Six years ago, literally nobody asked me what my advice would be for new teachers starting in September.
So I told them.
And now, years later, still nobody has asked me.
So here it is again
#uked #ukteaching #edusky
So I told them.
And now, years later, still nobody has asked me.
So here it is again
#uked #ukteaching #edusky
I fear it might not have been as motivating as I intended
So here’s a link that works hopefully
Practise your bemused face for when a child doesn’t follow your instruction.
This is the first time that this has ever happened and you’re not cross, you’re just baffled.
All children, whatever their age, respond well to ‘warm-strict’.
Clear boundaries create security and safety.
You can never be *too explicit* about your expectations.
Tell them what you expect, and tell them why.
Then STICK to it (they *will* test them)
If the overall behaviour in your classroom isn’t how you expect it to be, don’t call out a child who is doing something wrong.
Instead pause, scan the room and find a child who is doing the right thing (there will be loads) and publicly shout them out.
You must stop what the class is doing, gain their attention, reiterate your expectations, and then congratulate those who were doing this well.
It’s fine to have fun.
Find moments to - unapologetically - engage in short, joyful activities.
Sing. Agree a name for the class plant. Build a team culture. Don’t pretend they’re learning content through this.
And when it’s time to work hard, do that unapologetically too.
Never do a job yourself that can be delegated to a Sensible Child.
This is most jobs.
Assume good will. Be generous with colleagues, and yourself.
Everyone is working damn hard. Harder than most other professionals could ever dream of. You’re getting a lot done and making a big difference.
There will always be more that can be done.
More excellent ideas here for the new school year.