We want to start a dnd game with one 5 year old, one 8 year old and one 12 year old.
Is that even possible? Does anyone have any resources for me as a DM for this? We want it to be fun for the biggest and accessible for the littlest
Is that even possible? Does anyone have any resources for me as a DM for this? We want it to be fun for the biggest and accessible for the littlest
He got quite frustrated that she wanted all the stats and all the powers. Letting them select from pre-made characters might avoid that.
He roped his siblings into defining creatures and seeing what affected who wins/loses.
But kids can benefit from being able to focus on one aspect of a complex system.
Kids might enjoy exploring the rules system w/o being personally invested in who loses bc "my character" is in it.
I ran this adventure for kids as young as 7 and everyone had a blast
I'd start with a simpler char for the youngest, with just one or two abilities, and ramp up the complexity with age.
There is something called The Young Adventurer's Collection which I've never read but has good reviews.
My suggestion based on a lot of DMing for disparate groups, though, would be to ignore the rule-book as needed to simplify things to the right level for each player. The rulebooks are a tool, not a commandment.
I also think Golden Sky Stories is a interesting fit depending on the interests of the players.
Load them up with decent amount of healing potions, and you could have a npc "healbot" to help.