KWIM - Know what I mean
DYFM - Do you feel me
CIGAA - Can I get an amen
AYPUWIPD - Are you picking up what I'm putting down
DYFM - Do you feel me
CIGAA - Can I get an amen
AYPUWIPD - Are you picking up what I'm putting down
AYRMW- are you reading my wrinkle
TNHTWTNHAOTW - that's not how this works. that's not how any of this works
DTMS - Does that make sense
DTMMLF - Does this make me look fat
IMDAYH - is my dog at your house
TYFPTIW - thank you for putting this into words
IMTU (I made that up.)
Laughed my ass off, blew snot out my nose
Are You Smelling What I'm Stepping In
... what?
I'm slippin in what yer droolin
KOKO - Keep on keeping on.
This is the polyglot of the future.
IMO - in my opinion
IMHO - my opinion, but now I'm being an asshole about it.
IFY -I feel you
HYA - Here’s your amen
IPUWYPD - I picked up what you put down
HAGD - Have a great day
SDWTFD - So done with this functioning democracy
JTTWADA - jesus take the wheel and destroy america
SNAFU - Situation Normal, All [Fouled] Up
FUBAR - [Fouled] Up Beyond All Recognition