Russia did that to all the GOP members. Some retired, some left when payback time came. The rest are scared. They are screwed either way. Abolish Citizens United.
I despise a group of people as I do all Republicans and Magda morons from Trump on down.
Cannot think of one good thing about any Republican . spineless weasels and or traitors to what this country used to stand for. They believe in power over Country. All are traitors to this country to me
😒Yes..I spent a little (very little) time this morning, musing about how to rename Americans to merge with Russians. That’ll do…hope the MAGA base approve. 👍🏻
Definitely does NOT look like that one guest at a dinner party who doesn't really know anyone, sat quietly on the couch all night and then watches the hosts get into a fight, and now wants to leave but doesn't know how. Nope doesn't look like that guy at all.
That right there is inefficiency what is Rubio bringing to that table? In most countries the secretary of state drives diplomatic channels not staying in the room with the grownups before he can go back to playing his Gameboy
Hi all ..ive been looking for any video of how the meeting actually finished .. eg did they shake hands and leave ..or did zelensky got up and left ?? any links appreciated
He is an absolute nothing burger. He almost looked like he knew what they were doing to Zelenskyy was wrong but he didn’t have the balls to speak up. Shameful and Complicit!!
Little Marco holds this position in name only. He is a useful idiot that will say and do what Trump tells him to.
The cabinet is made up of spineless sycophants.
A Father and Husband: How will they cope when Rubio falls beyond recognition? For being a traitor to our Country, democracy, and onboards with Putin and Russia?
It was planned Trump and Vance. What a coward. When are congress & senate going to take control back from Trump & Musk. When are they going to do their jobs? Will it take invading an allied country? Jailing media? Jailing citizens? Jailing politicians? What does it take? Your silence is deafening.
it's not good for anyone, including myself, to feel this much disappointment towards a country I once respected. This isn't hatred. This is complete disappointment, and it will take me a long time to even consider visiting the USA
Thank you for your kindness.
This disappointment is natural and I wouldn't blame Canada or anyone in any country PINO has betrayed, if they *did* hate us all. I try hard not to hate the MAGAs, but don't always succeed.
Yeah…great job on your first Bilat Marco…super job. Put that on your Support Form…”First SofS to bring a shouting match to the Oval Office.” Anyone with honor would immediately resign.
I had stated in my email that none of Trump's nominees were qualified as their allegiance and loyalty would be to Trump only and not to the country or Constitution. /3
Schiff sent me a self serving reply that he would evaluate each cabinet nominee based on their "merits" and he would vote to confirm those he thought were qualified. /2
And every Democratic Senator voted to confirm this POS as the Secretary of State. I emailed both of my CA Senators that Rubio was a Trump sycophant and did not deserve to be confirmed. /1
Just waiting for Trump to announce in retaliation to Ukraine's unprovoked attack on Russia 🙄 he's decided to help replenish Putin's military stockpile so he can go ahead and invade the US with it.
I think we're getting close. Putin played a perfect hand. I think we are now 100% Russian controlled now and Trump is the joystick. Dimwit Trump has been led to believe he's gonna have some equal seat at the alpha male table and he's oblivious that he's been played.
If Trump was the president of Ukraine, Ukraine would have long been annexed by Russia, because on the first day of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Trump would have fled into exile, or surrendered to Putin and ceded territory.
Another bootlicker in training...what is so attractive in doing so...what is the you think he is having second thoughts on setting up the ambush on President Zelensky today?...bigger betrayal of U.S. interests than the Rosenburg's passing nuclear secrets to Russia in 1945?
Look at his face, body language. Conscience is eating him. Of course if his conscience was 100% he never would have accepted the job in the first place.
When, exactly, did the Republican Party stop believing in democracy and ally itself with Russia and other authoritarian countries like North Korea, China, and Hungary? The US’s UN vote against Ukraine was very shocking, indeed.
Worth noting the Federalist Society was born around that time too, and quickly began influencing GOP platform and policy. This one's been in the crockpot a good, long time.
Thank you. I have been trying to remember the name of the "other" one for about a week. Founded April 23, 1982. I'm "of an age" but also there's only so much horror that my brain can hold.
We were told that there was a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Doesn't sound so wacked-out feminazi now does it?
Especially when you really break out the conspiracy theory string board and realize that Trump's business mentor was McCarthy's lead counsel in the Army hearings — Roy Cohn. Roger Ailes was Nixon's PR man, and went on to found Fox and built Rush Limbaugh. Both were strong supporters of both orgs.
Cannot think of one good thing about any Republican . spineless weasels and or traitors to what this country used to stand for. They believe in power over Country. All are traitors to this country to me
Truly shitty people.
wearing his dad’s suit
Every Democrat who confirmed his nomination should f’cking apologize.
Lol as if we'd get that idiot out of the situation he willingly put himself in.
His grandma told him to "sit there like a good boy."
You're being kind.
I was going for "spineless prick."
I guess I'll have to settle for your description.
I can live with it.
Until we die from being bombed.
I HATE that for him. what a terrible human you’ve CHOSEN to be.
He looks like a jellyfish in a suit.
The cabinet is made up of spineless sycophants.
Looking for pathetic, weak and cowardly pieces of shit for the trump administration. Please apply within with the head piece of shit in charge.
BTW, thanks for being better at that whole boycott thing than the US will ever be. You guys rock.
Don't worry he cheated
Sooner or later those big Macs need to start doing their job.
This disappointment is natural and I wouldn't blame Canada or anyone in any country PINO has betrayed, if they *did* hate us all. I try hard not to hate the MAGAs, but don't always succeed.
He knows what he is.
We were told that there was a "vast right-wing conspiracy." Doesn't sound so wacked-out feminazi now does it?
C'mon you SOS, resign like a GD man!