In terms of sympathy, or lack there of, right after Latino men who voted for Trump, and Arab-Amercans who voted for Trump, and the 45% of women who voted for Trump, thoughts and prayers to members of the media who built Trump up for ratings and book deals.
It's hard to imagine a worse scenario for the US right now. We've handed the keys to the most unqualified, incompetent, and destructive individuals imaginable.
Donald Trump is a mushroom; He thrives in shit. This is who he truly is; an angry, stupid, and sociopathic man-child who will destroy his toys rather than share them with others. He has, thus, raped and destroyed everything he touches. Now, he holds our lives in the balance. He must be stopped.
“Before mass leaders seize the power to fit reality to their lies, their propaganda is marked by its extreme contempt for facts as such, for in their opinion fact depends entirely on the power of man who can fabricate it.”
— Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
You are assuming the constitution will hold. It may not. Look to Russia, that is their model, where assassinations and arrests of journalists are common.
Since these "conspirators" only exist in their imagination, it sounds like dissent will not be tolerated. I wonder how many giant media corps. will voluntarily obey. I'd guess most.
Of course, bc in their wicked ways of "thinking" and "talking" "free speech" always meant "censorship of the libs". Good is bad, and bad is good, that is what the cult "knows".
We need a call to action. This is treasonous behavior and should be treated as such. You don't treat citizens as enemies because you don't agree with what they have to say or how they vote.
Admitting to crimes in advance. I feel like he should be locked up for just saying that.. i mean the first amendment can't be used to protect someone trying to destroy the first amendment, right?
Legacy media made a calculated decision that their Q3 and Q4 2024 profits would be great as a result of a competitive election, even if it meant all their journalists would be arrested and their broadcast licenses thrown into a bonfire.
Fascist and Nazi if there ever was but American-style. Who would have ever believed that the country that was instrumental in bringing down the Nazis would spawn its own version some 80 years after a war that killed some 55 million people that only died because of Fascism
Come after them and do what? Just lock them up? Any charges would go to trial and how much $$ will be wasted as these are toss one after the other because discovery is just not a channel on cable
Those talking heads in the media who endlessly talked about the “horse race” and whether Harris was doing enough interviews better lawyer up and have their bags packed. Patel is coming for them. #SorryNotSorry
Conspirators of what? Of Federal workers and the Free Press calling out The Convicted Felon’s lies, threats, and promises of insane retribution? Bring it on Patel, you little fascist F**k. You and your fellow MAGAs are not going to turn America into a Christofascist nation.
No. Under half the voters who showed up voted for whatever they had heard, which includes a vast array of targetted messages tailored to incite special interests.
They did not vote for "this."
If we, as a country, allow the incoming President to let loose the FBI as his personal tool to attack his rivals in government, journalists who report about him unfavorably, and private citizens that the President simply dislikes, then in all truth, we have completely failed as a free society.
Last time Trump was in power ‘he didn’t do any of that stuff’. His apologists will say. Forgetting that was because there those in place round him to say, ‘
‘No sir, you can’t do that. It’s against the constitution/illegal/ this is dangerous not Democratic’.. etc.
This time there won’t be
Ah. Yes.
Also known as the honest people, you know, the ones who deal in actual facts
The Kash Patels of the world are the conspiracy theorists 🙄
Thank our F’d up American way of life by letting corporate media and millionaires play games with our democracy. This needs to change, it’s time we start talking about it, and do something about it. It’s a serious problem in this country.
Now our only hope is Father Time.
— Hannah Arendt, The Origins of Totalitarianism
- this is Trump’s party of revenge. Should just rename themselves.
They never say … and what.
Unless there is a law against journalism.. tell me all about the “and what”
They’re a bunch of drama queens throwing around social tension using weirdo threats.
Getting things onto State docket and through the system takes time.
Anything that goes up to Supreme Court takes even more, and they see how many cases per year? 150 of the 1000s proposed?
2 years isn’t that long in court time.
The 2024 election portends trial and trauma for America and the world. Take all the time you need to process, grieve, and rage.
Then steel your spine and resolve to resist.
Naah, jk, IDGAF what they think.
They haven't seen anything yet
This will be a scary 4 years for the media.
They did not vote for "this."
‘No sir, you can’t do that. It’s against the constitution/illegal/ this is dangerous not Democratic’.. etc.
This time there won’t be
Also known as the honest people, you know, the ones who deal in actual facts
The Kash Patels of the world are the conspiracy theorists 🙄