WTF is wrong with him?! He's got more money than ANYONE and he's doing serious harm to millions of people who just want to survive. And he has to post *this*?
Having lived overseas for more than two decades now, VOA was a beacon of truth in places where that was rare from the media. WTF.
According to Wikipedia:
The Voice of America Firewall was put in place with the 1976 VOA Charter and laws passed in 1994 and 2016 as a way of ensuring the integrity of VOA's journalism.
This policy fights against propaganda and promotes unbiased and objective journalistic standards in the agency. The charter is one part of this firewall and the other laws assist in ensuring high standards of journalism.[109][110]
According to former VOA correspondent Alan Heil, the internal policy of VOA News is that any story broadcast must have two independently corroborating sources or have a staff correspondent witness an event.[111]
Someone who memes this much and yet still doesn’t understand that memes are supposed to be self-contained and self-explanatory. That’s the whole point. But you’d have no way of knowing who he’s even referring to based on this.
Musk & Trump are two dangerous mentally ill persons. Americans, you must delete these crazy lunatics. They are destroying your country from within and consolidating a fascist regime.
Elons dream is be the coolest guy in the room always. He’s a complete dork so he thinks money & power will make him cool by default (dork move)
He should remain alive so the Earth can remind him constantly what an obscene dork he is and that he’ll never achieve his true dreams.
Well you asking me to imagine sleeping with that dorkpig loser has now definitely killed any libido I might’ve had AND put me off lunch.
At least that photo will help me drop a couple of pounds 🤢🤢🤢
Do you see that cogwheel in all his graphics for his assigned agencies = directly traceable to Third Reich NAZI useage‼️ Elonovitchski believes We The People are too ignorant to know this…this is why they are phucking with education, fascists fear a knowledgeable populace‼️‼️‼️
Celebrated by idiots everywhere. VOA helped end the fucking Cold War you morons. Elon might just be the second dumbest person in America next to Trump.
The US had a policy of pro-democracy messaging for decades. That was shared with largely undemocratic nations and helped fuel the people to stand up against communism. Is that propaganda? So what? People should choose their own governments. We used to believe in that. Is it more complicated? Yes.
I mean he is incredibly dumb but he’s going after every agency that he feels has “hurt” him in some way and/or those he can take over with his companies products. It’s a wholesale government takeover that won’t end until all the people stand up.
That Putin calls it propaganda doesn't change the fact that it actually is and was propaganda, and, unlike what everyone here is trying to delude themselves about, it was pro-US, pro-capitalist propaganda that is no much better than RT, Sputnik and all the other BS propaganda outlets.
I hate that we're allowing this man that steal our money. We all need to just sit down, look at our schedules and pick a good day to all show up in DC and be done with this.
I saw the bottom part of the screenshot first and thought it was an anti-Musk meme. It was not until a couple seconds later when I saw that Elon Musk himself posted it, apparently being too dumb to realize that he just owned himself.
Why is he trying to act so cool 💔🪫🥀. He first named it DOGE bc he thought it was cool but really he ruined it, now he’s naming it DOPE bc he really thought it was cool. He doesn’t realize that doge is a famous Shiba Inu dog breed named Kabosu, and he doesn’t realize that dope is… weed, not a cat.
I know several smart and articulate 14 year old boys who are empathetic and kind. Musk’s problem is that he is immature, it’s that he lacks any sort of empathy, and is determined to destroy everything that made the US a world leader to “own the libs.” He is pure evil driven by wanting to harm.
Let’s not lose sight of the fact that these are real people losing their jobs, jobs they care about, jobs that pay their bills. These aren’t abstract bureaucrats, they are your neighbors and fellow Americans. And this guy childishly celebrates putting them out of work. Based on lies. FTG
They want to destroy democracy, the USA, cull the elderly, sick, poor & disabled, divide the USA into mini countries ruled by billionaires, crash the economy & eliminate the middle class, ALL regulations, create a feudal system, super rich & slaves
Frankly idgaf anymore. Bunch of federal agencies workforce votes for gopscum for decades now. And gopscum never changed the msg . So fk them. They just couldnt see themselves being affected.
He is the stupidest man in all of recorded modern history and deserves to be hung for his active flaunting of committing more acts of high treason against this nation than I even care to keep track of anymore - or see what hoarding wealth does at expenses of others like happened in France.
I knew we were going to have to deal with their bad governing, their authoritarianism, their corruption, their callousness, and their self-serving pillaging, but I didn't realize we'd have to listen to their terrible attempts at humor. Surely these alleged geniuses can tell a decent joke?
That dude is so high all the time. I cannot fathom why or how people convince themselves to fall in line behind this type of banal evil. I will never get it.
1) Rupert Murdoch may have been born in Australia, but he's now an American citizen who renounced his Australian citizenship in 1985. Own your problems.
2) It seems rather pathetic to use "commie" for any political philosophy you don't like.
Ah yes Rupert Murdoch, famously supportive of the banning of Christianity, the dissolution of private enterprise, and firing of all CEOs in favor of autonomous workers' collectives. Of course.
He may be a smart mechanical engineer but he has ZERO emotional smarts, ZERO understanding of what it means to be an American, and is acting like an evil person.
Once again Elon takes the side of Putin, and all the communist and authoritarian governments who hated VOA for spreading democracy. Trump has a foreigner calling American values 'propaganda'.
This terrible illegal immigrant is laughing at America as it allows him to steal, insult, belittle vets, intimidate, and destroy the country. It truly is heartbreaking. 🇨🇦
He's either in Putin's pocket and has dirt on DJT that he's controlling him with, or he's stubbornly pursuing his granddaddy's wet dream of Technocracy Inc.
He's definitely in collusion with Russia -- to a very strong degree. Whether that's self-serving or Putin-serving or both - who knows?
I realise this isn’t a particularly incisive viewpoint, anyone with a degree of intelligence will have already come to this conclusion but I find it curious that he continues to do his thing with complete lack of self-awareness
I think some of you folks are missing the point. VOA was a *competitor* to his propaganda on Twitter and soon to be TikTok. He wants to control the message. And since most of the world hates him...(full in the blank)
Sweet, leave a vacuum so russia/ccp can push their bullshit. So now china can finish eradicating, checks notes, millions of muslims. Yea, awful free speech propaganda. Wouldnt want that.
That logo is actually hilarious troll of "DOGE," playing as it does on the stupidity of the name. And Musk seemingly has no clue about his irony? Ha. Double ha.
Soft power was the only genuinely effective power the USA had, and the most effective tool of US capital. Amazing that an arch capitalist doesn't understand this.
He realizes it for sure! He’s acting like a teenager partially because that’s who his base is and partially because it makes him seem stupid and therefore less menacing. Governments are the only impediment his brand of corporatocracy. He has Twitter now. No need for other media
they'll need to launch elon's corpse into space when he dies because if he is buried his bones will never dry out, just forever awash in a neverending stream of piss - yes, even if they bury him on mars we will invent 'piss in space' tech for this sole purpose
Ya know, I used to think it was impossible to hate anyone more than I hate Donald Trump, but mfkg Elon Musk has beaten the everloving sh*t out of that idea.
Like seriously, has there anyone less cool and more of a pathetic douche who deserves to get their ass kicked and only be remembered forever as a pants shitting loser?
The termination of RFA’s grant is a reward to dictators and despots, including the Chinese Communist Party, who would like nothing better than to have their influence go unchecked in the information space.
--Bay Fang, RFA’s President and CEO
While VOA is a stupid propaganda arm and deserves to be destroyed it really can't be understated just how fucking lame Elon is.
He thinks this shit is funny because he never aged (mentally) past 15.
The ironic thing is that VOA is, explicitly, a propaganda outlet. But it's pro-America propaganda. Elon and other Trumpers hate it because they actually hate American.
Funny, the guy who spent $44 billion to create a global propaganda outlet to push his own agenda and ban criticism of himself calling someone else out for ‘propaganda’.
The National Press Club, a leading representative group for US journalists, said the order "undermines America's long-standing commitment to a free and independent press".
"If an entire newsroom can be sidelined overnight, what does that say about the state of press freedom?
Also, someone should play around with the weird gratuitous stars. They feel like either an AI hallucination or a code. Morse or other basic cipher? Could be nothing, but they love their winky little codes, don't they?
Trump calls peaceful Tesla protesters ‘domestic terrorists’ & threatens them? You just lit a fire under this movement. It’s getting bigger, louder, & stronger. We won’t back down, & we won’t be silenced—you haven’t seen anything yet. #TeslaTakeDown
He isn’t American! He is breaking the law! DEPORT HIM! Who would in a million years let this guy put a neurolink in their brain. Do you think the Dogeball kids have neuralinks?
Having lived overseas for more than two decades now, VOA was a beacon of truth in places where that was rare from the media. WTF.
The Voice of America Firewall was put in place with the 1976 VOA Charter and laws passed in 1994 and 2016 as a way of ensuring the integrity of VOA's journalism.
Let's see how he likes being refunded
and your doggie come to steal
dept. of grifting everyday
get your sad ass on your way.
The man barely sleeps. You know he isn’t bathing either.
This is not a metaphor.
He should remain alive so the Earth can remind him constantly what an obscene dork he is and that he’ll never achieve his true dreams.
The Elon “dancing” gif makes a “depressed clown crying” sound to me.
At least that photo will help me drop a couple of pounds 🤢🤢🤢
Also, You people? Get fucked.
He’s making sure that he and Krasnov deliver the US to the Kremlin and his Saudi owners on a silver platter
Vladimir Putin.
I can see why Elon would be cheering about putting an end to that.
What else would you expect it to be? And are you suggesting that VoA had a level of dishonesty similar to RT or Sputnik?
Musk is anti-democracy as well as Trump. Sad day for America.
1st because it is not a legitimate govt dept & Musk & his hackers have never been vetted
the USA?
What can possibly go wrong?
If Trump was using it to disseminate press releases you'd be screaming for the end of it.
3AM he's not snoozing peacefully, spooned up with his wife/GF. He's shitposting, high as fuck on ketamine.
That's some life his billions bought him. Fucking clown.
And btw, going after Voice of America? If there are any judges and lawyers in the crowd, yeah, that's suppression of the press and free speech.
And they want to kill us
They want to destroy democracy, the USA, cull the elderly, sick, poor & disabled, divide the USA into mini countries ruled by billionaires, crash the economy & eliminate the middle class, ALL regulations, create a feudal system, super rich & slaves
Voice of America was the beacon of hope for millions of oppressed people behind the Iron Curtain and other authoritarian states.
Now do Russia Today and Boer’s Almanac
2) It seems rather pathetic to use "commie" for any political philosophy you don't like.
Point 2 still stands.
He's definitely in collusion with Russia -- to a very strong degree. Whether that's self-serving or Putin-serving or both - who knows?
His propaganda machine is breaking down as he's being unmasked and exposed for what he is. Every single day. Globally.
And we can see it's working because he's becoming more and more urgent/desperate.
I realise this isn’t a particularly incisive viewpoint, anyone with a degree of intelligence will have already come to this conclusion but I find it curious that he continues to do his thing with complete lack of self-awareness
They may have to ask the BBC for a favor
I do feel shitty about losing VOA though.
A Peter Pan but an asshole kind
Like seriously, has there anyone less cool and more of a pathetic douche who deserves to get their ass kicked and only be remembered forever as a pants shitting loser?
This is where WE ALL need to be as we face this moment.
--Bay Fang, RFA’s President and CEO
Most of us view him as loathsome, despicable, and revolting.
Not cute, not funny, and certainly not bright.
He thinks this shit is funny because he never aged (mentally) past 15.
This name is pretty accurate.
And they want to kill us
They hate VOA because it competes with their own, explicitly fascist, western propaganda.
We are not the same.
Dipshits On Government Expenses
"If an entire newsroom can be sidelined overnight, what does that say about the state of press freedom?
Elon is vol kak.