There were many attempts to distill Project 2025. I read some good online primers about it. But the vast majority of the country just heard the words "Project 2025" and did not attempt to look into what it meant. And I think this is something to sit with for the future. HOW do you get ppl to read?
Project 2025 was how it started.
This is where we are.
- former IT guy that could never get a user to read the f.....g manual...
Messaging is probably best done via video
That's why campaigns buy commercial spots on television
But I never saw one spot talking about what Project 2025 would mean to America
But in true cult form the magats express zero outrage when felon47 goes from denying his blatantly obvious affiliation to whole heartedly endorsing and implementing it....
The librarian never said anything to me either
She knew
Come to think of it she probably saw everything I was reading
It has to be on tv in a documentary or a news story that is done in-depth
People are not interested in reading!
We need to recognize
2. STRONGLY stand on basic humanist principles of equal rights, empirical reason, and personal freedom.
3. Contrast that with the revanchist freaks surrounding Trump.
The larger issue is a crime against the people, though. We’ve had our curiosity and agency decimated. It’s hard to try. But we try.
People think their involvement doesn’t matter, so you have to make it mean something to them.
They are starting to listen
So one issue at a time. 900+ pages is a bit much.
Here's one of his cool observations
This is why quality education is fundamental to any functioning democracy.
It’s why the book bans seem so nonsensical. Anything that gets a kid to read these days should be repeated, celebrated, cloned ad infinitum.
What I found horrified me.
They didn’t even take the time to make it sound like a legal plan so most people can read it. The problem truly lies in the ability to digest and pick up ones jaw off the floor. I could only do 100 pages at a time.
After that, the informed behavior needs to spread on its own. Either because it's viral or an abundantly accessible solution to a widespread problem.
Right wing CULTURE includes behavior that poli sci ghouls understand and use to their advantage. It is an environment, not motives
It’s a lot to read 1,000 pages front to back.
Some people don’t know
It’s up to us all to empower
And help them grow
The theory is that cult thinking is broken by a person the cultist deeply & personally trusts bursting the disinformation bubble & knocking out all of the ready-made dismissal points.
The bleak future we face, isn't encouraging.
People really have to learn to read, because some information are only available in that format.
I wish I knew the answer to your question.
words are hard
Now that he’s elected you could also add actual EOs aligned w each issue
Even when they knew about Project 2025, they refuse to read it and accuse people of exaggeration.
But adults? No idea.
The MAGA didn't care what P25 said because they believed "dear leader" would protect them from harm. That, and far too many MAGA are illiterate anyway.
No clue the answer, just vague ideas.
GET people to read??
They don't know HOW to read!!
How do you get people to use critical thinking? Can it be taught?
I feel that’s why the cons like the uneducated. They’re more gullible and don’t investigate the info they receive.
But we are all a little bias and tend to look for info that supports our beliefs.
I’m just a middle school teacher so, I’m no expert, but maybe if we actually held a few kids back each year in grades K-3 when they just need more time to learn to read, we would have fewer illiterate adults? It’s only a handful of kids each year, but it adds up.