downplay USING Signal and sharing strike plans!
“An extraordinary breach of U.S. security is stunning security and intelligence veterans, after a journalist was added to a Trump administration group chat on Signal, where senior leaders discussed plans for a military strike on Houthi rebels in Yemen…”
Yes it’s bad. But it’s normal for this mob…..and I used the word ‘mob’ knowing that it has a deeper meaning for those familiar with Chicago history. I think they’ve earned that.
Trump's entire admin is full of criminals who have been placed in positions of power. They have put the lives of brave men and women, working under cover at risk of exposure. These people deserve to be protected instead of put out in a group chat. Hegseth and those involved should resign?
totally besides the point and this is a niche comment for like seven ppl but in that screen grab Tim Miller looks like he just walked out of a Widespread MF'n Panic show
Minutes ago, Trump stated that the Signal chat contained only unclassified information. Call me crazy, but including the name of an “undercover” CIA agent doesn’t seem like something that would ever be unclassified.
Not if they fail to be a white American-born male. Trump has already blocked the immigration of Afghans who acted as intelligence support for CIA and military in Afghanistan. He also deported at least one who was already here.
Who really thinks trump hasn't handed over top secret info to putin already?
He did last time. He hoarded, then shared top secret info with guests & foreign politicians who didn't have security clearances. He shared it to brag & to make some obscure point to defend himself.
This is bad. Especially given Witkoff was sitting inside the Kremlin on his 8-hour wait to talk to Putin while these messages are likely pinging on his very unsecure personal phone. The stupidity, the absolute stupidity on this is jaw-dropping.
Was going to say the same thing. He put the pronoun out there which starts to winnow down who it could be (ok, 50% isn’t everything, but it’s not nothing).
yep they gon create all this chaos rob America blind that's all of us then jump out with their golden parachutes and chill in their nuclear bunkers while we all burn in nuclear fires
That be indoctrination to be good obedient workers instead of critical thinking free thinking free holds and holders our founders meant us to be. It's a shame really we won the revolutionary war militarily but not monetarily King george's spys bankers and soldiers were all still here.
Or "the agent's" or "the person's." Plenty of ways not to divulge identifying information, especially since the agent is named in the text. If the info is hacked, the agent is likely soon to be a dead person.
Seriously? Our enemies have expert hackers whose only job is to hack American communications, including those at the highest levels. The chat was on an unsecured (meaning easily hacked) texting app. It would be a miracle if they did not get this hacked information.
Calling it a vulnerability is a bit misleading. The memo indicates that Signal users are being targeted by a phishing campaign. This is an exploitation of user behaviour, not a vulnerability in the Signal application or protocol.
I think Russia and China would have some pretty superior hackers. And I don’t think you could actually know if there was a hack or not. I personally doubt they missed this opportunity.
He's got the texts. He needs to release them. Redact exact info, but release enough so they can no longer deny what happened. I'm sure he's talking to lawyers about it, and he's got an opportunity here to put a chink in their armor. However, my faith in the media is pretty low these days.
Vance is lucky Usha wasn’t shot as an enemy when she landed in Greenland with her son. BTW, Trump needs to stop these American delegations going to countries he’s threatened with annexation. It’s reasonable for them to view these “visits” as threats & for them to take appropriate action.
VD and Hegseth are basically quite ignorant idiots. Europe has not received any questions about these attacks on behalf of Europe. This is also linked to Israel and Iran, but fortunately they do not talk about that. Shipping is often owned by many nations that sail under other flags. The idiocy
I imagine he and his magazine are consulting with lawyers as to what they can release. I agree they should redact some info and then release them ALL OVER! Resignations should have happened earlier today; instead there is nothing by deflection and obfuscation. Shameful.
If you think getting our undercover operatives killed due to gross incompetence is bad, than yeah, really bad. If only they could secure this like Trump's GPA, his weight, and his taxes, we would all be safe.
Why isn't anyone asking if this is WHY they were using Signal? That way they can play dumb when it is found that information was leaked to foreign actors. Preserves the thrill, while reducing the risk of being a spy!
I'm sure everything is just fine. So, they knew we're coming, time, day and weapons. They knew where our Special Forces were on the ground and hey, they had a few of names of the CIA agents and their locations. What could the enemy do with all that stuff right?
I wouldn't want to be an American spy right now... holy crap that must be unnerving... the job is scary enough without complete incompetence, and outright nefarious allegiances of leaders
This is routine in this administration. How many of Trump’s convos with foreign leaders happening on these apps? It’s the obvious place for bribes, various kinds of criminal conduct, asking foreign governments to do dirty jobs, maybe against American citizens.
Trump literally gave classified details about an Israeli spy to 🇷🇺 IN THE OVAL OFFICE. That’s NOT including the classified documents MR. Trump stole and “stored” @ Mar A Lago, where you KNOW he sold state secrets. ALM he had to go was let someone “use the 🚽” and 📧 via 📱
Exactly! That's why I call “Agent Krasnov” a treasonous lying criminal traitor. His administration are probably Russian assets too. Nevertheless none of them are qualified to hold any office in our government. Someone needs to do something to get all of them out ASAP!
This entire administration has got to go! Every one of them showed a very dangerous level of immaturity and recklessness. This is not a reality show. This put the REAL lives of soldiers on the line. I don't know how we will ever gain the trust of the rest of the world again. We are done.
When the fuk is this madness going to end??? Jesus Christ we're going to let these morons steal our country, our security, our democracy and our safety from us? It's not like these are brilliant people. They are dumb fuking fools who have managed to pull this off. They must be taken down.
Trump managed to pluck the dumbest stoopids who are good liars just like him to bullshit their way through confirmation. They all share Dump's homicidal tendency to eliminate us and our allies.
He picks the absolute dumbest people he can find because he knows they know they're not qualified & do not deserve the positions they're in & will be too indebted to him to warn the public & tell the truth about all the laws they're breaking! Of course once THEY actually break laws, he had that...
to blackmail them with! That's one of his main go to tactics! They're all to stupid to realize he's setting them up & getting kompromat (evidence of crimes and/or damaging information like the pee pee tapes) on them!
Tbh, I stopped thinking it was the pp tapes long ago. M*GA would cheer him being p'd on by a hooker & they've shown he could eat a puppy & not suffer a loss of fans. I think it's much darker, more nefarious. I think he'd allow putin to incinerate the U.S. for $. He's shown that's what's important..
Lol, I half expect Putin has compromised all their phones and was the one who added Goldberg to the Signal chat FROM Waltz' own phone just to FK with Trump.
They are trusting a war criminal maniac KGB spook who wouldn't think twice and ordering them thrown out a window.
Wilful ignorance, or woeful incompetence? Of all the accusations one could hurl at this administration, the one charge they are repeatedly guilty of is criminal levels of stupidity.
"They are doing it as we sit here."
Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III
"Russia, Russia, Russia, it was all a hoax, fake news"
D. tRump
An Exhaustive Compendium of Russian Collusion & US Election Intrusions and
No doubt, Putin's gift portrait will hang proudly over Trump's bed, unlike the one recently commissioned by Trump supporters placed/removed from the Colorado state capital.
No they don't feel safe. All US Intelligence agencies are now regretting not blocking his 1st campaign, they all knew he's a russian agent and didn't prosecute him as such
All day many News outlets except for wait for it-
Fox Entertainment Network are showing all of these self-righteous, pompous hypocrites from the GOP Cult showing the slamming the Dems over the years (Hillary, Biden, etc) for doing nothing like THEY did with the Group Chat debacle!
the fact that an undercover operative was in the chat while Witkoff was in Moscow in the Signal group chat means that the undercover operative was probably outed to the Kremlin.
So what? Own up to it. If they succumb to blackmail now he has them for life. They have zero integrity now. It’s obvious that something is being held over their head. Be a damn Woman/Man and own it. Take back your power cowards!
Oh I still have all their big-strong-man, stick-it-to-the-Washington-elite postering of the last 20 years in my ears. They don't get to let those buffoons blackmail them and still claim to be Republicans.
Sure it was always a lie. But this.. This is just pathetic.
Yes but they were normal then. It wasn't a cult then. There was also such a thing as shame then. There isn't now. Back then elected officials were actually trying to do a good job of things even if they didn't manage to do that. The Trump administration today, not so much.
If we talk about enemies of we US citizens - the US regime is our biggest threat. And god knows we are a threat to Europe, Canada, Greenland….
Hand in hand with Putin.
Exactly! As my husband and I watched this conversation yesterday, I said, “He shouldn’t have even said ‘she.’ And he had acknowledged there was potentially damaging info he was texted that he would not disclose.”
He’s a journalist. Writers have egos that yearn for recognition. He may not have divulged all specifics, but his ego still wanted the public to know that he was privy to sensitive intel. To me, he’s no better than the group who used a known Russian com app to discuss OPSEC intel.🙄😑
You're in a conversation with 17 others. Hegseth says we will be BOMBING! and you can't recall if he told you locations and times. Maybe the CIA director and the National Security director jobs are over your heads? Or you are lying. You've got to pick one🤥 Goldberg remembers.
I feel like a singular they would have drawn attention to the possibility that the CIA agent is not a man, as it would have seemed out of place. If Goldberg frequently uses the singular they in writing and speech I think it would have been automatic.
"They" is commonly used when referring to someone whose gender is not known or unclear. (What if the agent was trans? Lol) Saying "he or she" or "him or her" or always saying "the agent" would make it clear, the gender ID was being hidden. Anyway, minor point, just a thought.
This is even worse with a covert agent being named. You are going to hear alt of BS bout Democrats that have nothing to do with the Hegseth war plan compromise.
You put an unquaffed sycophant as the Pentagon head and shit happens.
Bad? Yes. Tho it inevitably happens when a nation is immersed in lies that lead to voters electing someone like T. What's amazing is that anyone is shocked.
Ppl just don't want to believe that propaganda works, that it affects elections & thus controls our gov.
I mean... he could've just said "they/them," but maybe that's illegal use of grammar now? Didn't have to expose the gender. That's just salt on the wound.
They should all be charged - further more they should all be deported immediately to El Salvador because they are members of a criminal gang that conspired to leak state secrets.
They need to check who gave them the phones....
We are talking about a regime that Aileen Cannon for 4 years covered up and delayed prosecution for treason. When you let tens of thousands of confidential documents move over a thousand mile south, why would you care about one lonely CIA agent?
Apparently, the texts were set to auto-erase. So the goal here was to illegally prevent the conversation from being recorded in the archive. Even though the conversation could have put the lives of military personnel in danger.
"A CIA spokesperson asked us to withhold the name of John Ratcliffe’s chief of staff, which Ratcliffe had shared... We will continue to withhold the name of the officer."
Even if you think he is a bad person it doesn’t mean he’s working with them
It's all there. Just scroll down the page.
You’re FIRED!
Book of Donny- god & his consigliere toy with humans as they assess how they will react to the plague aka trump.
Place your bets everyone
We saw how that worked out for Job & his family .. & servants
He did last time. He hoarded, then shared top secret info with guests & foreign politicians who didn't have security clearances. He shared it to brag & to make some obscure point to defend himself.
As in, “their opsec was so poor that they actually put the operative’s name in the chat!”
It was incredibly irresponsible to give away the operative’s sex…ESPECIALLY since being a woman may narrow it down dramatically!
I really hope she’s already safely out of there!🤦🏻♀️
Dump f’s, is right.
It’s ok to publish? Or not because some people care about risking others lives.
Trump storing confidential, sensitive documents in Mar-a-Lago bathroom to now this…
What's really scary is they likely pull crap like this every day.
See how easy that was.
If that really is her name
Pure insanity
he simply isn’t well practiced in uc stuff.
And they named a confidential asset in the chat?
And one of the parties was actually IN Russia at the time, receiving these texts?
Yeah, this is bad. TRUMP levels of BAD.
There was a memo released to the agencies days ago notifying all staff that the very same app they were using could not be trusted as secure
One of the group members accidentally invited the journalist.
Push notifications, which are enabled by default so I bet these bafoons haven’t disabled rich push notifications.
Says such nice things about Europe 🤨
none of us are safe anymore.
none. of. us.
Lol, I half expect Putin has compromised all their phones and was the one who added Goldberg to the Signal chat FROM Waltz' own phone just to FK with Trump.
They are trusting a war criminal maniac KGB spook who wouldn't think twice and ordering them thrown out a window.
Sack the fucking lot of them. Vance needs to be fucking censured.
Special Counsel Robert Swan Mueller III
"Russia, Russia, Russia, it was all a hoax, fake news"
D. tRump
An Exhaustive Compendium of Russian Collusion & US Election Intrusions and
Thanks for the reminder how stupid the Bush 2 admin was, and how it pales in comparison to this shit show.
Treason is too kind a word.
Fox Entertainment Network are showing all of these self-righteous, pompous hypocrites from the GOP Cult showing the slamming the Dems over the years (Hillary, Biden, etc) for doing nothing like THEY did with the Group Chat debacle!
Yes - it's bad!
And, the fact that Witkoff was in Moscow when added to the group chat on Signal means that Moscow likely knows who the CIA operative is now.
Just maga traitors.
Sure it was always a lie. But this.. This is just pathetic.
He has shit on all of them.
Hand in hand with Putin.
What a bunch of dangerous morons.
You put an unquaffed sycophant as the Pentagon head and shit happens.
Ppl just don't want to believe that propaganda works, that it affects elections & thus controls our gov.
'Reality TV' & propaganda feeding the cult = any day that ends in 'y'.
They need to check who gave them the phones....
Republican'ts. Can't do anything. They are too inept to ever be trusted near the levers of power.
XOXO journalists
We are talking about a regime that Aileen Cannon for 4 years covered up and delayed prosecution for treason. When you let tens of thousands of confidential documents move over a thousand mile south, why would you care about one lonely CIA agent?
This is nothing.
Hm. Yeah. Seems bad...
this is the hallmark of the trump administration