1. In April 2024, California raised the minimum wage for fast food chains to $20/hour
The industry claimed it would be devastating & require significant job cuts and prices increases
Here is what really happened: workers got a raise, prices went modestly, and the industry continued to add jobs
The industry claimed it would be devastating & require significant job cuts and prices increases
Here is what really happened: workers got a raise, prices went modestly, and the industry continued to add jobs
If they don't want to staff up to provide the goods and services they'll just lose out to competition who will provide them and run themselves out of business.
Businesses expand when they have paying customers
Something we used to understand when labor shared in productivity gains
This is a lie.
One issue is that this period was before the law even went into effect.
But it gets worse
It’s the holidays.
They respond, "well thats different"
Just your basic stupid know nothing owners complaining.
Everyone contributes. Only some benefit.
Even with decreasing sales, total revenue went up 2% and profit continued to increase.
It's like paying front-line employees a meager wage doesn't effect anything other than their lives.
When Henry Ford paid his workers the unprecedented sum of $5 a day in 2014, more than doubling the previous wage.
The corporate media at the time were sure he would go bust.
The exact opposite happened, Ford prospered. Henry Ford's defects don't negate this
20$ MINIMUM wage literally means for nobody to make less than that.
It’s not ditch digging but it’s a JOB. It’s WORK, and it’s important work!
Who cares if it’s entry level? So is construction. You can temp on construction sites tomorrow.
There’s a lot more to working service jobs than ‘flipping burgers’.
Are the fast food workers bills more than everyone else. If not then why pay them more? No equality or logic in the Democrat mind.
There’s no such thing as ‘unskilled labor’, even working fast food can be a difficult, fast paced job.
On top of that, there are many places where fast food are some of the few options to work at.
What then? Do they not deserve living wage?
16 in California is not a living wage.
Not only high schoolers work fast food, and even if it was, shouldn’t they get ample opportunity to save money for the future?
What’s next, universal healthcare won’t result in subpar care?
Stick that to the GOP
No one hates poor people more than they do
You mean the Capitalists were trying to hoard the wealth for absolutely NO REASON?
Someone should tell them they don't need to be as greedy.
It's just bad economic logic that's being pushed on wages -- wages keeping up with inflation would simply lead to more sales and higher wages across the board.
NYC needs to raise our mim wage as well.
Still, we haven't had to install suicide netting on our workplaces, but that may be cultural.. we react to intolerable stress with deadly violence rather than direct suicide.
My only question is though did they raise the price of their products to combat having to pay more in wages? Because we know CEO’s and the super rich involved ain’t taking it out of their billion dollar pockets and decreasing the wealth gap that continually gets wider and wider…
"98% California fast-food restaurants said they raised menu prices."
Now a price increase of even a single cent is contributing to that 98% figure.
The IRLE article says that there will be a slight increase, so this doesn't disprove anything.
It didn't trickle anywhere... didn't buy gold bricks ... get stuffed in some island account...
It got spent... bottom up economics.. 😉
I can get a McMuffin and McGriddle in Arizona for $5.00, but I found a McDonald's in California that sells $.89 cheeseburgers on Tuesdays.
They just raised their prices.
Don't make a burger, sell a franchise so some other sucker pays for the privilege of making your burgers.
The world didn't end, nor did it end when we made 5 paid sick days mandatory.
His take home pay is better than what I made as an admin asst in the final year before I retired. It's not as much per month as my social security (thank God I made a good living except for those last few years!).
It's almost as if higher wages are better for the economy. Whodathunkit?
The world didn’t end.
As opposed to billionaires and oligarchs who are hoarders and want to avoid paying tax.
All with an average price increase for 2 ppl of 1-2 dollars a meal. No brainer
Minimum wage:
Pennsylvania $7.25
Arizona $14.35
Little Caesars Pizza
Pennsylvania $6.99
Arizona $6.49
Notice anything?🤔🤔🤔
"This is a lie."
Living wages, health care, and PTO ffs ❤️
Trickle-down failed, so we know that there's an income level where more money doesn't get spent in the community.. instead it's hoarded.
15 cents on a $4 sandwich
How will my kids eat?
Too bad you weren't educated enough to get the jist of what I was saying.
I’m just dramatizing people’s reactions to fast food, of all things, having its prices increased. As if that’s a reason some people don’t deserve to earn a more livable wage.
I agree, increasing market prices reactionarily to wage increases should not be allowed.
Have a good day!
We'd all do a lot better if we stopped listening to people whose profit margins are on the line and more to those working hard and still suffering.
Unregulated capitalism ends in monopoly and oligopoly, reverting to feudalism. There's a reason that in so many centuries, the term "landed lord" only merged into one word.
How about, don't live on fast food, stupid.