Just absurd. Like a committee of mosquitoes charged with keeping us safe from insect bites.
The US’s new AI Safety board. There are other names, but mostly tech CEOs.
The US’s new AI Safety board. There are other names, but mostly tech CEOs.
"Den Bock zum Gärtner machen"
the only politician should probably be the white house liaison, and imo there should not be even one c-suite member (& only CTO types should even have been considered)
Maya Wiley's the only person whose quote isn't disqualifying
really pathetic
what the fuck are we doing
Geoffery Hinton
Yann LeCunn
Ilya Sutskever
It's not hard to do better than "Literally a list of tech CEOs" at all, and suggesting otherwise implies being deeply uninformed
Oh, wait, no it doesn't:
1. AI Researchers and Scientists
2. Data Scientists and Statisticians
3. Cybersecurity Experts
4. Legal and Policy Experts
5. Industry Representatives
7. Public Representatives
8. Healthcare and Bioethics Experts
9. Environmental Scientists
10. Economists and Labor Experts
(and after I asked about philosophers, it agreed and added)
11. Philosophers and Moral Philosophers
"While this list includes influential leaders with substantial knowledge and resources, it may lack the diversity of expertise necessary for comprehensive AI safety governance."
Huh, ya think?
So I asked it to run a Monte Carlo simulation using some base assumptions:
Dystopian Future: ~29.7%
Balanced Future: ~50.2%
Optimistic Future: ~20.1%
LLMs are generally going to agree with suggestions because it's going to scrape documents which have your suggestions in it.
"Including professionals from diverse backgrounds, such as plumbers or other skilled tradespeople, can indeed provide unique and valuable insights."
They can't possibly fuck us better than we've fucked ourselves.
Just start your hardcopy resource library right now because online ref material is going to be contaminated.
after ali, main media for political discussions and opinion are in few private (us) hands
...they mean protection for the interests of wealthy donors & themselves, not you.
Doesn't matter which side of politics they're on, it's the same across the world.