In his opening speech, Speaker Mike Johnson just recited a long prayer attributed to Thomas Jefferson.
As and others have pointed out, Jefferson never said any of this:
As and others have pointed out, Jefferson never said any of this:
- Thomas Jefferson
2. He’s a christian. They don’t do the Ten Commandments.
He believed JC existed & was a genius moral & spiritual teacher, but the enlightenment guys believed in the extraordinary abilities of Man.
I always think of their Jesus as MAGA.
I don't follow that Christ.
There's a difference between "we can't confirm that Jefferson ever said a word of this, and given what we know of his beliefs the attribution is wildly implausible" and "We know Jefferson never said this, here's the proof."
Otherwise, we could all make up quotes about dead people whenever we want, and historians would be powerless to argue.
That preachy twat should be on CBN where he belongs..
-Blame all problems on "aliens"
-Inflame bigotry against trans
-Vow revenge on critics
-Lie and cheat
-Abandon the sick and poor
-Embrace violence
-Proclaim faith and praise Jesus
This phony, mangled version of Christianity is just for show to manipulate gullible voters.
— Also Thomas Jefferson, probably
Oceania is
*White Males of Privilege.
I just finished "The People's History of the United States".
If it's sitting half-read on your shelf, ss it did on mine for 20 years, tough read, but it's time..
Our nation was built on a foundation of white privilege, class, wealth, racism and sexism. None resolved.
He's got 2 football games today.
They just want us to understand that there is no accountability.
The more they do what they want with no consequences, the worse they're going to get....
There is nothing they can't say or do to us.
"Fuck yourself in the face!"
Such is the legacy of Martin Luther: thou shalt proclaim righteous whatever FEELS right, and have unshakeable faith in a supernatural divine of your own personal conception.
Tangible, verifiable reality be damned. Literally damned.
He’s forgiven (by Jesus) so he can lie and mislead all he wants!!!
It only matters if people believe it.
A quick search gives no results.
Is this the Episcopal church's BCP? That would make more sense. We're the old Church of England, our founders were largely the US founding fathers.
Jefferson was spiritual, but not "Christian", and regarded Jesus as not diety but rather as the greatest philosopher of all time.
He took a razor to the Bible and today it is the Jefferson Bible.
(Big fan of Clay Jenkinson and The Thomas Jefferson Hour!)
Just today, I see Matt Gaetz posting about "Marshall law" not martial law; Trump whining about flags being at "half-mast" instead of half staff; and Johnson cribbing right-wing disinformation as he resumes as speaker of the US House of Representatives.
Reps have 5 legislative days to amend their comments during the rules debate, but I don't think they can amend their formal addresses.
Even after he heard about it.
Most clowns have staff who cover their asses on this sort of thing - speech writers?
Did his staffers quiet quit or something?
And no way does he know he was part of the Democratic-Republican Party. His head would be spinning on the floor as he barfed pea soup
3 accomplishments on his epitaph: 1) author of the Declaration of Independence, 2) author of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom, 3) founder of UVA.
(Everything else: spot on)
(Yeah, insane stuff!😒)
But not as free as a shameless willingness to lie
“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
It seems to me that the Magnificent Mike and his MAGA Minions are missing the point. But hey, I’m just a retired nurse who’s not as smart as all of them. 🙄
Thanks for this confirmation.