One of the things I found most interesting about the Amazon “Rings of Power” series is that it did explore this idea a little. There was even a guy who I’d characterize as an “orc’s rights activist” which is just a fun thing to say
There’s that one orc near the pass to cirith ungol who just knows a lot about jow spiders eat. He’s an enthusiast. He probably has some picture books on the subject
They get a bad rap for wanting to “eat manflesh” but in their culture that just means eating ass and sucking cock. We must see past each other’s differences
Seriously, why not some "Embracer Group" (what the) IP-sidestepping take from the other end?
The "heroes" wouldn't even have to be mentioned, just all the systems in place that created and enslaved the orcs for whatever Maiar equivalent's "mysterious" ends.
In other words, of all of Tolkien's races, only orcs accepted and encouraged diversity.
i also think orcs would create art that is similar to shonen battle manga
The "heroes" wouldn't even have to be mentioned, just all the systems in place that created and enslaved the orcs for whatever Maiar equivalent's "mysterious" ends.
I would love to see some good fan fic or a good novel exploring this.