One of my main collectors (who owns this painting) says it has my best hand ever, and my worst. It delights him that there are in the same #artwork. This is "Crowded Solitude" based on a sketch in the Empire Diner in #NYC
I’m making a skeleton hand and forearm stained glass piece and I’m going insane trying to properly convey all the bones without having too many ridiculously small cuts. Gah! Hands are hard!
My suggestion for artists that want to master the hand, take anatomy courses.
The painting I did my art professor loved the most was a man’s hand holding a book.
As I painted my mind saw the bones and muscles I had to memorize in my anatomy classes.
I was actually a nursing major who loved art. 😊
Yes hands are most worked part of the body, mine at 80 are full of arthritis with knobs and swollen fingers. I still can cook and clean and use a finger to type this also give a finger to Magas 🤣
I'd feel better about them if they did multiple supercomplex things, like feet (where another quarter of our bones are). Feet have to keep our weird skinvelopes of bone stew upright *and* walking; 95% of the time hands could be mittens.
It's the other way round at some point in evolution - our feet used to be more like hands. The big toe had to migrate in, since a digit sticking out to the side wasn't conducive to walking, but it was & is great for arboreal primates!
But its still way over engineered. Our former-feet now-hands can detect a grain as small as 13nm, which has no practical purpose as far as I can tell. Someone just decided to max out 'pebble sense'.
I do like being able to sense & remove a single hair or a fleck of paint or something, but yeah hands are something else, aren't they?
Why evolution made all the nerves go through the carpal tunnel, though, I'll never know. My tingling thumb & pointer finger would like to lodge a complaint.
Not true. If you've been without properly working hands you would not take any bit of them for granted. A complex system of pulleys and strong little muscles for a reason.
I understand; I was exaggerating for effect. I'm keenly aware of how remarkable our hands are, and how life-changing even a small loss of function in them can be.
As someone who has experienced wearing mittens over some very long winters I wish that was true lol. May as well just have no hands. Just a loose thumb attached to to your arm.
I had a roommate who did some drawings of me. He would always put gloves on my hands in the drawings. For years I felt paranoid about having large hands, until another artist told me this!
Start with photos of hands, and get an art book/tutorial to help you. Take pics of your own hands, in various postures. Keep sketching. Fill a sketchbook with terrible hand drawings! Take over the world!!! …wait, I think I missed a step. 😁
That's only true if you're including the wrist as part of a hand. It's a dodgy area anatomically. Where does hand end? Does it end before wrist or at forearm? 🤔 I don't really care, they're a b**** to draw either way, artists who manage it are gods to me.
I started with reference photos because the body anatomy is very difficult. Also another technique I learned is to think as if everything comes out of the basic shapes. For example rectangles for the fingers and then shape the rest.
Fun thing: A hand has 27 bones, a foot has 26 bones. Your handsies and feetsies get around 51.5% of your total bone count. Your human skeleton is half hands and feet.
I try to focus on a hand during life drawing class at least once because they are so challenging! I was doing relatively well in this, then it went pear shaped. Thumb is wrong. Going to go big next time, so that I have more room to move
One life drawing pose I enjoyed had the model in a ball with her hands underneath her (I couldn't see her feet either, which probably account for another quarter of the bones).
HOLY HELL, YEAH. That's not even counting the tendons, the muscles, the myriad of tiny little masses that make a deceptively smooth surface change like the sea in a storm. They're SO HARD.
Isn't this one of the reasons they started to study the hands by using dead bodies to cut & examine the makeup & architecture so they could emulate as close as possible? Even Leonardo daVinci first tried to define the body by taking measurements & proposing averages for more correct studies.
I do a simple surgical procedure via zoom which removes 50% of the redundant bones in your hands, drastically improving your life drawing capabilities.
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Have any Napoleon in your portfolio?
I cannot draw hands at all, so I pretend I prefer minimalist styling.
So this means that sharks are the easiest cuz they got no bones
Also, I will be cutting myself some slack! 🫡
That's medical science for ya!
I love my phalanges, they can play the guitar perfectly while I concentrate on other stuff.
Muscle memory is an amazing thing.
Am i right?
The painting I did my art professor loved the most was a man’s hand holding a book.
As I painted my mind saw the bones and muscles I had to memorize in my anatomy classes.
I was actually a nursing major who loved art. 😊
Y’all give er a BIG hand
"some slack about hands"
So many of those bones are just there for show.
unless you mean they should only be used to carry food to the mouth
many jobs would not be possible with the hands you mention!!
(probably good our feet aren't as sensitive)
Why evolution made all the nerves go through the carpal tunnel, though, I'll never know. My tingling thumb & pointer finger would like to lodge a complaint.
It’s less intelligent design and more, “let’s see what kind of havoc adding thumbs creates.”
Asking for a frAInd...
Prof clapped his hands and referenced me and my question: "Class, there is no easy way to draw hands, if you want to do do, you will figure it out".
I didn't like being called out, and his answer sucked. Oh well...
54÷206 = 26.213%. thanks for that tidbit of new knowledge for me.
Don’t get me started on feet!
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