When I think about the aughts I cannot think of a single neoliberal state! Mostly because I removed the part of my brain that remembers the Bush and Blair governments.
For our Pet Shop Boys edited collection, we of course had a couple of chapters about neoliberalism in general, and Thatcherite neoliberalism in particular. One person on Facebook had a running commentary on our “stupidity”, at one point declaring “Mrs Thatcher, a neoliberal? Nonsense on stilts!”
There's nothing neoliberals love more than telling us there's no such thing as neoliberals and anyway I'm certainly not one, don't be ridiculous and dramatic
And managed decline, but with a sad face so we know they'd love to do something different but
Le Pen père was a major figure in French politics throughout the 90s (maybe longer?), his party built support gradually during that time and was successful enough that by 2002 he did well enough for the runoff
Maybe his thesis is garbage I don’t know, only read the excerpts you posted, but c’mon, you really think you’re accurately presenting what he said there?
Can’t remember who the French PM or president was in the early ‘90s, but I think their center right party was in power (then Jospin from the left in the late 90s) and they were probably doing neoliberal stuff then, in which case you could dunk on a fair representation of this guy’s take.
Hmm indeed. "Don't blame the well documented and widespread scholarly consensus as to what causes far right ideology to flourish." Well, shit. What do we do now? 🤔😂
But maybe if the Left had been willing to compromise a bit more on everything, we won't be forced to feed people through this meat grinder. Have you ever thought of that?
Two federal interventions (needed because of problems created by neoliberalism) mean that neoliberalism doesn’t exist and needs condescending quotation marks.
I would love to know the connection he thinks there is between the Tea Party complaining of too much government and the rest of his thesis except no I wouldn't.
There's literally a subreddit called /r/neoliberal that is full of people who call themselves neoliberals who support neoliberal policies and neoliberal politicians, but also, somehow it's fake and made up by leftists.
I once got into it with a Democrat for their party practicing imperialism, which they crawled out of by claiming that America didn't have an empire! One of their basic defenses against cognitive dissonance seems to be just refusing to recognize patterns exist at all.
And managed decline, but with a sad face so we know they'd love to do something different but
And devils bargains with the right
3 things
Le Pen père was a major figure in French politics throughout the 90s (maybe longer?), his party built support gradually during that time and was successful enough that by 2002 he did well enough for the runoff
“It's a big club and you ain't in it”
Monbiot does a good job of unpacking that https://www.theguardian.com/books/2016/apr/15/neoliberalism-ideology-problem-george-monbiot
the saddest self-justifying nonsense!