and we need to help them, not treat them as potential terrorists. All the help we can give now will be gratefully received and is goodwill in the bank for the future.
I feel like this will be America one day when we weed out the corruption and get rid of all the blood suckers in the Senate and House. ✊🏼🇺🇸✊🏼
It looks beautiful and promising. It represents hope and joy!
Congrats to the Syrian people I have been rooting for since I found out what was going on 💙
I’m Worried—The Leader At This Time—Is Allowing Russia To Stay.
Russia And Iran —Murdered Syrian Civilians And Fought For Assad’s Regime To Keep Power. Russia/Iran Also Enriched Themselves With Syrians Resources. While Civilians Struggled To Feed And Shelter Themselves! Enemy- Now A Friend-To Who?
I’ll give it 6 months before an Islamic mullah takes over and these ignorant, superstitious cunts become another thing for us to worry about in the west. 😂😂😂
The greatest threat to their newly won liberty is religion.
This video reminds me of the overthrow of the Shah of Iran.
They also celebrated but soon the religion of Islam took control.
That is history. Do not ignore it.
Maybe the Americans could learn a thing or two from the Syrians.
Once corrupt authoritarian leaders like trump are elected it's very difficult to remove them. Trump is already talking a 3rd or unlimited terms. Taking power by force not unlike the Assad regime.
It's cool that they were able to get rid of that asshole but usually what happens in the mideast is that they get replaced by some equally and sometimes worse asshole. I pray that they're able to keep there shit together but I'm not holdingy breath.
They deserve that so much and I am so happy for them.Every man,woman and child on this planet should be able to live in peace and harmony and not be oppressed;not even for one minute🤔
Free? You never were free, and you'll likely never find freedom on the prison planet. Like all humans, you are a commodity to be farmed for money through consumption and taxes when not actively at work.
I counted 4. More than some countries, but when women aren’t represented, the country belongs to extremists. Male domination is terrorism and suffocates the world.
Not just for Kyiv but Georgia, Belarus,Russia and China,Iran all countries that their people want freedom and not be prosecuted for opposing their tyrant government (but that’s a massive dream
Hate to be the bearer of bad news for you but most of the rest of the world is sliding in the opposite direction and doing so voluntarily. People need to understand what they are voting for before going to the ballot box. Voting doesn’t make you a good citizen. Informed voting does.
I pray and hope they will not be influence again by powerful country to be killing each others again. They should just concentrate on Re building. And remain non alliance nation.
There is a much needed debate about non violent versus physical resistance. Ad Rudyard Kipling once wrote, “If evil men were not now and then slain, this would be no world for weapon less dreamers.”
It is, indeed. It's also very concerning because another war criminal wants to use that as an excuse for gobbling up not only Syria, but also its neighbor to the south, where I still live. 🙄
This is my fear. I remember all the celebrations after the Arab Spring. Fast forward a year, and it was business as usual, with a new set of monsters at the top.
Girls and boys both go to school in Syria. There have been systemic problems for education for both sexes due to the conflict. There is an issue with young marriage for girls but quite frankly, the US has that problem as well. Before the conflict 97% of school age Syrians were in school.
Syrian people from many different perspectives (Muslims, Christians, Jews, Agnostics, Atheists etc.) opposed the Assad family rule. For more than 50 years. The vast majority of Syrians also oppose IS and the like.
I went back and watched the video. Nope. Still no women. Pretty sure the young Syrian women who were and are denied an education and required to marry young and serve their husbands do not think I’m being too “harsh”
It will take like 20 years for Syria to even start recovering from 13 years of civil war and that’s before we discuss deep rooted issues in Syrian society.
While I celebrate Syria’s emancipation from Assad, I cannot, in good conscience celebrate Syria until Syrian women are also emancipated from a regressive, abusive, and misogynistic existence
I certainly hope that neighborhood country will leave Syrians alone and let them govern without oppression. But unfortunately, it’s pre-determined that it won’t happen.
This is going to last about a fortnight before the warlords go for each others throats. So enjoy the moment of "peace" before the next round begins. Look to Afghanistan, Iran, and Libya for wondrous examples of "freedom". That said, I wish them bon chance.
All you have to say is they have a chance at freedom from oppression it’s different when a goon squad snatches you from your home and you spend 25 years in captivity while your family has no idea where you are if even alive …. Freedom as the Syrians go it’s not free but so essential
Make no mistake. The weak transitinal power will be corrupted by wealthy nations and their oligarchs. There is zero chance Syria will be a stable democracy. I wouldnt be surprised if Assad returns in a few years.
We have Zelanskyy to shower with gratitude for the defeat of Assad.
50 years. That's two whole generations and into the third. That's 2075 for the US. The horror.
The legacy of that sh*thead McConman.
Bet Tulsi is upset over their new found freedom.Scary they want to appoint her for intelligence in the U.S. Call or write your representatives and make sure she doesn't .
Isn’t this what we said about Saddam Hussein? And look at the results. Nearly the entire Christian community in Iraq became refugees and fled to other countries.
I hope they understand that freedom is not merely independence from Assad. Freedom requires freedom of speech, freedom of religion, equality for women, and a free press and democracy. The jury is out.
The guy that was head of the militia that took over insists women around him wear a headscarf. So all the women reporters complied. Only the Kurdish area of Northern Syria do women have all the rights as men. Unfortunately Turkey wants to destroy that area
It’s nice they are smart enough to include women and have a peaceful celebration. But I can’t be tolerant of any countries where women are deemed as inferior, unequal and nearly invisible. Maybe they will form a democracy?
I appreciate your thoughts about Syria and I share your hope! As American women, we have many challenges here and I fear it will get worse. We must activate and resist!
That’s great if they can keep it. The Middle East doesn’t have a great track record of keeping democracy in their government. They seem to be content being led by dictators.
It looks beautiful and promising. It represents hope and joy!
Congrats to the Syrian people I have been rooting for since I found out what was going on 💙
Russia And Iran —Murdered Syrian Civilians And Fought For Assad’s Regime To Keep Power. Russia/Iran Also Enriched Themselves With Syrians Resources. While Civilians Struggled To Feed And Shelter Themselves! Enemy- Now A Friend-To Who?
This video reminds me of the overthrow of the Shah of Iran.
They also celebrated but soon the religion of Islam took control.
That is history. Do not ignore it.
Once corrupt authoritarian leaders like trump are elected it's very difficult to remove them. Trump is already talking a 3rd or unlimited terms. Taking power by force not unlike the Assad regime.
But women.
We do have the 2nd Amendment...
Help them choose their next sustainable government.
In other words butt out.
And keep trump’s dirty hands out of it.
Maybe, there should be more of them, but I feel like we are being a bit too harsh on Syria which is trying to move on from its failed state status.
50 years. That's two whole generations and into the third. That's 2075 for the US. The horror.
The legacy of that sh*thead McConman.
We are almost there ourselves 🫣
Also close to losing our democracy 😟