Germany issues warning for transgender & nonbinary people traveling to the U.S.
But I don’t see myself ticking this off my bucket list whilst this fascist regime is in power.
Don't go there, stay away from the US....
But we Europeans are endlessly coward, as soon as the issue is the 🇺🇸
But every normal human being should be clear about the christofascistic regime over there
It's already equal to Russia, North Korea, Iran etc
If they plan to live in the US for a long period, they should become US citizens.
Some countries also allow the dual citizenship.
2) It takes time and money to naturalize.
And given what the US is showing itself to be-
Why would anyone consider this a ‘great place to raise a family’?
We only got gay marriage legalised recently too, because the UK govt panicked when the EU human rights commission got involved…
I’d also like to remind people that you can fight rioters… take note, football firms, it’s a FREE scuffle lads.
Eine Reisewarnung hat aber andere Implikationen. Z.B. Stornierungen etc.
Und het cis Leute „freuen“ sich alldiweil, dass es „jetzt endlich“ eine „Reisewarnung“ gibt.
Der Hinweis unter LGBTIQ auf die ILGA ist zudem nicht hilfreich, weil sich dort keine aktuellen Informationen finden.
and the home of the brave?.." Wenn das mal so war, ist es jetzt Geschichte.
America is a FASCIST REGIME.
Anyway, just…just don’t come here. I can’t stress this enough: ICE is going after tourists now.
It’s not even safe Americans yet alone tourists.
much,much more important than the economy
Fuck the hell out of this crazy place.
that's how it always goes.
remember that, when you think "oh well, that doesn't affect me...."
Every day that Canada doesn't put #mairikkka on the Foreign Affairs do not travel list, is a day you have to take care of yourself and your people.
Every day, starting way before today.
#cdnpoli #canada #mexico #fascism #antifa #elbowsup
• Do not visit USA.
• Emphasis on NOT.
• USA is a Nazi camp run by orange Il Duce.
• Lawless.
• Fascist.
• You have been warned.
• Please act accordingly.
After the past 6 weeks you gotta be mental to do that freely.
They don’t know they might end up in the concentration camp or jail like Israelis who think they can visit any countries during the war!
GG great experiment was nice while it lasted
(The USA no longer exists)
The US is currently eating itself and nobody from another country should visit
First the warning went out to transgender people.
And the rest of us who have read that poem stayed home too.
And that is how we put a dent in tourist aviation emissions.
Highly combustible fuels.
But this warning also needs to be expanded.
Trans people should absolutely not travel to the United States right now, for any reason. But honestly, nobody else should travel to this country either. It's not safe.
America is currently offline until we fix this bs
2 germans are currently being detained at the US border. No way I'm going to the US of assholes
Try Canada - it's very similar but full of normal people....
One German is still in illegal detention, has been since January.
She was going there for vacation.
Don't come here, it's not safe. In normal-ish times it was already a bit sketchy, but now there's a very real chance of getting kidnapped, tortured, and shipped off to a camp in another country.
And trans people, if you aren't already familiar, look up V-coding
Das sollte sich auch mehr bei uns herumsprechen.
ICE are disappearing people at an alarming rate, and they evidently see due process as optional.
The USA is the IV Reich of the modern world.
denn: ob z.b. jemand mit kurzhaarschnitt weibl....oder jemand mit dutt männl. genug erscheint obliegt den einreise-heinis.
ps: wenn man da 'gefilzt' wird...leute, das ist wahrlich kein vergnügen! ...und da hilft nicht mal ein lebenslanges visum.
If you're in the US, stay under wraps until you can get out of there,.. and dont go there if you're not already there. That would be my advice.
It's already come to that . . .
... I won't be going on holiday to America anymore.
💠 😔 💠
Or soon?
The bigots are off the charts with power
Arkansas reps promoted a bill that would allow for civil penalties $10k+ for ‘social assistance’ for minors who are struggling with gender transition or even identity.
They have no issue with teenage suicide
It could be you next if you travel there.
Don’t assume that can only use AI on C tweets…they can do it across platforms.
But given that US security have already also detained cis white straight Europeans, no one can assume traveling to the USA is safe.
Not to mention plane crashes, mass shootings, TB, measles
It’s very sad. 😢
If its not Safe For Green Card holders then everyone and anyone can be lifted.
Keep safe stay put don’t come to America!
And in fact, I would argue it's our duty to ENSURE history doesn't repeat itself.
Wo ist denn da die Verhältnismäßigkeit? Was dir widerfahren ist, war sicher unschön. Aber 'Schadenfreude' empfinden, bei Einzelhaft und unmenschlicher Behandlung bis hin zu körperlicher Folter?
Check mal deine privileges, dude. 🙄
Hysterical States of America.
Canadians come home!
You have better odds visiting the wet markets of Congo.
The link is a 404.
I can't find the information on there webite...