I'm sorry, you're telling me the people who stole all the art in the world to make computer software that can't do basic arithmetic would tell a lie?
Now that we have it.. I'm disappointed that it's mainly poorly written incel fanfiction, cluttering up everywhere.. and with every "creation"...another forest burns..
But yeah weird that them learned machines don't know how to tap actual computing routines!
There once was a man from Nantucket
Who made billions to fly in a bucket.
To make his big roll, he stole and he stole
And as the word burned his said "fuck it".
Behold the first electronic calculator:
However, it's not the AI companies' fault. RECs as an accounting mechanism are an invention of state property law, in 2010 in California.
However, some dollars go to green energy producers, making green energy worth more to the market.
So it's not zero effect.
So the Meta and Amazon plan is pure scam, and the Google and maybe Microsoft plan is scam lite.
But my addiction is he "just answers my questions" ...like google, but without going to websites, or having to read through. I ask him anything: about local real life, history, science, current events...
If you want to see for yourself, ask them to prove it. Post a demonstration of your choice.
Bland text, incorrect/ unhelpful alt text, "references" to books that have never been written.
Ask about sth you know well.
Whose boosters all said it could make art
But the rhymes were all gone,
And the meter was wrong,
So the poems all stank like an egg fart
that ate power with such a great fervor.
The planet got hot.
Diesel gennys backup the spot,
as grid fails result from their maneuvers.
It's like Dr Frankenstein vs Frankensteins Monster
Who didn't quite do what they said Mon,
Searches used AI,
It Made Greta Thunburg cry,
But in haiku form.