The best part of this is that Cybertruck owners can’t enjoy their majesty, not at least without bricking their 6th grade metal shop project and voiding their warranty, amirite
Dang. It! You totally had me with that image. So I thought “is it just me?” Nope. Showed the photo without caption to my SO.
SO: “What?!? Was that from downtown last night! So awesome!”
SO: what?! Noooo! *groans*
Holy shit! Where is this car wash? Has anyone notified the owner that his facility is generating the northern fucking lights? That level of radiation…fair warning; you’re probably gonna piss plutonium tonight.
I get it. I was in a similar situation with the eclipse (I missed it). Instead, I took a picture through a slightly elevated toilet paper tube with a black background. Looks like the real thing!
Bad idea
[thank you 🙏🏻🤣🫂]
SO: “What?!? Was that from downtown last night! So awesome!”
SO: what?! Noooo! *groans*
ace pic
Ace use of ‘ace’ we should bring that back!!
lol you're not seein the signs
Funny thing is - it’s not the photo I was trying to take! I was trying to get the soap before it smeared lol
Have you tried closing your eyes and rubbing firmly?
[fantastic call back btw 🤣☠️🤣]
"Miss the Northern Lights?
Spiffy Car Wash Place, next exit."