Wealthy Teen Nearly Experiences Consequence
Fixed it.
He'd be 34 now..
Or a junior Senator voting in lockstep.
This is why they hate DEI. If someone qualified got his place in that college and they were smarter, worked harder, a woman, a POC, well that just wouldn’t be fair to the almost flunked HS affluent white kid.
People having enough money to escape consequences is bad for society.
Personally i would have liked an “until his parents applied influence” or similar. I feel most people need things being explained now.
2) 51% of the vote is a pathetic showing against a loathsome creature like Trump. A good candidate should have won against him in a landslide.
There’s really nothing that money can’t buy these days, even people, their honor, integrity and self respect, if they had that at all to begin with.
Like Trump, using acquittal as license to do worse.
Two years for just killing 4 people and escaping to Mexico?
The poor child.
Won't they think of the poor boys future? /S
We must absolve the wealthy, reprehensible white teens of their parental plutocratic turd buffet that runs the USA.
He tried changing his name too. Paul Teal. Formerly known as Paul Bernardo, the Scarborough rapist
Nope. Not happening, dude.
What's the big deal? Dad will just hire three new house keepers.