Google, 1998: We're going to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. Imagine the whole world's knowledge in your pocket!
Google 2024: Drink your own piss. Now eat glue.
Google 2024: Drink your own piss. Now eat glue.
Google, 2015: "You can make money without doing evil"
9 November 2021: Three former Google employees filed a lawsuit alleging that Google broke their own moral code by firing them as retaliation for their efforts against "evil"
Someone better be cataloging these lol.
Won't be long now before they notice they have to ack this publicly and pause/rejigger things. "Uhh, maybe we need a few more guardrails, umm."
Proper curation and earlier guidance, like one would do with any thing expected to learn (person, pet, plant, AI)... even pricier.
*its not safe
*Some mushrooms are not edible more than once.
--Terry Pratchett, but if I recall he stated he got it from somewhere else.
Then, a change of management and direction.
Right now the only thing they are doing right is making money.
He didn't mention ubiquitous surveillance and advertising.
However they do demonstrate that it isn't at all ready for prime time.
Looking back today, so glad I left after 2 years, nothing but shitification since.
Also, fuck their RTO
Someone pointed out that these AI models have been trained on The Onion and similar satire websites.
Google, 2024: Be very evil
Sorry, I'm old.
It probably exists and I just don't know about it because I'm so out of the loop on shit as I get older lol.
It's still Google 2024, just stripped of the junk.
2024: basically a slick sci-fi dystopian film villain
😅😅😅 I love you for this analogy.
Actual AI: