There are two problems with a single New Yorker trying to recreate a Chipotle burrito at home in a manner that is cost-effective:
1. You make more than $20/hour
2. You do not have the benefits of scale
There are a bunch of ways to square this circle. One is to love cooking and enjoy it on its own…
1. You make more than $20/hour
2. You do not have the benefits of scale
There are a bunch of ways to square this circle. One is to love cooking and enjoy it on its own…
a. You can easily find a unit to rent without a kitchen but with a bathroom
b. there is a really cheap buffet in walking distance from 80% of apartments?
(Scale argument too -- one dude on a bike with 10 burritos making an efficient route)
If you're off at 5pm, you're off at 5pm whether you spend 6pm-7pm making a burrito or scrolling instagram doesn't matter from an income perspective.
And as far as single-size meals go lots of restaurant-quality pasta dishes like Amatriciana and stir fries like pad gra prow are quick and easy.
mostly just wanted to chile-post
IMO tastes better than Chipotle.